***Spoilers*** battle for dazar'alor as alliance player

Not yet. Maybe one day Blizz will understand my potential and make me a Dev. :wink:


I don’t get why Mekkatorque/Gallywix aren’t used as alternative faction-specific bosses with identical abilities. It’s not as though this is too complex considering they managed to do it to Grong in the exact same raid.


The devs would rather force alliance players to fight along a horde leader. While facing an alliance leader. They could have just made different bosses for the faction fights . But instead went along with the faction they favor the most.

WOuld you like some aged cheddar to go along with that glass of WoW Cellars Horde Bias whine you got there?


Not surprising coming from a hordie. Just like how horde players harassed and sent death threats to christie golden a while back. And they say alliance are the ones that are imature.

Yes. Yes, it is.

There’s just no getting around it, killing major Alliance lore characters isn’t going to feel good for quite a few Alliance players.


That’s why quite a few are ompting out of facing there faction bosses. Some horde as well . Best way to send a message to devs is to leave raid.

First people who send death threats are idiots .
Second even though this is my main I also play alliance and have a hunter on the alliance side that is only 5 ilvls below this one.
Finally if I was posting on said alliance toon I would of said the same thing.

Oh and I said it because you are coming off as an immature child that isn’t getting their way .

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Numbers will show soon enough the lack of participation. Just like with the warmode buff being kept on the alliance side. This will be no different.

Don’t do that. You know it was super cool for Alliance PLAYERS to get to invade Orgrimmar.

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Both sides have a super bizarre and awkward thing where they have to fight their allies.

I’m dreading fighting Rastakhan and the Champions of the Loa I’ve come to know so dearly.

It’s… odd.


Yeap, i am dropping this raid, i was waiting to see the cinematics, it was cool seeing mekkatorke and jaina being pure heavy metal, but i have zero interest if fighting my damn heros, i don’t care if it is a flashback.

and i don’t care how cool are their mounts (i will farm them when i can solo it) for now i would rather focus my time in other things.
same with rasthakan for horde players
i mean yeah, at least they don’t die, but i am supposed to be invested in fighting a character that i know since a decade ago and that i always loved?
if people are going to have fun,her that’s great, me? yeah is a no from me. i will not betray my lord admiral.


Christ people will find anything to complain about.

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As Horde, you get to kill the king you spent an entire questing zone trying to help (even pulling him from the brink of death). You then get the pleasure of failing to kill two Alliance leaders, so that the Alliance can have junker gnomes in 8.2


I agree with this. I don’t want to fight Jania, I like her. On the horde side, I don’t want to fight the King. I like him. Making it so you have to fight leaders who are part of your faction is a disappointment.


Yea I can’t say I’m happy about playing as alliance either. This is suppose to be an expansion about faction pride and they thought it was a good idea that we played as one another? Why? Bad move.


Who said I am going to care about killing Jaina, once I killed King Rastakhan, I’m done.

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He was also a really annoying character.

I’mma angry dragon! Taste my flames - RAWR!

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His true character was was developed in the Novel Day of the Dragon and the trilogy War of the Ancients.

It’s a shame almost everyone only got to see his lesser “Me burn everyone form”. Hey, still beats the cringe “IM SO POWERFUL! FEAR ME ROAR!” Legion.

Putting wow aside he was easily one of the better characters this franchise had to offer.

From the looks of it , quite a few from both horde and alliance aren’t happy with this raid design. Can only hope enough don’t participate in facing there faction targets. It only sets more raids up like this later on down the line. I believe this type of raid design is a beta test to see how well it goes to judge if future content came use the same design.
They claim that content is already in the works for future raids /patches / expansions. Now imagine if the numbers are low for participation for faction targets. It would put a hamper on the development. They would have to rethink and redo things.

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