Spoilers for alliance, nightelf and worgen

Thrall is everyones friend, he’s friends with all the aspects too.

This does not surprise me and the fact it does not surprise me makes me a sad Gnome.

(stuffs cookies in face to find solace)


Sylvanas is an example of blizzards absolutely wretched writing, both factions have been pushed past any ability to reasonably fight, and you give the writers far more credit than they deserve.


doesn’t change the fact that he’s more alliance than anything now, and has been for a long time.

I disagree, I feel he’s went a lot more back to his orc roots now compared to cataclysm thrall. I’m kind of appreciating his new design and direction now they have to focus on Thrall as a person not just focus on ‘awesome shaman solves all problems’.

I feel like most people who hate blizzards writing feels slighted because something didn’t turn out the way they wanted too. Plus a lot of alliance mains are the ones who think this as the story is horde does something and alliance reacts and that pisses off alliance mains for some reason.

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Dunno, this makes sense if she actually cared about the Horde and was still the warchief. How does this plan ties with the Maw and the Jailer stuff?

As I posted earlier when arthas the lich king was killed sylvanas eventually made her way to the frozen throne. Seeing a new lich king on the throne and arthas being dead her whole reasoning of staying undead this entire time was to extract her vengenace upon arthas for what he did to her and her people. But she never got it and because of that there was no reason for her to live, so she wanted to move on to the next life and falls off the top of the icecrown citadel killing herself. Her spirit is then shown to be in this hellish landscape alongside arthas, some form of hell (which we now know as the maw) a valkry took her place in the maw and sylvanas came back to life.

Now her goal was to overwhelm the maw and by doing so break it and make it no longer works, which mean if she was to die a final time she wont be in hell / maw. Working with the jailer just means she can achieve the goal of destroying the maw.

I hate blizzards writing because they are bad story developers who frequently cut out the middle or end of entire story arcs, cut story arcs off with endings that appear to have been written by a college freshman or just plain contradict themselves. I said nothing about factions, so please dont try to conflate issues as that is a simple strawman argument. Blizzards story development is not why people play their games. Their first class art and music is. When was the last time you saw people complain about those?

Many people say wows music suck and they have it disabled as they listen to their own music, and art is complained about not the quality of it though just the theme, like a lot of people didn’t like the swamps of zandalar.

Funny I always thought the general art team/music is what carried this game more than anything. It sure hasn’t been the main story for quite a while now.

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That’s not really going against the point I’m making. OP is trying to argue that there’s some genius level behind the scenes writing going on and that Sylvanas is secretely a hero for literally trying to kill every living being on Azeroth. No, the developers don’t give one wit about the writing, they just want to implement what the current coke fueled “wouldn’t it be cool” idea pops into their think tank, implement it and force the writing to fit into that “cool idea” then forget about it during the next coke fueled think tank for the next “cool idea”.

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I was hoping for more Little Shop of Horrors as Azeroth grows into the giant tree Yggdrasil. She needs to be fed Sylvanas, Nathanos, Thrall, Baine, and manchild Anduin.

The pushover Tyrande is a terrible character, the night warrior versión of her is amazing because she resemble Warcraft 3 Night Elf behavior, amazoness warriors, brave and wild, not a the tree hugger hippies Blizzard made them in WoW.

warcraft 3 night elves are the best night elves. Need to see more druids and mountain giants alongside the sentinels.

Sylvanas’s plan fell apart specifically because this did not happen. Tyrande, Genn, and Malfurion were pretty darn united on what needed to be done with the Darkshore situation, which is ultimately why the Alliance won that warfront. On top of that, the Night Elves still had enough of a military presence in the sentinels, led by Shandris herself, to aid the 7th Legion in the Zandalar campaign. With N’zoth gone, the efforts of the Alliance, Horde, and Night Elves/Gilneans are all firmly focused on taking down Sylvanas.

There is no information that definitively confirms this, only references that she will die due to the power of the night warrior. Of course, since she’s a main character with a huge arc in the upcoming story, we’ll probably be involved in resolving that little issue of hers.