*Spoilers* Dragonflight epilogue

So Fyrakk was the last boss?
I’m confused I thought this was a mid patch.

Yes. Fyrakk is the last raid boss.

Nope. 10.2 is the final main patch with more story coming in 10.2.X chapters. They mentioned 3 in an interview but its not clear if that last one is DF focused or serves as apart of the transition from DF to The War Within.

they said three patches before prepatch so… who knows whats in them. as the story of dragonflight is over it could be ANYTHING. Like, they could reclaim gilneas.


It’ll be another story where the gilneans dream about taking gilneas back.

Geeze. Are you incapable of positivity.

Which would be awesome and Blizz has laid the groundwork for in-game since the end of SL with the vague statement by Calia to Greymane

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It felt to me like we were in attack of the clones. Where the story hadn’t really come together with a central focus.
I was hoping the last raid would tie it up. (I didn’t realize this was it)

I thought the lore so far was good unlike Shadowlands. But like BfA was a random series of events we were fighting various villains with no central mastermind. I think we really needed one central villain behind the incarnates to pop out and say it was his chess plan. I was expecting one of the aspects.

It does feel like a filler expansion. That said, it was a good by filler standards.

Look where trying to force it got us. Didn’t change what happened. Didn’t change whats already been happening to Gilnean writing lmao.

I think the setting is awesome in it’s roots. I wish they weren’t pushing all this titan “THIS ISN’T ORDER!!!” stuff so I could actually be excited for the Earthen, not worried they’re gonna be used to retroactively screw up the Dwarves.


Oh baby you better believe it


God it’s 50/50 right. On one hand i’d love them exploring a forgotten idea from classic of a dwarven folk religion, since it’s said through in-game books at the time that the black anvil was a shrine to their father Khaz, hence the whole kingdoms name.

But with this current ‘titans are tyrants’ narrative man I just. Don’t think that’s gonna end up well. Nb4 Magni regresses into the same awful dude he was early in his life because “thats titans now” lmao.


it is truly incredible that they took a kind of boring guy who never wanted to be king, wants to do right by his people, and became a misogynist bad dad to his daughter

and managed to make him more boring by turning him into a giant crystal statue attuned to the earth, overusing his bad parody brother, and reviving and doing nothing with his other brother

Real dwarf fans remember that this was actually highlighting one of the better aspects of dark iron culture contrasted to the others. The others aren’t necessarily anti change but are pretty strongly into their patriarchal traditions and slow to move on from that. Where the Dark Irons were, outright, just pragmatic. Cruel under their curse, but pragmatic and valued actual merit.

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I remember at one point being intrigued by the dwarves with three clans, two of them with imperial senates, fiercely alike and fiercely mistrustful of one another. In classic quests they felt like something that could easily turn into a complex and believable society more than any other playable race. Nothing novel, of course, but the depth was there. Shadowforge City/Blackrock Depths is an incredible merger of immersion and gameplay for its time.

So much for that.


Interesting, Vyranoth became an Aspect… Hmm, I wonder if her NPC model will change now that she is not just a Primal Incarnate but an Aspect too…? I wonder what kind of Aspect she will be… we already have magic/frost… with the Aspect of magic and their blue dragonflight! Aspect of the chromatic, primatic or Aspect of the Light or White? haha lol Just guessing. I know aspect of death cant be… its too dark… and Ysera kind of fills that role in a way. (IMO)

What does that even look like as a natural proto-dragon bless by Azeroth? This is getting interesting… I thought she be killed by her brothers, glad she got her spotlight and survive to be an Aspect.
Looking forward to what happends next in the story!

I think that feeling was also helped by the dwarves being essentially the strongest pillar in the Alliance in classic. Stormwind’s king was missing, Gnomeregan was irradiated, Darnassus was on the other side of the planet, but Ironforge was doing fine and dandy.

Sometimes I wish that the Alliance had stayed centered on Ironforge instead of moving focus to Stormwind just because humans get the focus in so many other fantasy settings. Dwarves being the main core of one player faction felt unique to me in the same way orcs, trolls, zombies, and minotaurs being good guys felt.


God I could not smash the like button fast enough for this post.

I like humans, but humans as the partner race would be a nifty take.

I agree and it was the only capital of the original Alliance of Lordaeron that was not destroyed, rebuilt or flat out left following the second war.

Lordaeron got destroyed in the Third war and is now Horde
Alterac betrayed the Alliance and was sacked
Stormgarde fell into ruin
Gilneas left and later rejoined, just without its capital.
Quel’thalas left and is now Horde
Stormwind was in ruins but was later rebuilt
Kul Tiras left and later rejoined
Dalaran was destroyed in the Third War but was later rebuilt. Rejoined the Alliance from MoP up to the start of Legion.

Ironforge has been there since day 1 and has remained ever since.

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Man I wish people talked about this more. I think WoW saying “Stormwind is the strongest kingdom” is absolutely insane when Khaz Modan had been the one carrying, and then suddenly “stormwind OP” even after ironforge like doubled or tripled it’s size in uniting Khaz Modan. They should probably be the actual strongest individual race in the current set up of the setting.


If we were to apply even a limited portion of population realism to the game, there wouldn’t be the Alliance and the Horde

There’d be Ironforge and its protectorates and the Second Zandalari Empire


WoW handwaving how most of it’s populations were thinned small by wc3 except for like, elves and gnomes, always kinda irked me. Also over the years how little they’ve done with how multi-cultural stormwind should be just in terms of humans due to having rebuilt rapidly after being destroyed as a kingdom. Obviously to get good numbers back they’d need people moving back with them, and would likely have a ton of mixed kingdom demographics all over. And they do literally nothing with that.

Not that being a small population even matters because all it does for the elves, is have blizzard vaguely bring up every 3 xpacs “you lost so many people!!” because at this point people genuinely keep reacting to it each time like it hasn’t happened before.

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