*Spoilers* Dragonflight epilogue

Aspects regaining their power was a reward because they finally stopped focusing on their lost aspect powers and focused on protecting azeroth.

Night elves arent moving out of kalimdor, they just have a new tree to protect and a new hub for those that were in stormwind as refugees.


It confuses me too. Since Magni says that the Titan voices he heard while we were on Argus were familiar yet different. Due to the similar style Azeroth was talking to him.

Like if Azeroth doesn’t end up being a Titan, why did Magni say that Eonar, Argus etc sounded like Azeroth yet different in subtle ways?


Azeroth is the syzygy of all cosmic forces.

Maybe Azeroth is not only the strongest world soul, but world souls are not inherently beings of arcane/order? Just that the pantheon walked around turning world souls into order, like the void tried to do to world souls with the old gods, or what Sargeras did to Argus by turning him into a death magic titan. It’s either this or Azeroth is not a titan at all.

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Problem with this is Aman’thul. Someone had to make him a Titan if that is the case. And before anyone says otherwise, we have in fact seen him as a world soul. It is called Antrous the Burning Throne, Coven of Shiverra encounter.


I don’t even think this is an issue. He can totally be a world soul that either was exposed by simply too much arcane/order by happenstance. Or some agents of Order managed to inject and turn the world soul, and then when he was born he went on to do the same to the rest of the pantheon’s world souls.

Like I’d imagine that Eonar’s planet was rich in life magic, either naturally or by agents of life, but was then infused with arcane by Aman’thul when he found her. Which would explain why she’s so attuned to life despite the pantheon being arcane beings.

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I was just talking about this the other day on Twitter. If Eonar can embody Life as well as be a Titan, maybe others can too?

Which lead me to speculate that Aman’thul may be Void aligned. The manifestation of the Eye of Aman’thul was the Chromatic Anomaly in The Nightwell. It uses Arcane and Void attacks.

In retrospect maybe that’s why he took a passive stance when Sargeras brought him proof of the Void’s plan. He wanted Azeroth to become corrupted so he could have his own weapon.

Aman’thul is the big bad of WoW.

I just checked and none of the Attacks of the Chronomatic Anomaly are Void.

All of the Chronomatic Anomaly’s Attacks are Arcane.

As for the origin of the Titans: When Aman’Thul cast a Time Spell on Argus he reverted to a bunch of Constellars.


It was about coming together! As a family! Right, Vyranoth? It was about family all along! The power of family. Mm yes. Family.

Anyway, Vyranoth if you’ll follow us around back to the headsman’s block, there’s one small matter left to attend to.


It could just be an assumption on Magni part. He probably just assumed Azeroth was a titan because she sounded familiar to the others.

Azeroth may very well be a titan kind, just one we never seen before judging by how powerful she is

It’s just…whatever, I guess?

The Aspects got their powers back, Vyranoth is a new Aspect and Fyrakk has been stomped into the ground. Yay.

I don’t even think I saw any dracthyr participating in this whole patch.

I think I’m ready for the War Within to come out now. I’m kind of done with this expansion.


Kinda feels like I paid too much for just a year though… But, if there are mini-patches with actual content my griping is mute

You can blame him of course, but it takes a whole team to make it happen and make it continue to happen. He seems to have been gone by 8.1, so the whole seed thing and pointless night warrior arc in shadowlands was not his doing. Nor is just using the seed to give the greedy dragon aspects, who didn’t bother to help the night elves out before during or after the genocide, their powers back because of the suicide seed Tyrande got from SL, while they make the raid itself have nothing to do with the night elves, the culmination of it being they are a happy family now that they have their powers back, and then they are making the night elves abandon Kalimdor to live on an island on the other side of the world from their homeland.

You can blame afrasiabi for the burning, but the team was all on board for that without having any kind of followup in the works outside of the 8.1 warfront (as night elves were absent afterwards). You can’t just pass all the horrible story decision blizzard has made and continues to make with the night elves off on a guy that was ousted like 5 years ago.


Alright but that first one with Cenarius looking towards the Drakthyr and that random little deer right next to him. Giving very “don’t you dare ever talk to me and my son like that ever again.”


yeah but their fees aren’t decreasing accordingly though so maybe not really an excuse? you don’t get a free pass if you’re asking full price but can only deliver mid-content.


Ahh, thank you! This is the kind of answer which really helps me understand the complaint. Now I get it… the writing feels disjointed, and illogical to you. Am I correct in saying that?

At least Knaack knew how to make dudes do epic badass things in the story even if it was over the top. Man everything about this xpacs story has been so lame and eye rolley. Thank god its over early apparently.

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It’s really weird how absent the dracthyr were from Dragonflight as a whole, outside the Reach and Zaralek stuff. DKs in Wrath and DHs in Legion weren’t omnipresent but they appeared more often in their relevant expansions than dracthyr did here.

Did Nozdormu’s “I believe Neltharion saw a greater destiny for you” thing from the pre-release animations ever even pan out?

Edit: I did see the Scalecommanders fight the druid prophet in the final quest before the raid, so that’s something I guess.

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The overall writing in DF, especially these last 2 patches, has felt disjointed.

  • Vyranoth abandoning her brothers was obviously cut content, and that portion didn’t make much sense.
  • Ysera being traded from Ardenweld was probably cut content, and it felt like it gave nothing to the story.
  • Nozdormu storyline just kindof ended with a lot of loose ends that didn’t make much sense. The actions of Chormie felt like that of a child, not a prestigious member of the Bronze Dragonflight.
  • Tyr being “re-made” obviously will continue throughout DF, but so far as felt pretty pointless, especially after the Aspects have regained their powers.

In this context, for this particular scene, yes.

Imagine at the end of Lord of the Rings, Frodo throws the one ring into Mount Doom, and Gandalf shows up with Merry and Pippin, landing at the entrance of the mountain, to hug and cheer saying

“Yay, we did it! Turns out it was us, coming together, as a fellowship.” :slight_smile:

End Movie.


I have an annoyance here as a gnome. I’m aware Chromie is not a gnome, but let’s be honest with ourselves – especially in DF, the plot-important dragons are written to have personalities very in line with their visages. Each corresponds to the baseline take for how WoW quest writers usually write important members of the visage race.

Chromie is cute. Chromie has always been cute. That is a baseline fact that is true about her. But it didn’t override her entire personality until DF. She had a juvenile spark to her, she was not a juvenile character. In DF, she feels like she’s a child.