*Spoilers* Dragonflight epilogue

I’m perfectly find with the concept and story development, but jesus christ did that dialogue need another pass. Also, it could have looked more impressive considering it’s the seeming finale for the main through line of Dragonflight’s story (aside from the Tyr stuff).

Fun fact: if we take it at face value that the Grimtotem killed any able fighting Tauren in their sleep in the time before Cata in that novel, that means that Thunder Bluff iterally gets it’s population halved if not more overnight.

No one wants to think of the rammifications of that,

Lets not even get started on the Tech Trees that’d be exploding out of control.

Like, WoW is Themepark to a fault. The best you can hope for is just the gestruting towards osmething cool setpieces. Logistics and consequences thereof are only noted when the text explicitly states so. It’s not meant to be a fully functioning world in the sense of interconnectivity


The funny part about that is that if I’m remembering correctly, a lot of that was actually born of technical considerations. Ironforge was the city with the Auction House, so to avoid tons of lag, they “shifted” to Stormwind being the capital and having more stuff through there, while Ironforge remained the city people would go to for access to the Auction House. Which’d split the people, hopefully making it so no one lags.

Then they could pull off AH’s in every city, and Ironforge is a ghost town.

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By the way, I just realized something. Alexstraza says that the Titans empowering the aspects divided them. Except it didn’t. Vyranoth and the other Primalists could’ve chosen to accept the powers of the Titans, but didn’t. The response to that rejection divided them, if not the rejection itself.

Yeah it is odd. Also wasn’t Vyranoth okay with it provided that it was up to the individual to make that decision and she only took offense to it when the Aspects basically forced a number of eggs to be ‘ordered’? Thus Breaking the promise Alexstrasza made to her.

As for Raszy, Fyrakks and Iridikrons opinions on the matter, we know they were against it fully. I mean Raszy was the one who began the war when she attacked Neltharion on the Forbidden Reach.


I wonder what Razageth would’ve made of Irridikron’s and Fyrakk’s utilization of the Void. Or Vyranoth’s defection.

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Also Vyranoth was the only one who changed her mind and joined Alex, what about all the other proto-dragons and Primalists? They just disappear into thin air like they appeared out of thin air?

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Iridikron is out there.

My guess is that his isn’t the end of the primalists.

2 of the Claws of Vyranokk*, Vyranoth’s elites, defected to usand other Primalists do regard the attack on the Dream as going too far but they were not shown joining like the Claws did.

  • One was killed by the one who sided with Fyrakk.

All i know is vyranoth quickly became one of the most annoying characters in the game reeeeeally quickly.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hoEYaLuDdc came across my youtube recommendations again. Just replace them with Kalecgos impersonators.

Not the first time Blizzard made that kind of mistake. Even the beloved Legion expansion suffered from this.

I absolutely hate the lore behind everything that happens in the epilogue and the followubg quest.

Not only did Alextraza, the two faced egg abductor/corruptor hypocrite, slave of the titans get her aspect powers back, Tyrande is also shown to also be an hypocriye by creating a new moonwell, the thing she imprisoned illidan for 10’000 years for.

Illidan was locked up for making a new well of eternity and nearly killing Jarod.

Moonwells have been done in abundance by night elves ever since the sundering, it is one of the first buildings you do as a Night elf ubity in wC3.

They use waters from the well of eternity but don’t hold enough magical power to call the attention of invaders and they also are used for worship mostly.


What is with the 1 post trolls lately?


That moonwell Illidan created seems pretty big

I think hopefully I can provide an answer to this on a couple of points.

First, I don’t know if you have encountered the memes that came from Fast & the Furious about “Family”. The weird part about the references to Family in WoW is that even in comparison to F&F, WoW’s use of it is actually more cringey in comparison. It’s a combination of factors there - the tone, the repetitiveness, the dialogue itself doesn’t seem very well thought of, there’s a distinct lack of subtlety or complexity, etc.

Then, there’s the way the theme is set up. Kalecgos gets a storyline in Azure Span. And part of with Iskaara is all about him connecting with the idea of his flight and their family ties. Okay, we’ve all done that story. In the later patch, we have the Blue Dragonflight storylines, which are all again more family connections and so on. Okay, we’re essentially re-treading water already, but we like some of these characters so that’s maybe excusable. Then, we come to this cinematic, and Kalecgos is still acting as if the concept of “Family” is this teaching moment? How many times do we need the same beat?

In a way, if you remember how dissatisfied people were with Pelagos for example, it’s the same problem. Pelagos was a character who didn’t really do anything, and was crippled by doubts when we first encounter him. Several patches later, he’s still unable to do basic messenger duty without being crippled by doubt, even though we as player characters are supposed to have already helped him through it. It’s like someone made up a character beat, and forgot to progress the arc. And this use of “Family” kinda hits that same discordant tone.

It also probably doesn’t help that a lot of these dynamics aren’t even in-game. No one who plays the game knows any of the backstory about Vyranoth, the ASpects, etc., so it’s a pretty sudden and jarring face-turn. To randomly have her in there while everyone’s talking about “Family” makes it weird. On top of that, the same is true for the entire dynamic of the cast. Characters like Ebonhorn practically just joined the cast, Merithria is also a new add and Ysera, who would have actual family ties with Alex and Noz got sidelined, etc. The vibe is just a bit too off.

For me personally, the other silly thing about this entire arc is that it essentially seems to void previous character development. After the events of Cataclysm, Kalecgos and all the ASpects essentially went through their stories and purposes to find some semblance that they specifically are the ones with the will and power to achieve things, to be guardians, and so on. THat they’re MORE than just the powers the Titans gave them. That they could do things, defeat great evil, protect the world, on their own, working together as a team. And yet, in Dragonflight, the very first thing we’re doing for them is trying to get them Aspect powers back, and the conclusion of the Dragonflight story is they’re just undoing all that character progression that Galakrond is supposed to have meant to them. There’s some clear lack of cohesion going on, and if anything, the characters seem to be regressing.

To be fair, does it really matter? THe Primalists also literally appeared out of thin air in the first place, and even when directly asked a question about it, Blizzard dodged giving any satisfactory answer or lore to even explain their presence. Perhaps writing them out silently is the best possible option at this point.


This was possibly one of the worst most god awful eye rolling endings i have seen to a wow exp.

“Its not titan magic…its azeroth.” Who is titan made you know…by titan magic.

A vastly VASTLY better ending would have been something like Fyrakk proclaiming how he cant die, and laughing and he screams out that he is the fire lord, and erupts into a piller of fire or something before the OG titans blessing returned to the dragons to stop him.

It is my hope that with the 3 exp plan laid out they stop doing this cartoony marval esq type of mcguffins.

Just go off topic for a bit but this is kinda why I did not like it how in Destiny 2’s base campaign (which has been vaulted) the player gets their Lightbearing powers back so quickly after Ghaul activated the Travelers Cage. I feel like the story would’ve been stronger if the player(s) defeated Ghaul without using the Light. Mainly because it would prove Ghaul wrong. That the Guardians are not cowards hiding behind walls and to prove why we were chosen by the Traveler instead of him. It would juxtapose well with Ghaul ultimately stealing the Travelers power in the climax. If D2 was a single player game I reckon that would have been the case. But since it is an MMO of sorts and locking the “space wizard” aspect of the game behind the completion of the campaign would not have gone well with most players imo.

Although an alternative could have been that we lose our Light powers by being so close to the Travelers Cage or while Ghaul is stealing the Light via the cage, it steals it from us as well since we are close enough to it.

Anyway back on topic. I noticed that in the post raid quest line, Tyr is present at the party and the afterparty in the background. How is that possible when we have yet to gather his memories? Shouldn’t the body still be an empty husk? Koranos mentions that he brought the body there so maybe it is still an empty husk.

Did Koranos say why he brought the body? Otherwise I’m assuming he hoped Amirdrassil’s arrival would somehow help Tyr reawaken.