*Spoilers* Dragonflight epilogue

I can’t remember sorry. It was late at night (Aussie time) when I did the chain.

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We will recover tyr by next week, I assumed the post raid questline should not be up until there as well

We recover Tyr in the 21st and that is this Week’s Tuesday…

It’s all good.

Wowhead has an article on it and apparently there’s supposed to be a stay a while and listen conversation with Tyr and Koranos. Wowhead also suggests that the quest chain was meant to arrive after the Tyr quest.

The positive reaction to the cringe-inducing TWW cinematic of Anduin trauma dumping on Thrall in a desert seems to be an indication that we rule of cool metalhead fantasy types are in the minority now.

Which imo would make sense from a timeline pov.

Hell, have it before the raid. Make it so that we revive Tyr but he simply cannot restore the Aspects powers. Because if it happens after the raid, what exactly is the point of reviving him when the reason why we began the process was so that Tyr could restore their powers?

Sidenote: It seems Blizzard is well aware that the “rot” plotline from Azure Span was left unresolved as of now. Since Mon-Ark does say that they need to protect the new world tree from those who would want to infect it with rot. Such as Decatriarch Wratheye.

Gnoll Mon-Ark says: Me lead gnolls to find life tree. But rot also likes life trees.
Gnoll Mon-Ark says: Wratheye will want sick tree, friend-meat. A good Mon-Ark knows!


So after doing the Tyr revival quest chain, after Tyr asks if they reforged him to aid them in battle, Alexstrasza admits that while it started that way, he has returned to a time of peace.

After Tyr and the Tyr’s Guard move to Tyr’s Rest, Alexstrasza joins them, and when spoken too confirms that Fyrakk has already been defeated.

So I’m assuming that order of events is the raid, Tyr’s revival, and then the final chapter of the Emerald Dream campaign.

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I agree.

And I hope the end of the emerald dream becomes available for those that haven’t completed the raid soon, otherwise I will have to wait for LFR to reach there.

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Yeah. Which is odd in that case since Alex and Nozzy should have the glowing eyes then. But they didn’t.


At least you won’t have to Fyrakk kill quest to unlock the chapter, they usually remove the last raid boss kill requirement for the campaigns.

The story is fine it’s the dialogue that just is whatever… I didn’t realize I was watching the ending to one of those straight-to-DVD live-action Disney movies from the 2000’s


Some of those have better dialogue unironically.

Wait people still consider that the DF Epilogue? We have 2-3 more content patches. People are being so extra about it.


The aspects should have never been part of the main story line. They are ancient beings, demi-gods. They should have always been 10 steps ahead of the mortals and beyond our reach. We should have only had access to the aspects to answer difficult questions nobody else could answer. The models of the aspects should have been different too, darker, scarier, more battle hardened. Alextrasza and co. look like children’s cartoon characters. There is nothing epic and larger than life about them. I could invite Alextrazsa for tea and she will bring cake. This is not how ancient dragons should be portrayed. The dialogue is also cringe. First, they talk extremely slow, like they are talking to the audience and not to each other. WoW’s audience is not children. Cinematics don’t need to be communicated like Blue’s Clues.

The idea of friendship and family is old and it should be told without characters having to say they are family. Sacrifice, being their when they need you the most are all things friends do. Instead, the characters all talk about friendship like they are in a Disney cartoon. Dragonflight could’ve been a stand-alone expansion of epic proportions because dragons. Instead, everyone is sick of dragons and Chromie.

WoW’s biggest sin is having Heads of State being frequent appearances on front lines.

Glances at the number of people who read Quest Text

God I wish…

They can’t leave anything as subtext because their quest structuring is a hot sloppy mess and they really need to make sure people understand the main plot threads that they sort of didn’t bother to string together.

What I wouldn’t give for an actual good through-line like how we get em in XIV where you have to do the quests in Order so they are guaranteed to make chronological sense-Hopefully warbands can make some story beats account wide too so they can have the quests set up like this


Thank you! Do these characters seriously not have more important things to do?
It made sense for Thrall to be running around in Warcraft 3 because the Horde had no permanent home yet. But we’re settled now, we have towns and cities that need governing.
Plus it demystifies them, I remember fangasming over getting to fight with Thrall at the Battle for Undercity in Wrath. But these days seeing Thrall show up literally makes me roll my eyes because he’s become so mundane.


All of the non dragon dragonkin.

Elemental balance would be my guess

The thing is too even when they did in history, they were never like on the front fighting. Always chilling behind a few lines organizing and ordering troops and formations around.

Probably the only example we ever really got of this was Lor’themar during the Isle of Thunder and SoO. He stayed on the ship while everyone else went ashore, only then popping up once the foothold was established. I don’t think we’ve ever really seen Lor’themar actually be in the fighting until this patch.