***Spoilers*** battle for dazar'alor as alliance player

Horde already got to set Stormwind on fire rescuing Talanji. I mean its not like the Alliance main city was painted so incompetent that an entire group of Horde could break into our prison, release anyone they wanted, set fire to the whole place and walk out.

Imagine if Org had been set on fire in SoO


yeah, sneaking into stormwind, rescuing one person, and then running away is totally the same as siege of orgimmar. yup. totally the same.


Or maybe instead of Alliance being made to look incompetent Horde are just really awesome (or lucky).

Because the devs always favor Horde, and have basically given up. It’s the most bizarre thing to be honest. It’s like they’ve had massive turnover in the WoW team or something…


If that were to happen we’d be complaining why jaina hasn’t mana nuked orgrimar yet

Crying babies.


Nobody cares about the alliance. The majority of players play horde.

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True, SoO was the Horde being so incompetent they had to ask the Alliance to bail them out and remove the monster they created.
The Alliance came in, fixed the problem and let causing no harm. Cant have the Horde ever have anything negative happen.

If you want to send a clear message to the devs then leave raid once your faction npcs switch over as bosses. Simple as that , lack of participation in numbers. Otherwise there working towards making future content with this in mind i believe.
How would horde feel if they had to relive a flashback and switch to alliance characters only to kill Sylvannas?

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FTFY. The golden child never really knows how special they are treated.

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If what I said wasn’t true, the alliance wouldn’t have 50% extra honor since before legion just to BG or 30% extra AP, gold, xp and honor for turning WM on…or getting free high ilvl gear every week to kill horde players because nobody wants to play alliance. :roll_eyes:


I like playing Alliance. I will NOT PvP. Never liked it, never will. I play more for RPG than FPS - I think a lot of Alliance are more like me. People who PvP are more drawn to Horde. It just sucks that the Horde get the story too.

Now If Alliance could get Tauren & HM, I dont think I would play Sylvanas’ Horde ever again


:roll_eyes: You’re crazy

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So losing a couple of leaders/heroes (garrosh and nazgrim) isn’t a negative? Ok, then what is the complaint here for Alliance for this new raid??

It was terrible fighting and killing Nazgrim.


It was only the Alliance that invaded orgrimmar?

I remember that it was the Alliance, Voljin, Lol ’ themar, Baine, Thrall, Galliwyx and Sylvannus, attacking Orgrimmar.

After the defeat of Garry, your capital was left for you!
If it has been damaged, it’s because you also attacked your tyrant.

The Alliance could have been trying to dismantle the Horde, but The Great Varian preferred to allow the Horde continued, since Vol’jin and his friends helped against Garrosh.


This might totally blow some of your minds but simply changing my character over to look like a Horde character that I do not want to be doesn’t make this problem any better. I hate the Undead and now I am going to be stuck looking at myself as one during raid progression for extended periods of time. Thanks but no thanks.


It’s terrifying that you consider Garry a leader, who would rather see you and your race dead and, Nazgrim a hero, who had no problem booting your head, if Garry so ordered!

They were both trying to kill anyone who does not submit the Garrosh tyranic fist!
If you do not see problem with being oppressed by a tyrant, then you must have loved the time that kept him in prison Garithos, “inhuman”.

I think that should be Stockholm syndrome!


I can’t wait for the Alliance to barely break even despite having an unquestionably massive air advantage and the best arcane power of the factions that completely will get ignored because going over on boats and fighting on the ground is a far better idea.


Both sides end up killing or defeating members of their own side thru “flashbacks”, so I don’t see it as a huge deal and we don’t kill Mekatorque survives as does Jania. More than I can say for the Troll king…

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