(Spoilers) Elune's identity retconned and RUINED

Remember when Elune was seen as a goddess for… like 2 decades?

Yea, the 9.1 patch revealed that she’s actually not a goddess, but the sister of the Winter Queen instead and part of some pantheon of life.
That means that Elune is nothing more than an eternal one in terms of power and position… you know an eternal one similar to the Archon that just nearly died to Anduin.

I wish Blizzard’s writers would stop retconning old lore just to make it worse.
I get that this is so that they can laugh about Night Elves and say that their religion was wrong all the time, but I don’t see why writers are allowed to do that without anyone at Blizzard caring about it.
Retconning pre established lore just because of a personal vendetta against a playable race?

The writers took everything physical from the Night Elves in BfA, now they even took away Elune as a goddess… oh and Tyrande is also not the Night Warrior anymore so she actually did lose the powers without achieving anything at all in the end, who would’ve guessed.



I mean, that wasnt really Anduin, that was more of a puppet directly in control of the Jailer using a sword comparable to Frostmourne that was also previously a potent sword.

I actually wonder if Kingsmourne can still split in two like its previous incarnation.


The writers have lessened the great Night Elves. They have made the Night Elves look like weak fools.


Well I mean all the gods in wow are things that exist

Dunno how elune being an eternal one makes her less god like


he he he he he


sounds about right.

A god or goddess is just someone who can do things science can’t explain usually and people just throw up the divine persona to fill in the gaps. Imagine playing back a video of someone a cave person knew that died recently. They’d think you raised the dead by showing them the video of their friend/loved one on you magic box cell phone. Now scale that to the eternal ones and a bunch of mutated trolls who hung around the well of eternity for a bit longer then maybe they should have.

In short, go watch Star Trek TNG: Who Watches the Watchers. It’ll give you an idea of what I’m talking about…hic!


You mean an eternal one like the jailer that gave the power to literally raise the dead?

I think you are under representing the power of the Eternal Ones of Shadow Lands. To the people of Azeroth, they are pretty much gods…well, really above gods…since azeroth already has its own old gods


Considering the Eternal Ones are probably more powerful than the titans who are let’s be honest are essentially gods in all but name I don’t see the issue in a different in title. Goddess, titan, eternal one makes no difference.


C’thun was actively described as a god several times, yet we still beat it up and took its lunch money and it wasn’t even the hardest boss at level 60.

Just because your precious moon god isn’t OP and can’t solve all your problems for you doesn’t mean she’s not a god.


You know what’s funny (or rather sad)? The implication of this is that Sylvanas is more powerful than Elune (since she is easily more powerful than Anduin). That means the reason Elune didn’t intervene during the burning of Teldrassil was because she was afraid of Sylvanas.

If that’s not taking a dump all over Night Elves, i don’t know what is.


Well, they’re both borrowing that power from the same source, the Jailer. Neither Sylvanas nor Anduin has any particular god-like gift on their own, and Sylvanas in particular was a chump before the Jailer got his hooks into her. (Hey, protip, elf lady: don’t powerslide into the sword.)

So all we’re really discovering is that, surprise, an Eternal One’s power is a match for another Eternal One in a fight. Not exactly a shock.


Yeah of course, Sylvanas just has more of the Jailers power. Well presumably anyways.

Is Zovaal even confirmed to be an Eternal One? He seems to be quite a bit more powerful than his peers. Especially if the theory of his heart being the Arbiters heart is true.


Do we know that? Sure, in BfA - when she was Jailer-powered and Anduin wasn’t - she could’ve taken him apart in a straight-on fight. But since Anduin turned to the Dark Side we’ve seen nothing to indicate their relative strength.

According to the Primus’s recording when you breach his Seat in Maldraxxus, yes:

Voice of the Primus says: Ages ago, the Eternal Ones punished our brother Zovaal for his treachery. He was bound within the inescapable Maw, to be forevermore its Jailer.


Solving a mystery in WoW always leads to disappointment.

Ancestry of the Elves? Oh, they were just trolls.
Titans? Yeah, Sargeras solo’ed them, they were never coming back and Algalaon meant nothing so hope you didn’t have anything invested in Ulduar.
True power of Bolvar the Lich King? Sylvanas solos him, he’s basically nothing.
Elune? Nothing unique, just one of a really weak and disappointing set.
Turalyon? Immediately gets stuck in plotgoop, has to be saved by his wife like a big fat Malfurion.
Afterlife? Shadowlands
Origin of Draenor and the Orcs? Just one Titan’s afternoon sideproject.
Greatest agent of the Light? Psycho zealot gets one-shot by Illidan.

Honestly…? I’m hard pressed to think of any grand mysteries of WoW that have been revealed without being a flaccid let down.


This is why I don’t take wow lore seriously anymore. It’ll all be retconned in the end.


I feel like some of you are misconstruing what we are really dealing with here because you are running around doing things our characters shouldn’t be able to do in the first place. I feel like most are desensitized to the order of power.


Old lore: Elune is a nebulous goddess who has powers far beyond mortal understanding, existing in a universe where thousands of gods have been killed by other gods, mortals controlled by other gods, and sometimes even by their own people. She has several children.

New lore: Elune is a nebulous goddess who has powers far beyond mortal understanding, existing in a universe where thousands of gods have been killed by other gods, mortals controlled by other gods, and sometimes even by their own people. She has several children and a sister.


Maybe the OP just doesn’t like sisters?


Not a retcon. New information. We knew literally nothing about Elune. It’s totally fine to actively dislike what they’ve done to expand her lore, but it’s not a retcon.

I also get the impression that some people were running on the idea that Elune was some kind of singular “actual” deity on another level than anything else in a game where the concept of ancients and gods and god-like figures is nothing new. Of COURSE she’s just another one of many. She’s not going to be above it all.