*Spoilers* Dragonflight epilogue

Ysera’s farewell.

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Ysera says goodbye more often than Miyazaki at this point and it means about as much…


Azeroth flat out told Magni that she was a Titan though. Magni did not assume Azeroth was one.


I will at the very least say it was a nice little cinematic but yeah… Saying goodbye does not mean as much as it should when Ardenweald is still one portal away. Shadowlands caused so many fundamental fundamental world building issues. ugh.

It is likely a sign you screwed up if I have felt a need to draw out my own cosmological headcanon chart so that my head does not hurt when I think too much about it.


What are you talking about? Of course Death no longer has any meaning and is the equivalent of forced retirement from which you can always find a loophole to return from!

That just raises the stakes of the mortal condition even higher! I mean, if we can’t win the first time, how intense is it that we get a second try?!?



I don’t remember much from BfA, I blanked most of the expansion from my mind, but do we actually hear Azeroth telling him she’s a titan, or is it something that Magni says?


Magni Bronzebeard says: The ritual that changed me body also opened me ears ta the voice o’ Azeroth herself. She ain’t just a bunch o’ rock. She’s a titan!
Archmage Khadgar says: A titan? That… actually explains a great many things.
Brann Bronzebeard says: Me own brother turned ta diamond and started talkin’ ta titans?

So they could unreliable narrator it, but it just makes Magni, a character that was already ruined by the whole process, look dumb.


True, it would. But the unreliable narrator trope seems to be the new popular thing they’re doing to say a character got something wrong.

And it appears that Magni got it wrong to SOME degree. Whatever Azeroth is, she’s clearly more than just a titan at this point. Unless like I said, she’s a new type of titan we’ve never seen before and that’s why all the cosmic forces seem intent on getting their hands on her

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yeah there’s a reason I only play this game to look cute and have good gameplay


I often find myself having to take a step back and remember what bits are actual lore and what is bits of community fanon or my own headcanon I’ve used to plug all the cracks in what blizzard produces.

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i’ve always been leery of relying on fanon to RP in this game for a number of reasons. All of my characters now basically exist to do social, quick, funny RP now because engaging with the deeper plot is in no way worth it and neither is engaging with most of the guilds that try hard to craft their own plots, imo. No disrespect to that effort, but if I want to put in the effort to have a D&D campaign, I already spend hundreds of dollars a year for supplemental materials to run my tabletop campaigns as a forever GM.


I tend to engage in worldbuilding as a hobby. So, I guess making a flawed setting coherent to me is just an extension of that.


Sitting on about 120,000 words of worldbuilding in prep for a campaign that will start around a year from now and got more to do. I get that. I just don’t respect WoW enough to put that effort towards WoW. They retcon too much, throws out my attachment to anything.


I oft find I fall back on that classic addage

I cannot tell you how many times I’ve sat and pondered how I would of jettisoned shadowlands and redefined the entire plane of existence altogether.

I probably just have an unreasonable attachment to the idea of Azeroth, as a thing of my childhood. I 'unno.


We all have those things. I am very unhappy with the current state of pokémon and I have sank an unreasonable amount of hours into a modding project for several years trying to make the game I feel I deserve. Pokémon is very dear to me at a silly level.


Finally a comment I can agree to every word that was said.

I assume they are setting him up for a confrontation with Odyn, but I also guess it’s to give Vyranoth some closure and allow him to apologize for this actions he took and he knows now that he was wrong…zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

I would completely erase Shadowlands because it fundamentally ruins the concept of undeath itself.

Ysera returning from the Shadowlands to help her siblings, children, and friends to succeed at their goals, is undeath. She’s dead, but still functioning in the reality of the living. She’s un-dead.

But if returning to life is as easy as finding a house-sitter for your afterlife, why are so many heroes choosing to stay dead?

Why doesn’t every “dead” hero of the Alliance not have some holy-cultist to choose to take their place in the shadowlands and allow them to walk the world once more?

The point of undeath is that there is supposed to be a price you pay for not dying when you should have. You become a monster, an anomaly, but because you are still yourself (typically) you can choose how you use the extra time you’ve been granted—such as making up for past sins, or completing a goal, or just enjoying more time if you feel you died too soon.

I’m rambling. Shadowlands bad.


WoW has always kinda used comic book / cartoon writing. They just previously had more big muscular dudes, rock and roll, and large explosions. I mean… go read through WotLK’s dialog? It’s pretty bad, and in its day it got lambased for being so corny. But it got away with it because of its successful usage of rule of cool.


$10 says he and the earthen machine speakers getting written like “THIS IS NOT ORDER” new Aman’thul.

Blizzard, if they actually understood and respected the identity of Ysera, would have seen this and stopped the story there. Her idea as a character is that even if she had the power to change the cycle, she’s humble before nature and the system and would not. I.E. “Even if she could permanently change the dream she wouldn’t.” Because her actual core beliefs as a character conflict with breaking the natural flow of life and death and making a living person swap places with her, if all Merithra needs is a pep talk.

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