*spoilers* - Including genocide in your story and refusing to properly address it is disgusting Blizzard!

There are a few left, in the streets of stormwind but that doesn’t change the fact that the Night Elves have been completely destroyed beyond recovery. They are near extinct, their lands are gone and destroyed, they didn’t get any revenge or justice - also no rebuilding efforts - and now their leader has to die too… all of that just so the Horde could fight a glorious war, get new land and Sylvanas and Saurfang can be heroes…

They have already been voice acted though and the message is clear that Tyrande will die because of these powers and this can’t be prevented.

Depends on their actual population numbers. I think 80-90% of the race died if not more.

Even more, I’m wondering how Illidan will react.

Like you would know? Silvermoon is still standing and the damage done to it was before you were even playable. And your faction leader is still very much intact, Lor’themar seems pretty secure and unlikely to ever get killed off.

Kael’thas dosen’t count since he was never even horde, he’s actually an alliance hero.

EDIT: I’d like to point out Nightelves have allready had one faction leader go evil and be killed off in game, Tyrande dieing will make us the first race to have TWO faction leaders killed off in the span of the game events.


Missing the for the trees. The Worgen were just as big a threat to the kingdom of Gilneas, and if they didn’t learn to control the transformation, would’ve been destroyed from within.

BFA was the last jedi of the warcraft franchise. An absolute travesty that might very well be the decline of the franchise unless they can reinvent or get back to what made warcraft great.

The warcraft franchise was at its peak in WC3-WOTLk. The redemption arc of the horde which was very very different form wc1 and wc2.

Blizzard seem to be more inclined to go down the wc1 and 2 line, which frankly is not fun to play through from a horde perspective and even less so from the alliance one. No idea why the want to tell cliche fantasy tropes when the most exciting the IP ever got was when they had Thralls horde being the defacto good guys with alliance being the pompous racists, it turned everything on its head and was great.


That’s all well and good, but they’ve pivoted back to the WC3 Horde toward the middle and end of BfA and so far it is absolutely, god-awful terrible. All of the Horde characters right now are yawn-inducing. You could switch everything they say in the script with Anduin and no one would even know the difference. They are trite, boring milquetoast characters. It’s pathetic really.


(No, it’s not a complete sentence: this is a complete sentence.)

Thank you for this post. The flagging only confirms that Horde bias is rel, and Horde players have been spoiled by this.

I just hope it doesn’t get removed now just because some people are angry about it since I put a lot of effort into this post… I don’t even know why, I didn’t even ask for anything bad to happen to the Horde, just for the Night Elves to get a little bit of positive development once in a while…

I don’t want the race to be used as an example of “heroic genocide” or something like that, I find it disgusting that blizz is doing it this way…


So, it is your assertion that the race will become extinct? That’s what ‘beyond recovery’ means. That also means no more playable night elves, either.

How long did it take Blizzard to rebuild Stormwind? Or Orgrimmar? Just because it hasn’t happened yet doesn’t meant it will never happen/

Based on what, exactly?

You act like a stereotypical hormonal teenage girl, for whom everything is the catastrophic end of the world.

World of Warcraft lore is the equivalent of a cheesy SyFy Channel original movie. The only thing missing is Ian Ziering. It’s not healthy to become so irrationally invested in it.


Here’s something for that incident

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Laughs in Darkspear Troll

Typical responses from horde players get everything they want handed to them: but OH the threads where they think they’re not going get anything! Especially if the Alliance gets something they don’t oh horrors
Horde-centric storyline since Wotlk.
Alliance remains purely a simple reactionary force so the Horde can have something to fight against…and win, every time no matter what.
Deus ex machina at its very best.

Thank you Blizzard for ensuring a very toxic game.


No they havent, WC3 were not pacifists, they had strength and engaged in war and skirmishes. What they didnt do was commit genocide, think native american indians in the wild west. Their values are different from European settlers, thats how the conflict in warcraft should escalate, it should never be good vs evil. It should be a difference of values, thats what it was in WC3.

Oh the writting is god awful, I was talking about the setting. They could get back to telling epic stories, continue Mankriks legacy of slaughtering quilboar, lets go find primary universe Grom in shadowlands I want to see how Garrosh and Grom catch up, Grom advising Garrosh that humans aren’t always the enemy, completing the tale Thrall told him that it was Jaina who aided in cleansing him of demonic control.
Chastising and forgiving his son would be a pretty cool questline. Maybe even passing the teaching to the next generation of warsong (under a new leader now that there are not many great Orcs at the forefront).

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Either you haven’t played through the horde storyline or you have your own preferred reality, and aren’t with debating with either way.


I played through the Horde storyline. The Horde did not only get away scot free, they were also all fine with Teldrassil and genocide against innocents. The only thing they weren’t fine with was Sylvanas acting for her own interest, but burning Teldrassil was right in their eyes because they secured Kalimdor this way.

They got new lands, new ressources, drove a potential enemy to near extinction and achieved peace afterwards. Even got praised as honorable heroes right after.


The horde was against the use and development of the blight, even though it gave them an INSANE advantage in warfare, they baned its use, most because the orcs in contol felt it dishonorable… it doesnt make sense that they woudl go along with this plot but most of all it doesnt make sense Saurfang himself would draw up the plans and lead the orcs. New generation blizz is just taking the story/lore in a direction alienating to long time fans.

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The Night elves deserved it. Next time don’t interfere with Horde lumber operations in Ashenvale. My only regret is I didn’t get to put more of those purple skinned knife ears to the axe personally.

But at least the Horde got to roast s’mores, so we have that going for us, which is nice.

90 percent of NE are going to be playing the new VE/HE on alliance … so no one cares about NE anymore .

Like I said, alternate reality.