*spoilers* - Including genocide in your story and refusing to properly address it is disgusting Blizzard!

As if WoW hasnt not covered things and blew over them before.

Deathwing shows up and somehow a giant tornado exists in Westfall for no reason

Andorhal and Sylvanas kidnapping that one guy only for him to show up in Legion NOT WANTING TO TALK ABOUT IT.

A large amount of NPCs just magically disappearing from the game never to be seen or heard from again…what happened to Fiona Longears? Woo Ping?

That weird event where everyone was shipwrecked in Azshara

Zandalar being basically sunk into the ocean but not.

Vol’jin is still a ghost so not really back alive. Plus he’s probably still there because unlike other NPCs, they never really gave him the time of day. He got a revolution, which garnered him the Warchief title, then promptly died to a trash mob.

Cairne, Garrosh and Saurfang are probably not coming back. But there will be appearances in Shadowlands by characters like Uther, Ysera and Kael’thas. So everyone is getting their share of ghost appearances.

From what I’ve read of Tyrande, we save her from Torghast and she ends up being a quest NPC in Ardenweald.

So we don’t know that she dies.

There is nothing that confirms any of this.

I completely agree with you OP, and the worst part is that the Horde players are either insanely delusional or just don’t care. I mean this is yet ANOTHER example of Blizzard’s blatant bias towards the Horde, more and more examples just keep building up in that regard and honestly it is making a lot of Alliance not want to play anymore. Justice still needs to happen for the wretched Horde for what they have done to the night elves!

I know. I am just saying that even if Vol’jin died to a trash mob, he did great things before. Therefore is not comparable to Tyrande dying in Shadowlands with just killing a Valkyr after everything that has happened. Even when you introduce a Deity’s power for it. It’d look worse if even with that, she could amount next to nothing.

I don’t believe Tyrande will die either. Or well, not that much.

Because Night Elves are obviously the only race with a genocide of their people, and homeland destroyed. Hopefully you get your Sylanas raid. I’d farm her for a rare mount. But how you are treated in story is not unique at all. Even losing your racial leader, if it comes to that.

Tyrande has done many great things. What you need is Sylvie to be the pinata they are setting her up to be. She’s now your Arthas.

It is pretty obvious

There won’t be a Sylvanas raid, atleast not one in which she dies

I’d even take her being out of the story for a while ala Thrall. She and Nathanos wore out their welcome.

Erasing pixels that never existed and will never exist is not genocide.

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The problem is that this story also presented the Horde as the Scourge to match Sylvie’s Arthas - and the war conclusion spent no effort in divorcing the two when it really needed to.

Like what things? Since the game, she has been outsmarted by Garrosh, schooled by Varian, tricked by Xavius… (Well, to be fair, Xavius tricked even the players) and used as leverage to send the Nightborne to the Horde.

Most of NE’s greatest achievements have been Malfurion (or Illidan).

I am not asking her to kill Sylvanas or anything, neither turning Sylvanas to be a loot pinata. I just hope Tyrande does something good with the power given to her.

Well yeah, for some reason we always have to be the bads that you on the Alliance have to react to. That was before they realized that not all player characters were unified behind Sylvie.

Blizz likes to remake zones (such as the NE territories). I nominate Mount Hyjal to be the first new and capital territory for Night Elves.

IF the zones are not rebuilt to show the win, its not a win. I don’t care what some rando person says in an interview somewhere.

We have phasing now (as much as I hate it) show dead Horde bodies filling the zones.

Strengthen up the Alliance guards in those areas so Horde cannot enter it without a raid level group.

Show the Horde’s weakness, like you show the Alliance’s weakness when it fails.

Yea, but that won’t solve any of the Night Elves’ issues at all.

The Night Elves will never get a new home, blizz would rather give Hyjal to the Horde like they did with Azshara, Stonetalon and Ashenvale.

You know this isn’t how it works, and it’s never going to work this way. Zones are locked in time. Until a major update is done because there needs to be one, that area will remain as it is currently purely because there’s mounts cosmetics to farm from the area.

Don’t sweat it Elesana. Horde players have been mad salty the past few days ever since the void elf announcement.

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Tyrande helped our leader in his most desperate hour, she helped lead the revolution against Garrosh. Tyrande has been there as the leader of her people while her husband slept. And I don’t think she’s going anywhere.

The OP was misleading. They are basing their fears on emotions and not the quest text. So far all we know is Tyrande is in trouble in Torghast, we help her and then she ends up a NPC in Ardenweald. It never says she dies.

I agree its how it works, but you also cant say someone “won” without visual representation in game.