*spoilers* - Including genocide in your story and refusing to properly address it is disgusting Blizzard!

No, I just want the hateful writing to stop

There are heaps of questionable assertions in the OP but most have already been discussed to death on these forums so lets jump to the much more interesting question:

What exactly would be the proper response to genocide? Does a proper response exist? Would it involve trying to commit some sort of atrocity as retribution in an eye-for-an-eye attempt to make the record ā€œevenā€?

Thereā€™s no hateful writing. Youā€™re only proving what Iā€™ve said earlier.

Definitely not that. Thatā€™d make the Night Elves no better if they committed genocide as well. The best way to fix this is just have Sylvanas die. Simple.

Yes there is, thereā€™s an entire post about it.

But thatā€™s not happening soā€¦

Your post? Yeah right.

Dude. You just keep playing into what Iā€™ve said. You are so clouded by this stupid narrative, and I just canā€™t begin to understand why you love to put yourself and others down so much.

Itā€™s pathetic.

Iā€™m not putting anyone down, Blizzard is. I donā€™t understand why they do it but they do.

lol really? Is this real? Does someone have a link?

A very true statement when weā€™re discussing real life, and one that I 100% agree with when weā€™re talking about real people and actual lives.

However, we arenā€™t. This is a story arc in a video game. Bad things happen, and sometimes those bad things flat out donā€™t get resolved or are resolved at a later point in the story. You may not like that, and thatā€™s okay, but you really need to not take it so personally (i.e. calling it ā€œour landsā€ because they are Night Elf lands, not yours, you are not a Night Elf). Itā€™s not disgusting, and itā€™s not unprofessional - itā€™s storytelling (the quality of the storytelling is of course debatable).

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Noted, next

Youā€™re reading too much into this. Just because some NPC says Tyrandeā€™s fate is sealed doesnā€™t make it so. He is only going on what he has seen in the past. That doesnā€™t mean itā€™s automatically going to happen again. Hell, he says heā€™s going to try and help Shandris.

How many times in books, movies, television, and games has someoneā€™s fate been sealed with no hope of survival? Itā€™s pretty much a trope these days. And yet, said ā€˜doomedā€™ person is saved anyway.

You canā€™t read those datamined lines and automatically infer Tyrande is going to die.

Who cares about the night elves?

ā€œIncluding genocide in your story and refusing to properly address it isā€¦ā€

What history typically does.

i feel like its borderline obvious that Tyrande will get her revenge on Sylvanas.
Even if it is in the afterlife.

Also Sylvanas didnt really want to firebomb the tree.
But Saurfang left her no choice.

Also, noone is glorifying Sylvanas and Nathanos. Everyone hates them lol.

10/10 Bonfire. Would burn again. Victory for Sylvanas!


I hope the bit aboit Tyrande dying doesnā€™t end up true. This BFA has already been disappointing and im finding it very hard to stay invested in the story. And the story is the main reason I still play the game.

Nearly every quest line and every zone in this game involves either genocide, attempted genocide, or small-scale slaughter that might look a lot like genocide, depending on oneā€™s frame of reference.

The only difference here is the group being slaughtered is one you happen to like. Ponder how you were a-ok with all the previous genocides in world of genocidecraft but now, suddenly, canā€™t handle this one.

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I donā€™t see that as a possibility when Tyrande dies and Sylvanas and Nathanos are untouchable and redeemedā€¦

i think Nathanos is the only one who qualifies for any redemption.
And i feel like he will get it.
I imagine Sylvanas will break his little heart, and he will come to realise what heā€™s been doing has been wrong.

aww cā€™mon, they are truly immense powers. So strong are they it fought Nathanos to a draw.

We will forget the bit about how the first script made and developed tyrande lost, Hard.

Such great powers no mere mortal can contain. end sarcasm.

Sadly with how they write tyrandeā€¦death is better for her. I feel bad for the voice actress more and more. I bet she goes home going manā€¦I need the paycheck but damn its getting harder. The lines they give me are trash.

The entire story has been stupid to me, so I feel your pain.

Sylvannas may have her reasons for wanting a huge war and death toll, but all the people that listened to her moronic reasons for war didnā€™t. I mean letā€™s burn down a tree and commit genocide against a people becauseā€¦ this action will help control access to azerite? In what world did that make sense, because it wasnā€™t this one.

And the story as it unfolded backed up how stupid that initial argument for war was.

That was the start of the stupid train and the story stupided its way down the tracks including the allianceā€™s idiotic strategy at Zuldazar, among others.

My suggestion is just to close the curtains, donā€™t look out the window, and hope the stupid train finds some better story next expansion.