*spoilers* - Including genocide in your story and refusing to properly address it is disgusting Blizzard!

The biggest problem with your assessment is the Night Elves is the ONLY race to have it happen to them during WoW’s lifetime. Its the only one WE as players go through. Its not a flashback. Its not a single dungeon or a memory.


What crimes are praised as heroic feats?

Apparently it doesn’t.


This argument is still going on eh

What Hellscream did to the Darkspears was in MOP, homie.

And what does it matter if it happened in the past when the echoes of it are still felt today? The Forsaken, Worgen, and Gnomes still suffer for what was done to them in the past.


They’ve datamined info wrong before. And I recall the hub bub about Tyrande dying, and if memory serves, that batch of text was taken out of context.

not that I LIKE Tyrande, but datamining story bits can be tricky. It’s far more reliable to datamine class abilities. At least with those you’re not trying to piece togehther sound files and text which may not actually be related.

A sound file labelled tyrande death scream may not mean its her dying. it could be her screaming about someone else dying. Sound file names are not always accurate.

That and Blizzard HAS actively trolled dataminers in the past with wrong info.


Wait. This is what the outrage is over?

I’d put better than even odds of this being a setup for awesomeness “Nooooo! No one can wield the MacGuffin and live!” tends to be said before the special hero manages to do just that.

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If that were true there wouldn’t be any night elves anywhere.

i can take the whining but that’s being exceptionally melodramatic.


You are gonna seriously compare what the Horde did to the Night Elves (in a faction based gamed) to what one faction may have done to itself? Leaving alone the amount of devastation wasn’t comparable, at all.

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OP, there is a literary device known as a “Chekov’s Gun”, basic gist is that it is something mentioned in an earlier chapter, and it will (and must be) used later on in the story.

Cool your jets.

Fixed it for you.

Did six million night elves actually die?

There are a LOT of wooden doors in Teldrassil.

Bold of you to think that any of Blizzard’s writers have any form of formal education when it comes to creating literary works. They’re hacks. All of them.

The best piece of lore to come out of WoW is the Illidan Novel and that was contracted out to William King.

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And this is why we can’t have nice things,still say you’re taking this WAY too seriously. If you don’t like the direction the game is going then quit and never come back,one less salty Nelf main [Again I like nightelves but most I see get saltier than Mercy mains].

Or it wasn’t trolling, they just cut the content, ala the intro to Twilight Highlands for the Alliance.

From a fully voiced epic intro battle that reveals Benedictus as a traitor and him being the reason that Thrall was kidnapped and the goblin refugees were attacked, to a dwarf in a single plane ride around SW followed by a black screen.

Was just pointing out that in the past they HAVE put stuff into the files that was put there just to mess with dataminers heads.

True, I would also point out that some sound files, even if accurately named and heard, are not always “canonical”.

Such as Jaina’s death cry in MoP, wasn’t because she was actually killed, it was only when you failed keeping her alive during the raid fight.

Curious why it was acceptable to commit genocide against the forsaken for the entirety of their races existence. I mean noone whined about that. It’s also kind of weird hearing a Nightelf whine about genocide and unfair treatment when their race is easily known as the most racist tribe there is. So yea.


Genocide - the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.

Can’t kill that which is already dead. We are just putting them back in the ground where they belong.

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Maybe they should genocide the remaining blood elves next. After all, who cares about the blood elves really? I’m sure you as a blood elf player will enjoy being “spoiled” by this story focus on the blood elves.

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sounds like you got personal issues too. I was telling op that blizz loves to focus orcs and humans and leave everyone else out. On top of that blood elves got what two patches since after the BC with Lor’themar being the last Horde leader to get a update to his appearance. But hey its their game and if they wanna kill off the hordes favorite race because you wish the worst upon others than you do you.