(Spoilers) Ardenweald, Tyrande, Elune and Sylvanas

I think it didn’t help that it had to take a backseat to all the Vrykul culture worldbuilding, so it just wasn’t going to be a satisfying story in its own right.

Also I think while 90% of Night Elves being dead is an exaggeration, it’s probably safe to assume they are on the same level of Blood Elves and other races in terms of being culled down to a very reduced population, and since they’re a refugee race they might as well be in the same boat as Worgen or Gnomes. The only leeway they get is that they are still a major race and not a sidekick window dressing, so they still throw out armies in faction assaults and warfronts which doesn’t help to present the image of there being “too few” left like was said in Elegy.


There is an excellent excuse for this case - the civilian population died, all the military survived, because they sailed away.
The blood elves are just 90 percent of everything.

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Hey this guy made some calculations with random stuff and said 85.6% to 92.1% of Night Elves survived.

So 8% to 15% died. Seems as legitimate as the 90% figure you’re throwing around.


Did you see his calculations? He makes as many assumptions as Ethriel does. Including assuming the population of Darnassus. Though I guess you stated it’s unreal anyway.

Btw Ethriel, do you really wanna spend five hours a day rescuing 1000 civilians/ souls from the Maw instead of 5?


I want the Night Elf souls to be freed instead of obliterated. That’s all. They were burned alive already or brutally slaughtered, they don’t need perma death after an eternity of torture.

Yep, that was pretty much my point. It’s ridiculous, as is just saying “90% dead!!!11!!one1!!” or “WE’RE EXTINCT”

The level of hysteria just makes me so much less sympathetic.

I almost feel like these types of posts are intended to make people actually hate Night Elves.


You didn’t answer my question. You really think Blizzard is going to put 1000 souls in the Maw just so you can feel like enough got rescued?

Numbers have always been arbitrarily representative in wow.

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To be fair, we got ridiculous “collect 1000 of X” quests that seem to be offset by giving you a boatload per aquirement of node.

Probably at least the best way I can imagine something like that.

You would have to run through all of Darnassus just to finish that quest. They aren’t going to create another Darnassus in the Maw.

Blizzard will never give exact numbers, but saying night elves are at risk of extinction (for now) is hyperbole. If we go by some of the few numbers we have, which may be retconned, the population of Darnassus was around 20k, and it was stated the majority of the kaldorei had moved to Teldrassil.

If we generously say that it’s barely a majority and that it counts all of Teldrassil’s population as Darnassus, we could say that the total population of kaldorei is about 35k or so. Now if we factor in the possibly understated number of those killed in the Burning, ergo 900, and factor in all those killed in the Horde’s advance in the War of Thorns (remember that there was a river of wisps headed to Darkshore), then we can generally say that in and around 5% of the entire night elf race was killed in the War of Thorns, using the only possibly noncanon numbers we’re given.

Still more civilians killed on purpose than the Alliance has ever killed by accident, and of course being driven out of ones homeland has never been good for any population, but they’re not on the brink of total destruction. Now, factor in all the night elves killed by the Horde prior to this, and factor in Blizzard possibly remembering that the destruction of their big magic tree has had some consequences for their overall health and wellbeing in the past, and they’re not exactly doing well at all. Also the implication that Elune’s power is being gobbled up by the Night Warrior upgrade that doesn’t seem to be working as advertised doesn’t really bode well either.

We can start worrying about their extinction when an orc stubs their toe on a log that looks vaguely like a night elf and the Horde burns down half of Kalimdor in vengeance. I give it maybe four years.

Can someone translate this?

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They’re mad because a recovery process is boring and they can’t arrange a viewing of Michael Bay’s Armageddon to spice it up I think.

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But who is “he”? Anduin? But they mentioned someone being caught up with the Horde’s massacres. :thinking:

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There is never a fear for any race to go extinct when they hold player status. The biggest worry when things like this happen in the story is that they would be as irrelevant as Worgen with lore population being a “handwave” for doing that, I had this worry myself but my mind shifted when seeing them turn out respectable armies actually fighting back for their homeland in the first patch and while I sympathize with what Night Elf fans have lost I still would have to say that is a far less dirty hand dealt than quite a few other races.

He’s Russian btw and using a translator, so things tend to come off a bit…well off or outright weird. I think it’s just the translator getting things wrong or stuff is getting lost in translation :wolf:


OK, I know this is a odd tangent, but anyone else just sort of weirded out by the prospect that the NE civilization relocated the majority of their people into a 15 year old Tree? One created under dubious conditions, and occasionally plagued with corruption issues (or their aftereffects)? We are talking about people who have many members that have lived over 10k years, and hold like a third of a continent at their worst of times. You’re telling me that these people migrated thousands of people away from what would have been their homes for eons, in like not even two decades? Much shorter if we factor in Vanilla.

Perhaps that’s part of the reason Blizz can never be clear on the casualty rate of Teld, since they haven’t quite figured out what would motivate that massive shift in location?


It’s a bit weird for sure, and like you said, for the vast majority of kaldorei, they literally have no reason to move into a corrupted world tree and make it their new home.

I can understand the kaldorei moving the worgen there as a kind gesture, but for the kaldorei, especially the really older ones, you’d think they would have major reservations about Teldrassil considering everything their race been through up to that point.


Double weird when you consider that “corruption” is one of the primary given reasons that the NEs never attempted to reclaim much of Azshara after Illidan’s escape. Especially the Ruins of Eldarath, which is why the Bilgewater were the ones who had to clear out the Naga when they settup shop there. And with the exception of the still very unexplained ruins around Seradane, there weren’t an real apparent attempts to even settle around the Great Trees. Despite them literally having direct portals to the E.Dream.


Recovery. Is the recovery line interesting (eventful) if nothing bad (hazardous working conditions, workers riots, resource problems) happens? When you’re in control (city planner simulator), probably yes. Or you foresee these problems and prepare for them in advance.

Defeat and humiliate the Horde. It’s hard to do without competition. Competition - construction. The prize is none. Possible solutions (stupid): ice age - who builds poorly, he will die from the cold; revenge - restore yourself before the Horde and attack it while it is weak.

Expulsion of the Horde from Ashenvale. Will it be a race? Who cannot significantly outrun the night elves - will die?


Восстановление. Интересна ли (богата на события) линия восстановления, если ничего плохого (опасные условия работы, бунты работников, проблемы с ресурсами) не происходит? Когда ты это контролируешь (симулятор градостроителя), наверное, да. Или ты предвидишь эти проблемы и готовишься к ним заранее.

Победить и унизить Орду. Это сложно сделать без соревнования. Соревнование - строительство. Приз - никакого. Возможные решения (дурацкие): ледниковый период - кто плохо строит, тот умрет от холода; месть - восстановить себя раньше Орды и напасть на нее, пока она слаба.

Изгнание Орды из Ясеневого леса. Будет ли это гонкой? Кто не сможет значительно обогнать ночных эльфов - умрет?

I did, I said that I just want some indication that we freed all if not most of them, because currently we only saved maybe 5-10%.