(Spoilers) Ardenweald, Tyrande, Elune and Sylvanas

We don’t know that. Until Shadowlands is over, there is room and time to adress Teldrassil and those who died, one way or another. Whether it be through revenge, or restoration, or something else, is unknown. But i’d say the odds are near a hundred that they will adress it. Because that event is like Damocles sword hanging above the writer team’s heads.

I agree that they messed up to the point where it looks intentional. But they don’t really have a reason to piss off Night elf players to the point where they quit the game, which has unfortunately happened. But it’s not because of malice, but because they have the smarts of a rock and the foresight of a blind lemming. Them scrambling to fix things afterwards, however poorly, shows that they are aware of the problem.

And for posterity, i’m not cutting Blizzard slack. If they fail with adressing what happened in bfa during shadowlands, I will unsubscribe and never touch wow again, and most likely never buy another Blizzard product. But i’d say to give them a chance to right their wrongs, however low the chance is that they can succeed.


You are kind of obliged to do so since it’s our only source.

Not really, because their souls are already gone forever and obliterated.

I’d say the odds are near a hundred that they won’t address it and instead double down on all the tragic and bad things that happen to Night Elves. We have some of that in the 9.1 PTR already with Tyrande’s defeat and Sylvanas’ glorification.

The writing team only cares about how to be mean towards Night Elf fans though.

Being bad and spiteful humans is a reason. Being put into a position of power of doing bad things to a race and a fanbase that they don’t like is what enabled them to do all this in the first place.

But they aren’t actually doing that though. They think it’s okay for the souls to be obliterated and for Tyrande to lose her final battle with Sylvanas, and then sleep while Sylvanas gets her redemption.

I’ve been giving them the chance for 3 years now. We’re now in the endgame and the way this whole thing concluded is absolutely insulting with the souls’ destruction, Tyrande’s defeat and Sylvanas’ escape of any punishments.

You can read my other post about how a story would’ve looked like that wasn’t written with malice towards Night Elf fans. If you want to, of course.

No you aren’t. You can easily view them unrelated and non representative. You’ve chosen otherwise.

That would be me ignoring the lore though, how is that supposed to be productive?

I can pretend that we don’t know that we only saved a small chunk, but we do know it.

I still think it’s easier for writers to simply ignore and not write about something they don’t like, rather than invest effort into writing bad stuff. Doing this means they’re wasting time not writing stuff they DO find interesting.

Of course, I’m not saying that you have to like or appreciate it or anything. But there’s no reason to infer malice.


No it wouldn’t. Those numbers being representative and related isn’t lore. That’s your opinion. That you’ve chosen to have.

Eh if I didn’t like or hated something, I’d write badly about it too in my own story that’s not for a public game with many different fanbases of all races.
I’d recommend you too to give my other post a read, how Teldrassil could’ve been resolved without malicious writers.

No, that’s what’s in the game, that’s part of the story now.

There’s nothing in game that says those numbers are representative (you’ve acknowledged they aren’t). And there’s nothing to say they are strictly related.

Let’s just disagree. This won’t get us anywhere. You want to ignore those given numbers and I take what we have as a source unless it’s stated otherwise officially.

They could bring those souls back from oblivion through some macguffin or whatever. The question isn’t “is it possible” or “is it probable” but “do they have a reason to?”. If they believed that bringing back those souls would satisfy players, they would do it in a heartbeat. So I wouldn’t discount the possibility just yet.

I don’t think so. They know that players, like you, are waiting with bated breath to see what they will do with Tyrande and Sylvanas. And they know what would happen if it’s unsatisfactory. Imagine you, but it’s everyone, slamming the game and it’s story on reddit, mmochampion, youtube etc. It would be like bfa’s reaction, but a thousand times worse. They see that possibility looming, and they will do what they can to avoid that. Or they are even dumber than I give them credit for.

That doesn’t pay the bills or set food on the table. It actually does the opposite.

They wouldn’t jeapordize their jobs or livelyhoods for it, even if that was their intention.
It wouldn’t be worth it.

We don’t know what happens, but since the mawsworn haul asss out of ardenweald, they proabably didn’t win.

Whatever happens, Sylvanas isn’t getting a redemption in this patch. We fight her as a boss, and as a villain.


I’ll admit I’m wrong if somewhere in game it says these numbers are representative and related. It doesn’t. That’s not my opinion, that is a fact.

I don’t want to ignore them. Just saying how you are interpreting them is a chose opinion. I’m not begrudging you choosing that, but that’s what it is.

You aren’t just taking what we have, you are making extrapolations from it.


I know this is going to be a laughable comparison, but it’s the only thing I really have to go on to corroborate my point of view on this.

For a while now, I’ve been toying around with an online game called AI Dungeon. It’s basically a predictive text generator that was modeled after choose-your-own-adventure stories, so it’s kinda like a co-writing toy with a computer. Whenever I come up with a character or situation that I end up not liking, I just…don’t really have any interest in continuing that plot beat, and move onto something else instead. But I’ve come up with some downright mean stuff for a character idea I do like, because I wanted to think out and explore how the character handles awful situations.

So I think it’s something like that with night elves. The writers probably want to do some exploring with them, and perhaps Teldrassil was a way to kick the race out of its “comfort zone” for a bit to see how what ideas they come with about how night elves would handle it. Same reason why Saurfang got so much attention in BFA; they wanted to explore a plot line of a mentally broken old man, so they had to break him.

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I cannot like this comment enough.

As I recall there was some surprise among Devs regarding the reaction to Teldrassil. They are well aware they have to deal with it in some way. How they do so is actually really important.

I don’t know what will happen. I suspect they don’t want to simply hit “undo” partly because it creates a whole mess of problems (and makes every action seem to have lesser stakes). I don’t know that that will stop them from doing that, but I think it might give them pause to do so. But if Elune is the only known true deity in WoW, what’s to stop her from just “poof”-ing them back to life?

I could easily see them walk back the stakes by saying, “When faced with saving her people or fighting the Horde, Tyrande’s first action was to save as many from Teldrassil as possible, even Saurfang predicted that, so really only a small % died. But for a population of civilians it’s still tragic and they don’t populate as fast, so every death hurts.” Or maybe they decide to have stories about the brave heroes who saved so many of the population through portals, etc.

I could also see them doing something akin to, “The only way to power the Heart of the Forest in the ultimate part of stopping the Jailer is through the power of the Night Warrior being split among all of the Night Elf spirits in Ardenweald. Thankfully we saved almost all of them from being turned into ash. Because of them doing it, the Night Elf souls will be able to live forever in Ardenweald, and they’re all heroes for defeating Death.”

Innocent folks died. It’s awful regardless. Most folks on the Horde hate it and want no part of it. Blizzard took a lot of flak for this and if they don’t fix it then it will ultimately hurt their bottom line (more than it already has).

But honestly, the hyperbole does not help your cause. There is nothing to justify overall numbers, %'s, or anything else. The ranting about a battle (still missing a cinematic) that everyone else seems to interpret in the opposite manner as you, comes across as an extreme overreaction.


She’s also has chosen to not recognize that there are multiple Maw Walkers doing the same thing.

He’s wrong tho the nelf player pop is still the same nobody actually cares about the story elesans insane rambling won’t change the fact that nelf will always be the 3rd most popular race in the game

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Is it? I thought with realm pop down since BfA (coincidentally :roll_eyes:) we only have indirect methods of estimating?

What I believe is that if they’d know that it makes Night Elf players sad that those souls were destroyed, they’ll double down on it by also destroying those souls in Ardenweald at some point.

Well but we know already? Sylvanas gets her redemption and Tyrande loses. It’s in the 9.1 PTR and the redemption part in an interview. Tyrande also sleeps for the rest of the patch and the next step will be her losing her powers, meaning that it was completely useless in the end for her to become the Night Warrior.

That and they’re just being mean

Their bills are paid anyway, because the higher ups at Blizzard seemingly don’t like Night Elves either or don’t care about that fanbase at all. They likely also ordered Teldrassil in the first place.

Who knows, if they keep getting away with it why not? Or if the higher ups are even in support of it.

So far, I can only be sure about the art / customization team not hating Night Elves at Blizzard, because they gave them good customizations in Shadowlands.

Well, they did get their sigil, and Sylvanas seemingly leaves unharmed on her own conditions, and Tyrande is near dead.

While her redemption might not be this patch, it’s already set in stone, therefore we also won’t defeat her or bring her to justice.

They are also making Tyrande sleep for the rest of the patch, they know exactly what they’re doing.
There’s no reason to believe that this is going to get better for Night Elves in any shape or form.

That would imply that they’d also be eager to address it properly afterwards, and not either ignore it or double down on it. If you take away everything from a race and let them go through such a tragedy, you’d have to start building it back up afterwards and not make it even worse with the whole soul torture and obliteration thing, Tyrande losing, Sylvanas getting away etc…

That is something I suggested in my other post here, where I rewrote the Night Elf story after the Burning of Teldrassil. Instead they chose the boring route and let Tyrande share her powers with formers Night Warriors that we’ve never heard of before, that weren’t even Night Elves.

The problem is that those are named NPC’s, so the “X turtles made it to the water” like in BfA doesn’t work.

  1. Night Elves are the second most popular race in the game
  2. That doesn’t have do to with anything stated here

I don’t like people playing a victim, but it is whatever. I get more annoyed with them playing opinion as fact to do it.

Or failing to understand writers can write bad things happening without an hate invested. I doubt Tolkien hated humans.


I’d refrain from taking the ramblings of this madhouse as any kind of “fact”. So far there is nothing, despite what Luxio might think, that points towards Sylvanas being redeemed. And I mean nothing.

After kicking bass and taking names. A well deserved rest.

We’ll see, but somehow I doubt that they will simply remove her powers and call it a day. When two people tried to share that power they both died. I’m guessing that the solution will involve an absolute ton of people to offload all the power. Perhaps that power will then be used for the betternment of the Night elves in a more productive way.

You don’t get to become numero uno by being petty and mean. The writers would have been fired if that was their intention.

I doubt the shareholders care about the game or it’s story at all. They care about money. And people leaving means less money.

There’s still that Danuser interview where he said that Sylvanas redemption will be nuanced…

After arriving in Ardenweald, losing to Sylvanas and failing to protect the sigil…

Well in the Ardenweald campaign we kind of already learned that it will be, if anything, split between former Night Warriors. I find that really underwhelming considering that those are just newly invented NPCs that aren’t even part of night elf history to begin with.

I’d be really curious about what you think about my take about it:

Well again, maybe nobody in the upper department cares or they even support the hatred…
The writers don’t give me a single reason to believe that they don’t hate the Night Elves.

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