***Spoilers*** battle for dazar'alor as alliance player

Absolutely right.

At least the alliance people survive. We have to actually kill the horde bosses.

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This should be the boss music for Rashtakhan.

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Can you pass the salt?:salt::salt::salt:


If they did that, where the horde fight A B and C bosses and alliance fight X Y Z bosses you KNOW one side is going to be up in flames if the bosses are easier on one side than the other.

These way, its even for both factions

Ooh I like that! Added it to my playlist.

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We are the antibodies of Azeroth, for the most part.

Also, pretty sure the Alliance have attacked Horde-controlled cities numerous times (in raid content); and each time a major Horde leader dies because of it.

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That’s my combat music in Skyrim :joy:
It’s a pretty good battle theme

You should watch the show it’s from. Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure :wink:

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ok let’s kill of all your leaders so you get different ones.

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May I point out that it hasn’t been confirmed the bee mount is alliance only (that I know of) - it’s only been implied that it is.



Meh… For me it’s just beat on the loot piñata until it busts open and drops something I can use. Doesn’t matter if it’s connected to a story or not.

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yea some of actually play the game. kthx

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We had to fight Garrosh. Stop whining alliance dog.


If they miss the opportunity for someone to say, “We can rebuild him, we have the technology,” I will be so disappointed.

The 6 million gold gnome?

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There’s a difference between killing and having them step aside for someone else to rule. The narrative team could have done the same with horde but they didn’t. I for one would like Genn to take charge or Tyrande. It comes down to devs not wanting to do much work on alliance content and it shows.

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And, after the horde gets WF on the 3 alliance bosses, finally get the alliance to stop QQing about racials. :slight_smile:

Garrosh was a villain who tried to kill everyone who was against his absolutist vision!

He tried to kill vol’jin, your leader, and caused a split in his horde!
He betrayed the orcs culture with his dark shamen and attempted to destroy Horde in WOD!

This does not even compare to fighting, like pseudo horde, against an Alliance heros, who are trying to save the world and its people!

I know I won’t complete that raid, though Jaina and Geblin have the best prizes for the “slaughter!”
Rastakhan is so riff raff, that your drop loot is lower than that of Jaina and Geblin!

I have to muster the patience to kill an idiot like Rastakhan, a weak King and irrelevant, it will be replaced by a Queen much better.

I’m being reduced to a janitor, taking the trash out, to the satisfaction of the horde!

if I’m going to have little satisfaction dealing with rastakhan, I’m not going to pay a displeasure, pretending to be a member of the Horde, a character from Alliance!

Honestly, I have no desire to view the event by the point of view of the horde!
Well, good fun to those who fight against jaina and Geblin!

Imagine if the scenario were reversed. The Horde sack Boralus and kill the leader there (Jaina’s mom?). And then the finale was the Alliance putting Gallywix in a coma and then fighting Sylvanus to a standstill?

The Alliance would still complain. They’d say it wasn’t fair that THEIR city was attacked. That THEIR leader was killed.

And all this whining after Alliance already got to invade Orgimmar and take down the evil Horde war chief.


You do realize the Horde have to fight and kill Rastakhan from the perspective of the Alliance right? But nah, it’s all me me me me me. What about me, What bout Raven!