(Spoilers) Ardenweald, Tyrande, Elune and Sylvanas

I don’t think there were ever any solid numbers for the Night Elves were there? Whether that be how many died in WoT/Teldrassil or their souls that are saved. Blizz really doesn’t go into solid numbers for these types of things usually. The last time i remember them giving any type of ACTUAL number for deaths was in some story post WOTLK. There was a memorial in Stormwind and Varian or someone mentioned that Stormwind lost 50,000 soldiers in Northrend. That was quite some time ago though, and the way they retcon things nowadays cough Chronicle cough who even knows if that’s still the case.

The only other time than that i remember numbers being given was actually in reference to the First War when the Orcs first assaulted Stormwind City. They also lost 50,000 soldiers before having to retreat.

Other than that i don’t remember any solid numbers ever being given. And in some cases the scaling/representation of “numbers” have been pretty weird. Like the bulk of Theramore’s Civilian population escaping on ONE single ship.

Theramore, which was the WC3 Human’s counterpart to Orgrimmar. I know Theramore was portrayed pretty small ingame but still really goofy if you ask me lol.


Are you kidding me? Corporate america thrives on being petty and mean and cutthroat and vicious. Look at how Afrasiabi alone responded when asked why Garrosh got villain batted back in Cata/Mists era.

Petty Lupone! Petty Crocker! I Can’t Believe It’s Not Petty! Petty Davis!


Not when it makes people leave the game out of frustration, such as what i’m quite certain happened with Teldrassil. The complete lack of resolution to that mess probably hasn’t helped in bringing back those who left.
But again, I highly doubt there is a person on the Blizzard writing team who hates Night elves and want to see it’s players suffer, although their mistakes and misteps have been so grave I don’t blame Ethriel for thinking that.


Metzen was a die hard Nelf fan boy and a lot of post Metzen WoW can honestly be seen as the team hitting what he loved the most (Night Elves, Forsaken, Orc-centrism on the Horde, etc)

And no, in corporate America to get ahead you have to be petty and vicious, especially when your skillset and job isn’t on the “engineering”/“doing stuff” side of things but mostly Brain Trust.


I wish there were other night elfes to cheer for. Why must it be Tyrande. I can’t stand her. When I was doing my quest line for legion, all she did is bossing me around, talk down on me and distrust me cause I’m a Nightborne, while I was risking my life for her Husband… I like Maiev much more. I wish they would kept her in the story.

Not to mention, now, I MUST go to the MAW just to save her.
I love Ysera and the only reason I am not changing covenant just to avoid this story with Tyrande is because of her.

Tyrande was the most unlikable character for me so far. I would have no problems with her, if I can just avoid her story all together… but go figure, if you have Night Fae this would make sense… sigh…
I will just go back to be at zen zone with my Panda with my Kyrian covenant and enjoy the bliss of calmness. I did this to myself. I wanted a Nightborne hunter… man… should have thought it through better…


I’m going to enjoy this a lot more than I should.


My favorite thing about Tyrande is that players # 1 complaint about her was how she treated you, particularly if you are Horde, in Legion. Everyone hated being forced to cooperate with a character that clearly hates your guts.

Then what does Blizzard do?

Forces Horde players to cooperate with Tyrande again…be scolded…again…in Ardenweald if you are a member of that covenant.


(also insert Jaina, Brann etc. characters that talk down to Horde players just because they are Horde).

It’s probably my least favorite part of the unifaction storylines, following around famous powerful Alliance characters that act like they are doing you a favor by allowing you to help them.


That was Golden, whilst simultaneously labeling the act as genocide. Not her best work.

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It is bad. I miss the way Cata handled faction stuff.

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There are other options. Nightborn look pretty good in the Necro armor, and death chakrams is gorgeous. Venthyr hunters are getting a buff (considerably good for BM and SV according to Dawnspirit-wyrmrest-accord but Im not a number cruncher) and Bastion is pretty decent for PvP.

WS is OP for AoE damage, but nerfing it would feel bad at the top end because hunters are so undertuned right now. That doesnt mean the other covenants are bad. Far from it. Play any of the others.

Cringe, genocides have levels of success and all of the are bad

Sure, but its the same as Godwins Law. You dont even whisper the term genocide unless you want to shut down the debate. In a game where more than half your players are in the genocide camp, it was a horrible writing decision.


Genocide has been a part of the horde for a long time and even then didn’t stop players from wanting to side with sylvanas boy did blizzard have a laugh about that

Way to prove me wrong.

Save me the innocent poor little night elves jibber jabber, They have and always will be bigots and racist. They are not good nor pure. They commit there own brand of genocide on those that do not align with there dogma of the wilds.

There is a wheel of primordial powers within the wow universe and none of them are “good” in the eyes of there opposites. The nightelves had it coming. They get what they deserve.

Woman, children, the elderly and innocent had it coming because of a few bad apples

Ohh boy…that’s a terrible hot take and hill to want to die on. :wolf:


We should just wipe out all of humanity then.

It just bothers me the amount of people who honestly think genocide is good…on any sort of level. Like, it’s sickening.

(Even in a fictional universe, it’s still terrible)


Yea, if only the writers didn’t think that too :face_vomiting:

The whole Teldrassil story could’ve just… not happened then, since it only served as a plot device for the writers to teach us that genocide is actually good… or attempt to.


Really wish it didn’t. Or at least, they could’ve had the worgen and Kaldorei retaliate so viciously that the horde promised to never step on kaldorei lands again.

But you know, we’re not allowed to have nice things apparently.