(Spoilers) Ardenweald, Tyrande, Elune and Sylvanas

I think it was more of a “take anyone down with him” thing. If he actually wanted to go to the maw as part of some greater purpose, he could have committed suicide instead. There’s no reason for him to just AFK at his old home.

In this imaginary world where the Blizzard writers have it so out for Night Elves and people who play Night Elves, do you maybe think it’s because people like you have decided to base the entirety of their personality around complaining about how “downtrodden” Night Elves are, and can’t go ten seconds without saying “OH BET THEY’LL KILL MORE NIGHT ELVES!!”

I’m sorry, but incessantly whining about Night Elves and peppering every thread by saying “Blizzard will screw us” as if it was hard fact isn’t doing you any favors. Maybe lighten up a tad?


Unfortunately, the “fun” of the night elves involves massive death and oppression of the Horde races. And they do not like this, because they cannot even strike back without becoming the “Evil Horde”. Fantasies about “fun” are also interrupted: one race of the Alliance should not be stronger than the entire Horde.

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Some alternatives to “kill all Hordies”.

a) “Look, we built a new nelf capital around Hyjal and rebuilt Auberdine with all those great new nelf assets we made in BFA”
b) “Here’s quests to show the recovery of Ashenvale (and forcing Horde out) and to how night elves are recovering as a people”
c) Literally anything positive

Instead, we get Tyrande going “I will kill the Banshee” and getting smacked down as soon as they 1v1.
But at least we can rescue 12 nelf souls from the Maw, so that’s something.

The entire Horde? Is every last Hordie present in the War of Thorns? I wonder if every military force in the Horde signed up to attempt genocide on the nelves. If so, the Horde itself is even more irredeemable than we thought. :thinking: Better torch the whole thing. /s

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again-- night elf fans just want one clear, solid win. No strings attached. No, “You win but then bad thing happens” or “You lose but you didn’t lose totally and utterly.”

At no point has Tyrande won a fight that meant anything. We beat Nathanos, and she showed up to finish him off but it’s played off as if he, a lone zombie archer, is effortlessly fending off an entire raid with nothing but his bow and two smelly dogs while standing entirely stationary on a hill. There’s no indication her Night Warrior power-up allows her to do anything but one-shot nameless goons. Especially off-screen nameless goons, like the Mawsworn who tried to pull her into the Maw with Jaina/Anduin/Thrall/Baine.

Blizzard’s general rule of “tell, don’t show” shines true as ever. Maybe if we saw everyone else put up an incredible fight and still get pulled away, but then Tyrande deletes the Mawsworn, we might be able to buy that the Night Warrior amounts to anything. But nah, Anduin draws his sword like a stunned sloth and doesn’t call on the Light as he’s carried off to the Land of Misfit Toys. Then we get a cut-away of everyone else squinting at dark clouds.


They are really really obviously telegraphing that this is going to happen.

I’ll believe it when I see it. Years between Cata and the Park in Stormwind being made into a memorial, after all.


Is it weird that I felt more sympathy for Night Elves before spending time in the story forums?

Heck I kind of even liked them.

At this rate, if I spend too much more time around hysterical NE fans I’m going to stop putting campfires next to homeless Baine and start putting them under every Night Elf I see.

What do you think happens when a race gets nearly wiped out whose people never have babies and they don’t even have a place to settle?

It’s because with every inclusion of the night elves in the story, they either lose something or suffer a tragedy.

Blizzard would never let anything positive happen to Night Elves though, making Tyrande lose to Sylvanas in Ardenweald seems so out of place for the story too but it’s just out of spite.
Horde players also wouldn’t accept Ashenvale or Darkshore to be taken away from them, because Darkshore is now just as much a Horde zone as an Alliance zone.

Actually, quite the opposite. They are rather showing that there are no night elves left anyway, so no new home is needed. Darkshore won’t get a revamp ever, so it will stay a contested zone that night elf players can’t even use 50% of the time. Ashenvale is obviously Horde.

I…wut? You can literally go there when the night elves hold it, there is the ruins of Auberdine that was blighted and that was it. 99.999% of the entire zone is all nice and clear and even filled with brand new trees thanks to Malfurion


I mean there are still probably hundreds of Night elves in Val’sharrah, some force most likely that was kept stationed at feathermoon, all the night elves that were in moonglade, Hyjal and the small handful in Winterspring. Add the Darnassus refugees on top of that - yes they suffered a grievous loss but they arent ‘nearly’ extinct I’d say. Still a bigger population than the gnomes who’s entire people fit into one small town.

Also they have re-settled Hyal as their new home (as it should have rightfully always had been)

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Frankly if I were a Night Elf fan I’d be clicking my heels in happiness that they might finally get Hyjal as their capital instead of a tree that was created solely to be a Night Elf capital that wasn’t Hyjal

Maybe it’s because I value the RTS games more than most players nowadays.


Great point. I can remember at the beginning of WoW being a fan of Night Elven lore and having a sense of awe and wonder about Mt. Hyjal in Vanilla after playing WC3. I remember trying to get into the zone to be met with “under construction” and all of the wonder that elicited.

Night Elf fans of today ought to be excited about the race’s future rather than lamenting a failed and dead past. Spend the next decade angry over dead pixels, or embrace the idea that storytelling sometimes means taking the good events with the bad events.

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Which is 50% of the time… Maybe it’s not blighted anymore but the towns are still destroyed everywhere.

The way I see it is that there can’t be many left after their entire population of Ashenvale, Darkshore and around 90-95% of Teldrassil was wiped out.
Those were their 3 main zones, the zones that they had their population in and all of those were wiped out. They only had a few small military outposts elsewhere in Azeroth, I don’t know of any large towns where civilians actually lived.

Well a new capital isn’t happening in the first place, and I’ve yet to see any source on them making Hyjal their home again. We don’t know if the Horde willingly left Hyjal, but most likely they wouldn’t.
We also know that the darnassian refugees are still in Stormwind if we just go there in the game.

There are no good events though, it varies between a bad event and terrible tragedies, but there aren’t any good things happening to Night Elves at all. And it’s weird that Horde players keep saying that we should be happy about having negative things happen to our race, especially since there’s no reasonable way for the Night Elf story to continue since:

  • They are near extinct and their souls have been destroyer
  • Their zones are gone, they only have Darkshore left that players can’t even use half of the time
  • Their capital is gone
  • Those that commited genocide against them were glorified while they were ignored, until Tyrande finally showed up in Shadowlands again after 3 years to get beaten by Sylvanas and then sleep for the rest of the patch / expansion.

It’s physically impossible for the Night Elf story to develop in a way that’s not negative and a major tragedy, and this also means that there’s no chance that they’ll ever get their zones back.

I wish I had a pro-Forsaken poster as adamant an advocate as you and some others are for Night Elves.

I’m quite sure you’ve caught Blizzard’s attention and it will lead to positive changes.

For Forsaken I think the only reason we’ve gotten Blizzard’s attention (such as hating Calia, or “tireless defenders of the living” being stupid and unwanted) is only because Steve Danuser understands the Forsaken and is a fan.

Night Elf fans have made their point by just…being…loud. And it’s been effective and probably will continue to be effective. So Kudos. I bet you get a capital city and heritage armor before Forsaken do.

To be fair the Forsaken did get a decade of glory starting in Cataclysm that didn’t end until BfA.

True. We had a chance to fill the Warchief’s seat (despite a myriad of naysayers), we starred in many cinematics, we were represented by one of the most important and influential characters in Warcraft history for over a decade.

Too bad Blizzard perverted and destroyed it. To the point that they can’t even let the Horde have a Warchief anymore because…reasons. Now we have to have a parade of goody-two-shoe boring af characters lead us in a “council”

So much wasted potential.

I think words matter.

The game says you’re wrong.

The game and supplemental material say you’re wrong.

Back this up with lore.

Go ahead.

I’ll wait.

Wait, you just said …

You can’t even keep your whining straight.

You have zero proof of this. Only terrible assumptions.

You ever get tired of being wrong? Because I’m certainly not getting tired of saying you’re wrong. :coffee:



I’ve seen posts with thousands of upvotes asking for the night elf story to develop in a positive way on reddit, yet Shadowlands brought us the destruction of their souls, Tyrande losing to Sylvanas and then being put to sleep for the rest of the patch.

A Sylvanas justification is also coming, so it’s only going further downhill. The only logical explanation is that the writers do that intentionally. They even said that we’d get a resolution in Shadowlands, yet it has just been more pointless tragedy to far.

Not sure what you consider effective… things going further downhill certainly wasn’t anyone’s plan when they gave feedback about the story.

Yea not even in a million years

They’re near extinct then, they only have their few refugees left in stormwind and like the 10 sentinels that are still alive.

The game actually says that I’m right, as Darkshore is controlled by the Horde 50% of the time, and you can’t use it as a night elf player. Your own zone is full of hostile Horde npcs.

My proof is the fact that all 3 of their zones were wiped out, those that held their population. What do you think would happen if everyone in a chosen country gets wiped out in real life? Sure some may still be alive that weren’t present at the time, but the country’s people are practically wiped out. And that’s what happened to the Night Elves.

As for no night elves being left, it’s meant that there are no night elves left to justify a new capital city, because you don’t need one for a handful of refugees thaz Blizzard loves to see on the streets of Stormwind.

If so, will everyone but the night elves have massive recovery problems? No, does that mean that their rebuilding storylines will be more interesting than the night elves’?
How do you make the recovery process better than others so that the storyline is interesting?

Hmm. Win and humiliate when you are not in competition. And even Armageddon cannot be arranged, because the story will be more interesting for those who heroically overcome, and not for those who prepared for it in advance.

And about the expulsion of the Horde: with the massacres, who was caught up - he died?

You have nothing to back this up but assumptions.


Come back when you have actual numbers. Otherwise, your just flailing about with your victim card in hand.
