(Spoilers) Ardenweald, Tyrande, Elune and Sylvanas

Does Jaina feature in the Sylvanas raid encounter?

Don’t know yet, but she features throughout the whole raid in the same capacity draven/renathal do for nathria, alongside thrall



Can’t believe there’s so much human stuff in the human capital

Yup, no Tyrande and no Forsaken, not even a tedious Calia cameo.


I’m still not sure what exactly more “Forsaken content” would look like in the Shadowlands. The Forsaken are based entirely on the gimmick of being undead and they were already hanging by a thread in that regard before Shadowlands. Now that we are in Shadowlands and literally exploring the afterlife they don’t have much more to contribute. They aren’t special anymore.

I would argue that the Shadowlands exists as a major way to highlight how perverted the Forsaken are in their death compared to the actual lands of the dead, and would be a dose of reality at juts how far they had fallen.

There very much should be Forsaken content, exactly to highlight they aren’t only not special, but actually their excuses of such were just that… Excuses

I meant specifically Forsaken, or at least someone as token, should be in the raid encounter next to Jaina and Thrall, for the same reason if Tyrande is knocked out, Shandris or someone should be present to take down Sylvanas.

But sure continue with yall’s weirdo takes, by all means.

Also the Maldraxxi are referred to as undead within the narrative. Why/how, don’t know, but here we are.


Well it isnt a nazjatar patch unless we have Jaina shoehorned in there, She also quotes that she wants vengeance for arthas and some other guys.

While the Forsaken are certainly victims of Sylvanas to a degree, as Alliance I would not be comfortable fighting alongside them yet, especially against Sylvanas.

Get over it, suck it up, we’re in Hell


We’re in Hell due to the actions of the Forsaken

And narratively a Forsaken should be present to take down their former leader.

Again, suck it up weirdo.

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Maybe they shouldn’t be. The Horde has a really bad habit of misinterpreting “killing the one that they used to follow” as being a sign of absolution when it isn’t. It frankly comes across as being self-serving, because actual atonement or redemption would take the long and arduous form of helping the people that they victimized.

I’d believe that the Forsaken/the Horde in general changed if they actually forewent the opportunity for revenge against Sylvanas in favor of helping her victims, but I don’t believe that they would ever even consider this.

Fallen from what ideals? How to be properly undead? I’m not sure what the point of comparison is meant to be here. It’s not like any of them chose to be undead to fall from any sort of Shadowlands-specific grace.

I think the problem with this is that, for better or worse, revenge and Sylvanas has been the race’s only two driving goals for ~16 years of the game. She effectively shaped their society to be her (un)living weapon for her own desire for revenge, and then threw them away when they were no longer useful.

As bitter as it would be, it’d at least narratively come full circle if Sylvanas inadvertently caused her own downfall in part because of the same weapon of revenge she created, only this time it was pointed back at her.


Which is why I’m very much on board the “Sylvie gets arrow’d by the Jailor, and is captured by Thrall and Jaina as a result”. Thus Thrall can keep his word and present dearest Banshee Queen to the apparently very tuckered from solo-saving Ardenweald Tyrande. She can handle things from there.

Shes gonna die, she drops her bow and quiver, jaina didnt drop her staff

Jaina was also in no way captured by her enemies. And thus was never disarmed. So that’s a poor comparison. I really think you’re getting your hopes up for a 9.1 death for Sylvanas way too much.

You know that doesnt matter, No boss that drops there unique weapons has lived

Can you name many bosses outside of Jaina that lived to make that comparison to? And Garrosh dropped Xal’atoh (his current weapon of choice after he discarded Gorehowl) for his fight; and lived through it.