*Spoilers* Dragonflight epilogue

Im also confused about the whole “the titans power divided us” like is that a retcon or is alexstrasza just talking about how their powers are quite literally divided into different specializations.

Like im pretty sure it was the old gods that really divided dragonkind lmao


“Us” here meaning the incarnates and aspects.


Ohh that makes much more sense thank you.

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In addition to Chromie’s infantilization, she also hogs the spotlight from every other bronze dragon. Why was Soridormi relegated to a world event and not trying to save her husband? Why has Anachronos not been so much as mentioned this whole expansion?


I can and will continue to do so.

Dude was the creative director. the Buck stopped with him. It’s no coincidence after he gets ousted that the first expansion that wasn’t a production hotwash afterwards gives us the first 8 (at least) explicitly gay pairings in this game.

People got axes to grind. Mine will always be with Afrasiabi and with Y’bara for his Forced Return to Office mandate that threw yet more spanners in the works and may have well thrown a few things for a loop that we may never know. Afrasiabi doesn’t need elaboration. We all know his deal.


I don’t mind those as much because of the dangers of an overly large cast, but at the very least Soridomi should have been used more than she was and Anachronos could have been present at things.

The blue flight being appealing to me and alexstrasza, the bronze flight, and wrathion being fairly meh to me this expansion are all weird turns I didn’t expect.

(Greens being boring though, that I expected, lol)

Here’s hoping going forward that smaller casts are on the table. Given their breakneck production speed relative to the past, there’s no way they can do any story justice if they try to supercompress them into bit patches that need a whole novel to set up with 5 flights plus extra.

People kept asking where x was this expansion and my response would probably be “They can wait, we got enough problems with the number we have”

The whole Tyr plot seems like a waste now that the major threat to the isles is dealt with, and the main problem of the aspects powers has been resolved.

Hey, Tyr’s back! It’s okay big guy. We sorted everything out. Good to see you, though.

Unless they’re setting him up for a future story with Iridikron. But if Vyranoth’s performance VS Odyn is any indication, a keeper is no match at all for these incarnates.

War of the scaleborn novel goes deeper into that line. If you read the book, it helps to understand that line better

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Not only did they bungle the book by putting almost all the core beats in it, but they double bungled it by having it being delayed by a year and comming out after the expansion launched.

And it’s a real crying shame


It’s a shame because it was originally intended to come out BEFORE the expansion. Which definitely would have helped a lot of people understand some of the story beats better.

The book itself is pretty good though. It’s one of my favorites

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When it came to light it was supposed to be a pre-release novel that would have been a tone setting I got to watch two men from Belfast on a livestream lose their collective marbles in sheer agony of what could have been.

(Yes this is referring to Bellular and Matt)

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The Tyr revival will actually be interesting. The void prophesied to him that even Alexstrasza would betray him… and from the perspective of Order she has now. She no longer works for the Titans, or the Keepers. She has welcomed in primal dragons who refuse to be Ordered.

How will he take that?

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Interesting is a more… diplomatic word than comes to mind internally, but I’m really not down with what they’re doing with the Titans.


Good end: Proud dad moment where his kids have grown up and moved on to their own lives. Tears are shed, he gets an Algalon moment.

Bad end: Stomping his feet and becomming a raid boss and we gotta put ole yeller down


I don’t mind personally as I was never really a fan of the titans anyway. I don’t dislike them or anything, just not a fan.

I am curious to see where all this going though

After Amirdrassil enters Azeroth, the Night Elves have a ceremony and craft a new moonwell for it.


My very first gnome derived her name from words in the Titan language. it was something that really drew me to Dwarves and Gnomes, which got diluted when everyone under the sun got made Titanic or irrelevant. On top of that I think the already silly plot gets worse the more it involves a cosmic perspective – the farthest I would have wanted to go with that is dimension-hopping with the Ethereals.


People asked for this fantasy back for years, stop spitting on it. That’s not a bad summary.


I think this does a nice job of cleaning up the cosmology. A lot of Blizzard’s cosmology is repetitive - with numerous entities assuming the same roles as other established entities.

This takes the dragons away from being yet another “fractal” of the Titans’ org chart and turns them into direct representatives of Azeroth herself, beholden to no external force.

So I’m fine with this change. This is just Azeroth waking up enough to start cleaning house and setting up her own agents instead of being controlled by agents who have their own agenda. As a soul who has been nagged by Order, Light, Few and Void I like to think Azeroth’s had it up to here with their constant meddling. So first she sets up her anti-bodies (the murder hobos of Azeroth) and then she starts to either create or co-opt other systems for her own use. Give her some autonomy on the cosmic stage.