(Spoilers) Ardenweald, Tyrande, Elune and Sylvanas

On top of the fact that if they both canonically hold Darkshore and their primary base of power is Hyjal again, the chances that they hold most (if not all) of Ashenvale is pretty high. I would assume we might get concrete answers from that Rexxar and Zekhan Kali story book, but for now its a safe bet.


But only because he needed a ride to the maw so it was okay to let Tyrande kill the already heavily injured Nathanos. I think the fact that he mocked her says a lot about who benefited more from this situation.

A darkshore that is completely blighted and destroyed, and will be gone in the next faction war because the night elves lose atleast 1 zone every faction war permanently. In BfA even 2.
Hyjal is as far as we know only the place where Tyrande and Thrall (and the others) met. It’s doubtful that the Horde willingly left Hyjal too.

Just like in Shadow’s Rising, I bet there’ll be no information about Night Elf zones at all, leaving us with the only logical assumption that Ashenvale is a Horde zone and Hyjal is neutral.

No, that’s just Nathanos’s personality. He hated everyone, including the non-loyalist horde player. Tyrande’s treatment isn’t special in that regard; and she even made a point to slit his throat to keep him from finishing his final barb.

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My theory is that it is cultivated in Kyalin’s discord. (Hi Kyalin’s discord)

“This is the first time we’re showing what Sylvanas true motivations are, and players will have a better understanding of why she did what she did, but that doesn’t excuse her. She still burned Teldrassil, she’s still guilty of many deaths, and she still has a lot to answer for. We’re not forgetting that and we won’t be giving Sylvanas a pass. When someone does what she did, it can’t be as simple as ‘oh, she did this one thing and now she’s redeemed’. That’s not the story we’re telling, but it is something that we will address throughout Chains of Domination and also in the future”.

Ethel do you you have reading comprehension issues? Danuser said that what we find out will give Sylvanas depth. Even if she wasn’t in control she’s still going to be held accountable for Teldrassil, she will still have to atone. All this is saying is that Sylvanas still has a future in the franchise, not that she’s going to get a redemption.

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Ethriel is likely of the opinion Sylvanas should be unable to atone.

Sucks for her then.

Mhm and how is she going to atone when all the souls are obliterated? She’s totally getting a pass, because she can’t make it up to the thousands of souls that she sent to the maw for torture and obliteration.

Oh no, how dare I forget that Malf showed that he was capable alone of just invalidating Blight contamination and regrow sections of the Forest in like hours. You ever think the guy has been VERY busy since the Armistice started?


They weren’t obliterated. Did you play the first half of Shadowlands at all? Are you one of those people who don’t play and get your news secondhand? Tyrande ascended torghast and saved a large portion of souls, brought them to Ardenweald, some were lost to the amalgamation.

The Maw walker rescued a bunch of souls from the Maw as well…

Even then Ethel, Sylvanas didn’t break the Shadowlands. All souls would have gone to the Maw irregardless. All souls are still going to the Maw. This goes above and beyond the night elves, the scourge is running free on Azeroth rn, who’s to say the night elves wouldn’t have also died to the Scourge?

I think, this comment is about the new stuff in Ardenwaeld in which night elf souls get killed by maw-beings (like any other soul there aswell, for examples, a bunch of feys)

i mean, tyrande left the maw on her own terms, a thing, NO ONE EVER HAVE DONE Before, i mean, she as able to escape thorgast aswell…on her own term, she was more powerfull then the enchantments who made thorgast such a prison. Don´t forget, Thrall, Jaina, all of them were inprissoned and haven´t any chance to release themselve there. we can clearly say, thorgast may hold some powerfull souls inside, but a being like a night warrior is too much to handle for thorgast power.

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Over 90% of them were, the 90+ % that we didn’t save in the Ardenweald campaign.

Actually we saved around 100 in total, that’s 10% of those that died in Teldrassil, not even including those from Ashenvale and Darkshore.

Yet she severely weakened Azeroth and sent all the Night Elves there, and actively supports the jailer.

Because Sylvanas broke the helm of domination.

And that too.

I think trying to use an exact number count in the Torghast scenario is a little silly. That dungeon is cramped to hell and back; cramming hundreds of NPCs into a place like that would be overkill.

I think they should probably at least be considered a large portion, and what was already there were meant to represent more. Same way how you can’t take a town of a dozen NPCs and assume that’s the actual number of residents there.


NEFPA when Tyrande failed to kill Nathanos in Darkshore:

NEFPA after Tyrande successfully kills Nathanos in pre-patch:

As you can see, there is no difference. Blizzard could come out today that they are deleting Sylvanas and never featuring her again in any material, WoW or otherwise…

… and the NEFPA will still complain and carry on as if someone ran over their dog.

On the other hand, their calves must be massive for all the back-pedaling and goalpost shifting they do.



But, Sarm, that makes too much sense and doesn’t fit their agenda.


if Tyrande were to kill her, and that would be the consequence, yes, I think then there would be peace and silence.


It’s the only source we have though

You don’t seem to get the point that night elves have never ever gotten a clear victory. The Night Elves’ extinction and the occupation / destruction of their zone was a clear one sided Horde / Sylvanas victory.
Sending Nathanos to the maw when he has been trying to get there is not a one sided victory at all, and combine that with the destruction of the souls, Tyrande losing to Sylvanas and now sleeping for the rest of the patch as Sylvanas gets redeemed.

I already said it and I’ll say it again:

  • Give us the zones back we had before BfA, let us use Darkshore 100% of the time again
  • Bring Sylvanas to justice
  • Scrap the obliteration of the Night Elf souls and let us free them instead
  • Give us a sign that Night Elves aren’t extinct going forward

None of that has ever happened and none of that will ever happen.

There’s currently no evidence that Nathanos was trying to get to the maw.


Another word you don’t seem to understand the actual meaning of.

At least you’re consistent.



I dunno based on his conduct he really seemed to want someone to kill him.

I’m surprised he wasn’t murked in the back by his own troops at some point to be honest.