***Spoilers*** battle for dazar'alor as alliance player

No. Because nobody actually cares. It’s a boss in a raid.

Do you seriously think that the devs crowd around a table saying: “How can we make the Alliance mad in this next patch?”

And no Alliance leaders die. The victory was the destruction of the Zandalari fleet, which now gives the Alliance the upper hand in the war.

Again, nobody actually cares.


No they spend 2 years developing a Horde focused game than go, wait did we forget to add something for the Alliance? Eh give horses, they dont matter anyway.


The devs could careless about the alliance. Horde development gets done first. Alliance gets the scraps. Alliance gets stuck with stupid horse mounts. Not to mention the narrative team focuses way more on horde development. Alliance gets stuck with stormwind always leading instead of switching over to Genn or someone else. While horde get different leaders . Anduin’s development has been lame. Golden has turned him into a mary sue. He lacks the aggressiveness of Varian.


Man I really wish I could have that Bee mount.

Or that Moonsaber.

The point is, they’re making it up to you right now. Because boy do I love reskinned bats.


Good news, neither Alliance Character dies while Rhak does.

Mekatorque does die though. There has been some leaked dialogue of Anduine that talks about his death.

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Rather have bats than another horse xD


Now this I absolutely agree with, yet at the same time I look at Sylvanas and I see some similarities.

The writing for both Sylvanas and Anduin has been horrendous. Sylvanas is a cartoon villain and Anduin is a Mary Sue.


Is that in game yet?

You mean recolored faction mount everyone buys at level 20 now?

We can give you another wolf.

BTW Ill take a cinematic that furthers the Alliance story. Oh wait, we have to have an Alliance story to further first.


It will in 8.2 as an Alliance Paragon mount.

You’ve seen the new Warfront Moonsaber right? It looks really cool.

Remember Anduin’s cinematic back in Legion? As for the Alliance story, you have it. The Alliance is having problems due to Mekkatorque’s stasis that will eventually lead into Mechagon and the Mechagnomes. Additionally you also have the return of Derek Proudmoore and the (Theorized) death of Katherine Proudmoore.

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Probably because Anduin doesn’t have updated news yet.

Torque is alive, they wouldn’t make an escape pod story arc otherwise.

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I’m on the fence with this and I’ll have to see how it plays out but my first thought if you want to see both sides, then play each side.


That was changed.

The High Tinker fought bravely. But in the end… it wasn’t enough. Thank goodness one of his crazy inventions carried him to safety!

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haha love that. “I’m a killin ya man, but only once I promise…!”

I do. Doesn’t change the fact that it’s nice to be able to experience it like this. Also I’m sorry but if the Alliance got, say, Nathanos instead of Jaina, there would be huge outcry because the Self Insert joke character would never have a fight even half as cool as hers. It’d be another source of “Horde favoritism!!!”

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Well I mean if it’s required for unlocking the race I have to :frowning: don’t make me feel worse about it. At this rate I’ma just hide in the corner in Lfr and hope nobody notices.

This guy is a hoot. It’s like… a few days a week, he just wakes up and decides to make 10 drama filled posts back to back.

“This is a HORDE RAID”… You’re right. You murder the king (yes, we all know he’s not horde yet) of a tribe of trolls that we’ve obviously become allies with. You pull off a good surprise attack and, realistically, win the battle overall. But it’s HORDE BIAS.

Blizz does something completely unique to this raid and let’s us see both sides of the story. “We can’t do that. I don’t want to push my attack buttons on Jaina because it’ll hurt me emotionally.” Give me a break… It’s a video game…

The High Tinker doesn’t die. Jaina doesn’t die. How at all is this a HORDE only raid?


remember when people claimed horde bias after siege of orgrimmar?

“it doesn’t matter that we’re raiding orgrimmar and killing their warchief. it still takes place in their capital city, which makes it horde story, thus, bias in favor of the horde!”

now imagine if it was reversed

“blizzard, wtf are you letting the horde attack stormwind and kill our leader? I’ve been alliance since the days of good simpsons episodes, so I’m an expert on everything related to this faction. never have I been more ashamed of your writing.”

you can’t win with some people.


Granted Rastakhans death flags had death flags due to Talanji but I am going to miss him. I rather liked his character while questing.

I’m also half convinced Bwonsamdi gave up on him due to how much he yells. I swear everytime he summons bwon its via yelling at him lol.


My paladin saved Rastakhans life and now he has to kill him. :frowning:


Ah, well that lucky Gnome =p