(Spoilers) Ardenweald, Tyrande, Elune and Sylvanas

Good to know. I was getting confused. I’ll try to keep that in mind for the future.

A hypothetical.

  1. WC3 occurs, Hyjal goes boom.
  2. Surrounding night elves (save for the druids) leave, but Felwood is corrupted, forcing them to Ashenvale.
  3. Warsong and general baddie (i.e. satyrs, demons) aggression make Ashenvale makes it less hospitable to non-military forces.
  4. Safest place is, for the most part, Darkshore. Auberdine becomes a larger hub as a result.
  5. Teldrassil is grown enough to settle upon. Now night elves from Hyjal/Felwood who would have possibly displaced those in Ashenvale/Darkshore all filter in to this new, safe place to call their own.

Unlikely, yes, but the lands they previously held had been made inhospitable or too dangerous for the average elf.

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Fixed it for you.

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1000 died in Teldrassil, plus all those that lived in Darkshore and Ashenvale. We saved a total of around 100.

Was that it?
Not that that isn’t significant. Just would have expected more.

Keep in mind we have no idea how many were actually living in Teldrassil. Especially considering the amount territory the Kaldorei own.


Well, from ingame numbers, yeah. That’s also where I took the 100 from that we saved.

Oh, so those numbers probably aren’t precise?

Well, it does give us a rough proportion of how many we saved, which is below 10%.

I’m not sure how much we can really extrapolate.

If you want to take it the worst way for the Night Elves, that’s your decision.


It’s the only canon source we have.

Fixed it for you.

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You’ve already acknowledged you are choosing to interpret it a certain way. That’s your decision.


Why are you editing my sentences into wrong statements?

100 of 1000 is 10%, and then we have all the dead of Ashenvale and Darkshore too.

I’m not really interpreting anything into it, it’s just how the story went.

You are choosing to view these numbers as rough proportions.

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What else are you supposed to view them as?

It’s in the story that max 10% of Night Elf souls were saved from the maw.

Not really relevant to the lore numbers. But you are choosing to view them as very relevant.

I think lore wise nearly ten thousand people died at Wrathgate? We don’t see even a rough equivalent of that in game.

No, it is not. We have no clue how many Night elves that were saved from the maw, same as we have no clue how many of them died when Teldrassil went up in smoke. Blizzard has been extremely unwilling to divluge even a rough percentage for either, which I agree is downright infuriating.

What we know, is that based on in game reactions, Teldrassil was bad. Really, really bad. And there hasn’t been a proper resolution to that yet, unfortunately. It might never happen. And this isn’t because Blizzard are malicious. It’s because their game department and writing department is like a hydra with split personality disorder. There is no cohesion, and no cooperation between them. And it has lead to the mess we are in right now.

But I will say this. Blizzard seems to be very aware of how people feel about Teldrassil, and they seem to be aiming for some form of resolution that they believe will be good enough, from what I can tell. Don’t let the Forums get you down, and don’t let baseless speculation be your source of information. Time will tell what will happen next.


But my point is that we still have percentages about how many night elves we actually saved and how many died.

Fixed that, after seeing the 9.1 PTR that is.

Yea, and the writers are probably plotting about how to make it even worse already. 9.1 PTR and Tyrande losing her final showdown with Sylvanas and then sleeping for the rest of the patch while Sylvanas gets redeemed is extremely disrespectful again.

People and the writers said that we’d get some resolution in Shadowlands, but that was a massive lie and things got even worse in Shadowlands besides freeing a small portion of souls.

Only if you choose to view the two numbers as representative and related. If you don’t then no, we don’t have that.

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We will sing our eternal song, never hearing someone else’s, so what?
We will sing our eternal song, muffling the voices that are singing out of tune.
We will sing our eternal song until they kill us with a permoban.

Okay, what’s there? There is no news, no new interviews either. The choice of the night elves - revenge or the peaceful way has not been canceled?