Spoilers for alliance, nightelf and worgen

Wonderful. A long-reaching, arcing story.

I hope SL delivers, it seems as though it will. I absolutely do not want Sylvanas to die.

For the Banshee Queen, Bash’a no falor talah!.


Ah! It’s a two parter.
Part one:

Part two:

I normally don’t use videos to explain a point, but Nobbel is devoted to lore accuracy and trusted, imo.
Also classic Shandris model is nightmare fuel, jesus christ.


Selama ashal’anore


I like Nobbel, i like to compete my knowledge with his. He just pays a lot more attention to the alliance side of things where I personally focus with the horde and anything that involves the Horde. I need to do loremaster before shadowlands come out :frowning:


I recently talked to him about an updated Garrosh video and he basically said he forgot Garrosh existed for a bit.

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LOL, well he is a Alliance main while we are Horde mains. Its harder to keep track of the faction you dont highly participate in.

I’m a double agent who prefers alliance~


Warcraft 3, the Blood elves were fleeing the scourge and Tyrande isnisted her and her people stopped the hunt for illidan to save the bloodelves. Meive disagreed and said to leave them but Tyrande refused to abandon people who needed her so carved a way for them out then held off the scourge at the bride on her own risking her own life so the blood elves could escape, surive and later regroup to reclaim silvermoon.

So yeah you are welcome, Tyrande saved your butt, if not for her you would have been wiped out in the third war.

As for the Draenei Tyrande sent her preists to investigate the island after the crash and heal any wounded, it was the nightelves helping them that lead to them joinig the alliance.


This is the current storyline in a nutshell other than they build some stories around water cooler talks like this:

“Wow, wouldn’t a cut scene like X be really cool?” - Dev 1

“That would be awesome but it doesn’t really fit the story does it?” - Dev 2

“Nah, we’ll just hammer something in to make it work later but cool is better than coherent” - Dev 1

“Party on bro!” - Dev 2

Later on: Players are like… um… what just happened?



le gasp traitor D:, oh well :frowning:


Me? Nawh, dawg.

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If we’re gana pull that spaceship crap on us then I get to load a ship with mana bombs a plow it into Stormwinds port.

I mean it’d be epic in wholesale destruction but lacking in finesses which is why the Dreanei ship is often forgotten about.

The forces he had with him weren’t all the blood elves, there was still a large force the remenants lead by Lor’themar still in Eversong woods / ghostlands. So even if Kael’thas died in the plaguelands the blood elves would not go extinct. But yeah i keep forgetting that happens i was a bit surprised too. I always wondered how night elves and dreanei first reacted to each other.

I still get huge vibes from her that she thinks every race is lesser than her, most of these vibes came from Rain of chaos though.

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her reaction to the nightborne kinda reinforces it as well… and her opinion on trolls…


Yeah you can hear hatred of the trolls in siege of orgrimmar. As well as the nightborne quest line throughout suramar.


They’ve even said so in interviews. They’ve talked about how they write for “big set pieces” like the Burning, and to justify new raids. They’ve also talked about how continuity is just something that hinders creativity and should be ignored.

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Oh look, another Horde Warchief being an absolute mastermind that he forsees everything.

More Garrosh 2.0 stuff.

I don’t mind it, but when a character gets so “just as planned” on such exaggerated levels, it gets boring more than awesome. But like I’ve said, Nathanos writtes Sylvanas. So… I imagine she can do so much.

That and Mana bombs can’t be made on that scale without the focusing iris which is back in the blue flights stronghold.

The first thing we see her do in rain of chaos is literally save a bunch of furblogs, because she cares about other races. Sure she has hostility against the orcs who were cutting down her lands and killed cenarius! I think thats pretty reasonable, but she set it aside and worked with them and even grew to consider Thrall a genuine friend, she was there at his damn wedding!!!

Tyrande is head strong, she thinks with her heart and is quick to act on things she feels are wrong. Some times she’s right sometimes she’s wrong but she deals with the consiquences like an adult. She’s also a highly compassionate person who constantly tries to help people in need, reguardless of their race.
People who have wronged her and her peple however, she will have no mercy for.


thrall doesn’t count, he’s basically just a mutant green human at this point.