***Spoilers*** battle for dazar'alor as alliance player

Good news, neither Alliance Character dies while Rhak does.


No, I mean that there would be unique takes on it depending on your faction.

Thought that was a cool idea.

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Its quite amazing to see the lengths people will go to be mad about something that doesn’t affect them in any tangible way.


Well he had to die for the princess to ascend. That is the typical coming into their own hero template.


I mean, I’m actually surprised no one saw this coming a mile away.


Real talk: the Horde is better off without Rastakhan. All he’s done since the expansion started is ignore the people who know what’s going on, and then when the problems become too big to ignore, he makes some half-hearted attempt to get out of it by asking the loa for help. Not to mention his “deal” with Bwonsamdi is more of a burden on his daughter and his people than it is on him - not the mark of a responsible leader.


Someone hasn’t been to Stranglethorn Vale, nor has ever gone to the Isle of Thunder, or played Horde.

Rastakhan has been around since Vanilla, and it was he who recruited the Alliance and Horde to take down Hakkar the Soulflayer.

Now in this expansion, we’ve finally met him face-to-face, and have helped him throughout the entire story of Zandalar, but at the end he sacrificed his soul to Bwonsamdi so he could reclaim his kingdom and save his people.

(I guess Google Search is hard)


Nothing new here.

Kill Arthas? Nope. Deus ex Fordring.
Kill Deathwing? Not without Voltron’s help.
Kill Garrosh? Nope. Thrall steals the killshot and Varian blocks the steal.
Kill Sargeras? Nope. Deus ex Illidan.

We aren’t heroes. We’re sidekicks.

The difference is previously we got to pretend we were in a faction footrace. This time we are just locked into seeing things from one side, instead of having the illusion that both sides are there.

My beef with this plotline isn’t that only alliance bosses are getting whacked, but that with years of potential development, the table has not been set for a Mechatorque/Gallywix throwdown. One has been absent (hiding on pleasure island) and the other has been absent (cleaning up radiation) or essentially ignored (Mechatorque is more like players than like other faction leaders; no one cares what he does).

The only question that really matters is whether we get to loot the treasure golem we stirred up with Flynn.


Not really. His whole arc was him going from a stagnant leader to finally becoming a true and active king. We saw him lead the assault on the Blood Gate, and be the first to charge into the city during the Zandalar Forever Scenario.

He couldn’t have done this alone, so he sacrificed his soul to Bwonsamdi in exchange for the power to save his people. After his death though, Bwonsamdi offers Talanji a deal: Sylvanas’ head in exchange for Rastakhan’s deal to be forgotten.

Talanji declines, but we know that eventually Talanji begins working with Baine and Vol’jin to try and take down Sylvanas. So now we know this burden will likely be a short-term event.


We already knew we’d have to switch to do the full raid. Were you “avoiding” these spoilers? It’s been known for months. Guess you didn’t catch the part where horde have to kill Rakhastan btw.


You obviously dont speak sarcasm.

So haveing played Horde and Alliance since launch day (with a few breaks). I did stranglethorn vale in Vanilla (havent been back since). Walked through ZG a few times before it went away and stayed out of the horrible remake. Isle of Thunder was a break for me, I never got back till Legion.

Honestly though, I still dont remember him in the way ANYONE remembers Jaina. Alliance love her and Horde absolutely hate her. You are one of the first I have seen say anything remotely favorable about this troll that was brought into the story to die and hand his kingdom off to his daughter.

Well you and Horde only players (if there is anyone else willing to only play half a game) bring him up just to say no really, BLizzard does sometimes do things against the Horde. Really.


Just stop. Both sides play as the opposing sides. This is just Blizzard being lazy and wanting to reuse content.


As a Horde player who hasn’t touched my nelf DH Freyla since reaching level 120 (several months ago), I am ready to try and re-learn how to play a nelf DH all over again (if only briefly).


It makes perfect sense when you consider this entire expansion as a whole. Before doing anything, Blizzard thinks, “How can we make this really cool for Horde players?” After they get finished with that, they throw something together for Alliance.

They realized that it was really unpopular among alliance players for some reason so their next idea was, “Why don’t we let alliance player taste just a bit of greatness and let them be Horde for a few bosses.”


Most of my characters are Alliance actually.

Yeah. Because he was a character that was actually liked by Horde Players, but now he was killed off, and the Alliance was given literal plot-armor to protect Mekkatorque.

Yeah, but does Jaina die?

I don’t hate her at all.

Yeah, but he had a story that was actually good. He’s not a Mary Sue like every other character in this game. He has flaws, he fails, but he still tries to do good by his people. I have the right to be pissed off about fighting Rastakhan, but will I avoid a boss fight because I have to play against a cluster of pixels? No.


Oh. Sorry.

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Personally I choose to take pride in the knowledge that Jaina is the final boss on either side, and as a result, is the most powerful entity in the entire raid, as we all know the final boss is always the strongest. I’m also quite pleased she survives the whole thing and buys enough time for the Alliance forces to retreat.

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Alot of alliance players are just gonna drop raid once it switches over to alliance targets. It’s not worth fueling the narrative/dev teams anti alliance agenda. BFA suppose to be about faction pride. No major horde characters are even targets. Would have rather killed off Nathanos and or harmed Gallywix. It’s just another way the devs get to have the horde spit in the face of the alliance.

If enough players drop out of the raid before there faction targets switched. It will send a message to the devs that players dont want this kind of raid in the future.


I still think the raid should end this way;

The Horde players walk into the room to face Jaina and prepare to fight. Once the battle is started, Jaina walks right up to the main tank and says, “You’ve won Nothing!” and teleports out. Ice bombs start going off and in order for the Horde raid to survive, they need to portal out. Once the Raid portals out, they get to see Jaina on her ship, smirking at the players as she sails away free and clear.

This all gets chalked up to a Horde “win” while Jaina and her frost bombs destroy the entire temple and every troll in it.


I wouldn’t mind seeing Gallywix get it. Whenever I’m standing near him, I feel like asking my guild if there is any way you can just kick him, like right in the belly. I’m always annoyed by the sight and sound of him.

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