(Spoilers) Elune's identity retconned and RUINED

Except I’m not. Nowhere does the Winter Queen say “Elune is my sister.” She only mentions a sister. And Eonar created Ysera. And the Pillars were created by the Titans. Those are actual facts within the lore.

I’m not mad at all. And it’s “you’re.”

I’m not wrong. I gave you facts.

  1. Lore specifically states that Elune is a “true deity.”
  2. If she’s just another Eternal One, then yes, it is a retcon. Because the Titans and Eternal Ones are NOT considered “true deities” within the lore. Those are actual facts.
  3. There is no “pride” here. Again, I gave you facts.

Sorry, sir. That’s you.


It’s not a reach. It’s actual facts from the lore. Until someone comes out and specifically says “Elune is the Winter Queen’s sister,” there is no evidence yet. People are assuming without knowing the full depth of the rest of the lore.

Considering Blizzard specifically pointed out that Titans were not gods and stated that Elune is a true deity, yes it did mean something.

They’re literally the same thing. The Eternal Ones are simply another Pantheon. Titans are one Pantheon. Eternal Ones are another.

The Pantheon, described as the “Pantheon of Order”, is implied to have some connection with the Pantheon of Death, or the Eternal Ones who govern the Shadowlands, and there exist “Memories” of Eonar and Norgannon within some of its Covenants.

I never once said she was equivalent to the Christian God.

Where do you people come up with this stuff? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


wow ok im not gonna respond to you… i feel sorry for you being embarassed more, im off im so sorry you cant handle reality.

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Nice gaslighting. :roll_eyes:


She struck me as definitely more powerful than most of the wild gods, who routinely get enslaved (Zul’Aman literally tread that ground twice in-game and iirc the lore description of the troll wars have them do it then too) or even killed (Zul’Drak, Cenarius in 3), more powerful than the Naaru (whatever Velen may have thought; the idea that the Naaru are particularly powerful divine entities is a ship that sailed in Sunwell and Legion tbh), and moreso than physical gods like the Titan watchers.

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What did you expect from this joke of a team? Can barely write a story to save their lives anymore. What a shame. Let things stay “hidden”. I could have went my whole life without knowing what the afterlife entails. Now I know, and it’s boring and horrible. Jesus.


I hope the Horde are unleashed yet again on the NE and this time finish the job …

Frankly I think the other alliance races want it so . :wink:

Explains why she didn’t lift a finger to protect her “favorite” people’s shrub. :rofl:

Just bring back Garrosh as Warchief.

The amount of stupid things he’ll do will ensure the Horde wipes itself out.

Like how Bob Salami noped out when mere mortals invaded and rekt King Rastakhan?

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I think you are trying too hard to play Devil’s Advocate here man. She refers to it as her “Sister’s Tear.” It’s literally called the “Tear of Elune”. Arguing this is silly.


I get that this is a touchy subject and that the devs are overly fond of demistifying the mystical and putting human nonsense on a pedestal over everyone else, which honestly sucks, but can we not like abuse terms like gaslighting in what remains a fandom argument, please?

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excpt you are wrong it is implied based on the lore connection with elune and ysera as ysera raised elunes kid cenarius and sd so on.

all that maters is that its understood.

no you gave me fannon not cannon.

1 she is no one says she isnt nor is she the only.
2 she is the winterqueens sister litterally the winterqueen tells you this and blizzard and true deities you dont decided who is or isnt and since they say she is she is no one is saying she isnt.
also again your wrong.

based oon your answers thats you mam.

he isnt wrong.

just because their a pantheon that doesnt make them the same in power also the memmories of eonar thing does not mean eonar is the winterqueens sister. eternal ones predate titans titans are world souls eternal ones predate the mortal universe.


Titans made the Pillars. Eonar is a Titan. Eonar created Ysera. Eonar could’ve created the Tears. I’m saying based off of current knowledge of the lore, it’s also a logical route, because making Elune part of a Pantheon negates her being a true deity, when the Titans were specifically said to not be gods. That’s all.

I’m sorry? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

manipulate (someone) by psychological means into questioning their own sanity

Gaslighting definition :point_up:

Gaslighting. :point_up:

There’s no “abuse” of the word going on.

I’m not. I gave facts from actual lore. Try reading lore. And you stopped responding to me. So please do so.

Wrong. Again. Even quoted some of it for you.

Literally doesn’t. She has never once said “Elune is my sister.”

Now, once more, since you said you were leaving and not talking to me, I’d wish you’d follow through.

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I mean, simply giving her form and explaining things about her lessens her imo. Some things are better when left to the imagination. We don’t need every little thing about the Warcraft Universe revealed. There was no reason to be like “This is Elune and where she is from and what she does.”

Because she had no reason to? She acted through Tyrande. That was good enough.

I mean, we knew in Lore from WC3 that Sargeras has done that. It’s just the characters that didn’t know that.

I mean… I would venture to say the Winter Queen and Denethrius would be roughly equal. If Elune is just the Winter Queen’s sister, the likelihood is they’d be roughly equivalent. Under that context, formerly super strong Goddess because fodder as we’ve already beaten someone who could be assumed to be relative to her powerscale.

To be fair, even as recently at Legion Blizzard was calling her the only true diety in the WoW universe that we knew of.

Not explicitly no.

Speculation doesn’t make it true. It would have been just as valid to assume she meant Eonar, you know the Titan of Life.

In Warcraft 3 when their army was literally powerful enough to stand up to the horde and alliance. Then WoW happened and they had to start riding the coat tails of the humans.

Fairly low? She cleansed Ysera and Tears of Elune of the uncleansible Nightmare Corruption and literally made a constellation in the shape of Ysera.

To be fair “The Tears of Eonar” doesn’t have the same ring to it. But as Rhielle said, the Pillars of Creation are titan constructs. It’s not a stretch to assume that Eonar created it and just didn’t name it after herself.


Fair enough she wasn’t named.

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Arguing in a fandom forum, even if it gets excessively mean at times, isn’t gaslighting and it being used in this context seriously cheapens a term that refers to a fairly serious abusive tactic. We can all hate that rumored story development without doing that (and for the time being it’s still at the level of a rumor).

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play next patch it will make you even more mad because it proves your wrong.

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I mean, the title of god or goddess can be given to someone that a race sees as their god or goddess. Nothing is really being changed other thanher title and thats not even being changed. Elune is still seen as the goddess of the moon by night elves, she just also happens to have a sister. Dont see the problem other than nitpicking other peoples IP

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Your belief irl. This a fantasy and Elune has been a Goddess in the game and books and this actually pisses the hell out of me.

Frickin lazy writing because you can’t finish your story unless you rewrite it! I call horse-manure on this one.

Have managed to stay calm through all the bs retconning & burning Teledrassil - but man…this is just another new low on story.

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the worshipers of the light asumed the naaru were gods( acording to the chronicles they found out about the light from them) so it issnt impossible ( human one worshipers)

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Aren’t you ready to accept Sylvanas as the Writer/Arbiter/Jailer/Eternal One/Copy Editor/Game Designer/CEO of Blizzard etc.?

You better be prepared because that’s what is coming