***Spoilers*** battle for dazar'alor as alliance player

Did you cry like this for about the horde killing garrosh?


THey said awhile back that both factions would be taking on the roll of the opposite faction for a boss or 2 and have to fight a leader from their own faction .

SO it really isn’t a spoiler alert to a lot of people.

Horde have had to change to Alliance in many Raids and Dungeons over the years. It shouldn’t really be an issue.

Unless you get one of the really old Human faces! /shudder.


implying that pvp means it’s an fps game. are you high

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Mechatorque a gnome barely alive we can rebuild him , we have the technology .

We can make him shorter, more gizmoee we can build the World of Warcraft’s Bionic Mechgnome.

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No they won’t because everyone wants their loot and they honestly don’t care who or what the pinata looks like.

All they will do is come in here and talk smack as they go thank you Mistress Blizzard may I have another.

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Yea its kinda stupid the whole switching sides. The thing players don’t realize is the devs will watch the numbers to see how many actually participate. Then judge if there gonna do the same with upcoming raids. Like how possibly horde goes after Anduin while alliance faces Sylvannas , then switch threw that fight. It’s gonna lead to something down the line just watch. This is a test phase to see how players will react/participate. My guess is there already working on it.

Wait until the numbers come out. You’ll see.

Been playing for a decade both sides . Most people don’t care in fact a vast majority of the players are going to be doing the fights on both their Horde and Alliance toons . The only ones that are going to drop out mid raid are those in the minority that pay to play only half a game as one faction only.

No you’re mistaken. You are immersed and invested in the lore and story. Everyone is “playing” the game once they log in. Kthx

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She doesn’t die. Do you think we liked fighting Garry? Or the way that they wrote him?

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No they didn’t set Stormwind on fire.
The fires were set by Zul not the horde .


What there doing is taking Jaina and Mekkatorque out of the picture for a while. Guess would be to push for face time for Sylvannas with the release of Xalatath.
Then 8.3 Sylvannas turns the tables on the alliance.

Rhak marked his own grave when he chose Bwamsamdi as the new Loa.

If you didn’t forsee his death from miles away, then I don’t know what to tell you.

As long as Jaina doesn’t actually die, idc about what happens. And like some others have said, Horde ACTUALLY kill their King, whereas the alliance only really defeat them.

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I really wouldn’t care one bit because this whole faction bias is non-existent.

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And we found the dev that is the token Alliance player. :smiley:

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Fighting Jania as Ally is our chance to get her back from not mentioning at any time on our long long boat ride to her home that she MIGHT MIGHT not be as welcome as we were led to believe.

My poor pally still hasn’t got that prison stink off his armor.

all i know is i play a gnome for a reason. i don’t want to be turned into some filthy blood elf just to see the horde side of the story. spits on the ground

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Most likely this is what everyone will be playing as depending on their toons .

Pandaren/random race of opposing faction
Light Forged/High Mountain
Dark Iron/Maghar

These are all based off of the Orb of Deception toy