Well, for one, I’m starting to think Titans are beings of mostly order, and not pure order. Otherwise, wouldn’t they spawn in the Orderlands, Realms of the Arcane, instead of in mortal reality where everything is a mix of all six forces? For two, the Winter Queen deals almost exclusively in Wild Gods (in the inclusive sense of the word that encompasses loa, as well). Most of her workload from Azeroth comes from Eonar’s protégé adopting every other animal she came across.
Speaking of Freya, it just occurred to me that not only has she been conspicuously absent from recent events (like Legion), but she has teal/green eyes. And as a servant of the Life-Binder, Gentle Caretaker of All Living Things, she’s literally a vassal of life. Freya kinda sus
The thing that would suck would be that Elune doesn’t care about the Night Elves. Like…
I like Elune because of the night elves, not the other way around. I fell in love with the Night Elf race, then Elune as a result. It’d be a real kick-to-the-groin for the foundation of their culture to just… Not care about them. That doesn’t improve my racial fantasy, it destroys it.
But, if Elune is some grand cosmic entity, and if the Night Elves are special to her, then… Maybe. It could be doen right.
Druid order hall in Legion.
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We don’t speak about happened that night in these parts Mister! Better watch yourself, those popcorn kernels come out of nowhere man!
Falothorin is clearly hiding some juicy voidy secrets.
Beards area lot like big muscles. Men think women love them, but most actually don’t care.
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I don’t do it for the women, I do it for my own dang self lol. I like not looking like a child, and working out is a great stress reliever plus has other benefits.
Plus a well groomed beard is pretty damn sexy
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If it’s not groomed what’s the point?
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I do not like beards. They get in the way of…
… Things.
hugs Can’t let it get in the way of…fun time…things
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Beards?!?! In the way of things?!?’ scoughs
I have to shave once a year for work, and whenever I do, I feel like I de-Digivolved. Pulling some Greymon to Agumon crap.
Also this. Some scraggly, itchy, crumb-catcher isn’t worth it.
That sucks, I like to trim mine up and keep it edged but I never shave it off. Also shampoos and conditioners for beards are abiiiig must, can’t have that dry skin.
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And they pick up things, require constant grooming that most guys don’t bother with, and a lot can’t grow out properly.
In my experience in the military, most of the guys who are obsessed with making beards legal are often the ones who can’t grow them or are just lazy. Or they are the cringeworthy people who buy all the Operator merch and pretend that they are SEALs or Rangers.