Spoilers for alliance, nightelf and worgen

I don’t think Sylvanas’ plan was any more than “Kill as many people as possible so I can feed my new sugar daddy and release him.” People turning on each other was just a bonus to both her and the Jailer.

Yeah because nothing says amazing and cool like a super scyfi spaceship glassing the planet like the covenant does in halo. Then we can just end the entire game right there, storys over boys, no more content, no more game.

I think in the end Tyrande will get her revenge, even if its in the afterlife.

Doesn’t change the fact that it is a thing that exists in the lore and there’s a good chance that we’ll be full on sci-fi after Shadowlands anyways if Azeroth “hatches”.

I’m sorry your twisted theory just doesn’t pan out, but Sylvanas is just poorly written fanfiction at this point. She’s not a genius, she’s not morally gray. She’s just dumb.

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Seems like your upset feelings are causing you to have biased opinions as you are unhappy with the story.

Not how I saw the burning of Teldrassil. The cinematic is there to watch.

I thought the vindicaar was off somewhere with the army of the light subjugating planets and converting the population by force to their particular light-cult?

if not, then I dunno, cuz genocide by holy fire seems kinda on point for the army of the light. (and frankly I kinda hope they DO end up using it, the alliance needs to commit some blatant war-crimes at this point to make them interesting again)

Again, Azeroth is gonna more than likely hatch into a full blown titan after Shadowlands, leaving the planet shattered. Sorry the story isn’t putting your cringey undead waifu on the pedestal you have.

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Alexstraza is my wafiu not sylvanas, i just like syvlanas cause she actually puts the war in warcraft. I’m all about that alliance vs Horde. Plus azeroth hatching is just a rumor, those werent ions exact words. I’m hoping we come back and the void controls everything but silvermoon and exodar and those get revamped and become the new capitals as we free the world and by doing so azeroth awakens :smiley:


That would’ve been true if Saurfang was still alive but now Tyrande and Genn have no target against the horde.

we don’t actually know for sure Tyrande will die, and even if she does this wasn’t part of Sylvanas’s plan since she had no idea about the Night Warrior ritual. Sylvanas messed up her own plan because she had a tantrum when Summermoon beat her in a verbal spat.

I still do expect Tyrande will die, even if its not confirmed, I’ve expected it for a while given the path they set her on and how thyey are setting up Shandris as the new leader.

It will however be awefull story that only further poops on the nightelves, killing off our faction leader after everything else is just beyond insulting at this point.

Eh Tyrande is a racist and a very bad character in general, i’m kinda of glad she’s gone. Shandris is a lot more intelligent and open minded, and doesn’t seem to have that night elves are superior over everyone else line of thinking thus she wont underestimate her enemies thus they will act smart and become even deadlier.


You’re thinking of Yrel’s crusade, not the Army of the Light.

Shandris is the adopted daughter of Tyrande and shares in much of her opinions, to a fanatical degree of devotion to Tyrande. She’d merely be Archer Tyrande instead of a priestess.

I don’t know thats not what we saw when Tyranda refused the armistice and shandris spoke out against tyranda’s decision.

That’s your opinion and you can dislike her if you want, but she is not a racist atall, she was the first to reach out to the bloodelves, first to reach out to the draenei and the first to reach out to the worgen.

Debatable she was literally raised by Tyrande, I like shandris as a character she’s fantastic, but she is not actually meant to be as smart as Tyrande in Lore, the current writers just don’t know how to write Tyrande or the nightelves and use used us as jobbers in sevveral reguards.

How did she reach out to the Draenei and Blood elves? It was Malfurion who banished the Highborne that became the High elves now blood elves. And the Draenei though not an alliance player myself didnt seem have much to do with anyone they kinda of just joined the alliance.

She was thinking purely of the saftey of Tyrande if she’s still in line with her character, and nothing of her people, honestly.
Literally fanatical.
Tyrande saved Shandris’ life when she was young and she feels indebted to her for it, and takes it very seriously. It’s why she became a master markswoman, to be of use to Tyrande. Well, one of the reasons, and a huge driving factor of it.

I mean yeah you’re right but I don’t see this fanatical side at all, she shows up like once in darkshore warfront and wants the horde to pay which is natural but outside of that i never see her do anything tbh.

It’s not shown much in the modern game, relegated to off-shoot questlines and literature.
I think Nobbel did a video, let me pull it up.

I have all the books and outside of the war of the ancients,a tad bit of short stories, and the book stormage (i think) she didnt seem fanatical at all. But if their side quests i guess as i never got far in alliance questing.