*spoilers* - Including genocide in your story and refusing to properly address it is disgusting Blizzard!

Oh man. Could you imagine losing a faction leader in WoW?

Jeez. what an unprecedented thing that has never happened to anyone else. My god.



So my point still stands…

“her fate is sealed”. Also the Night Elves always fail their objectives so Shandris will fail to save Tyrande too if she tries to, it’s just the fantasy of the race to fail and have tragedies happen as a result.

Well that’s a completely anti-climactic ending for the Night Warrior plotline … what the fel was the point of that story if she’s just gonna get killed by it without actually accomplishing anything with it?? Blizzard’s writing department is in a terrible state right now, first they managed to turn the Fourth War into a background subplot in an expansion that was advertised as being all about the faction war, and now they’re doing this?? :man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming:


The dude says “her fate is sealed” and then proceeds to turn around and try to help us. It’s not hard to figure out he has a change of heart.

So your “point” is less grounded in fact and more in that you’re pathetic and love to play victim cards so you have a reason to complain about something.

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Yea sure, this time will be different. Just look at all the objectives blizz has given the Night Elves and they failed all of them.

  • Prevent the Horde from burning Teldrassil - failed
  • Save the civilians in Darnassus - failed
  • Stop Nathanos from raising the dead Night Elves - failed even with the Night Warrior powers
  • Reclaim our lands - failed
  • Get justice for Teldrassil - failed

now maybe getting something like

  • Save Tyrande from dying

which everyone can tell how it’s going to end up, if we even get that objective


Not gonna lie, if Tyrande dies because she couldn’t control the Night Warrior after years of Night Elves punching bag and Horde redemption, I, too, will be quite pissed.

This would be a literal joke. You come here to hype such a power just to kill a Val’kyr and die. That’s not even horde losing leaders level, because at least they get to do serious destruction (or come back like Vol’jin).


No just you. You are literally so caught up in your own victim mentality that you are rewriting everything to try and fit into that little sad mentality.

It’s just you that thinks she is going to survive when everything suggests that she isn’t.

Can you provide me with the information that suggest that she does? Because you have yet to do so.

Boo hoo.

We lost our faction leader to a trash mob. Alliance can suck it up and lose a few leaders to keep pace.

Where is Vol’jin now and what Vol’jin achieved before that? Unless you compare Vol’jin overthrowing Garrosh, causing a revolution and becoming Warchief just then to come and reincarnate as a possible Loa something equal to Tyrande having been hit over and over by the Horde, fogives them, gets mad at them after several attacks, kills a Val’kyr with the power of a goddess and welp, dies.

Poor Vol’jin. Died without achieving anything. We gotta learn to suck it up.

tyrande dies? man that sucks.

I already did, you just chose to ignore it.

Wait. You think that the “Night Elf fantasy of failing” is the reason Tyrande will die?

Holy crap there’s no saving you.

She doesn’t literally nothing says she does. OP is quite literally twisting reality to suit their victim mentality narrative.

I like how the OP both states that the Night Elf Story is concluded, while acknowledging at the same time more is coming while basing so many things on made up speculation we should take as fact.

I don’t think she’ll die, though. But these lines are strange and makes me doubt.

Too soon for me to confirm something, though. Hopefully she doesn’t now.

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Whatever you say… you’ll see soon enough anyway, keep defending the dumpster fire that’s the Night Elf story currently…

You’re pathetic. You just love to complain.

Ooh Tyrande dies?
Time to get my cannibalize macro ready.

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