(Spoilers) Ardenweald, Tyrande, Elune and Sylvanas

It’s such a hilarious mental image to hear that the night elves made sure to evacuate all of the Gilneans first before anyone else left. Which itself sounds kinda…really unrealistic, but think about it.

Mage on the other side shouts, “Get ready for the first wave of refugees!” and they’re all expecting elves, only to have a huge swarm of werewolves flood the streets first instead.


unrealistic? because they are humans and night elfs would firstly evacuate themself or why it is unrealistic?

You would think the worgen would be like Get the elderly and children out, we’re making our last stand against the forsaken here or…something badass like that. :wolf:


The citizens of Gilneas were on a three-hour evacuation.

It’s also not the players that wrote in a novel that the survivors filled up every place in SW and spilled out into Elwynn all the way to Goldshire.

Blizzard writing at its finest.



The worgen arent human…the human form is just an illusion. Wish people would stop confusing them with the uncorrupted human gilneans

It’s the idea of an entire society apparently agreeing with putting another group of people before any one of them that gets me. You’d think at least SOMEONE would want to cut the line and make sure they get out first.

The night elves who are declared from the beginning to be very socially complex and disciplined? I mean, the night elves don’t even have the classic concept of parents and raise their children in the circle of their entire society.

Their image of society is very different from what we have in reality.

I don’t quite know how to put it. It’s like the story is painting them to be model refugees/immigrants that’s just…I dunno, gives me a bad vibe.

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The citizens of Gilneas were evacuated for three hours. In addition, there are priestesses and guards who will say “Keep calm and follow the duty of your allies”, and when the citizens of Gilneas are over - go ahead!
And only then, in Stormwind, after the Burning, you can kill those who took the place of those dear to you in these three hours.

Will it add moral dullness?

They were not really immigrants, they were really refugees and never had any interest in staying in Stormwind. Unlike the Worgen, the Night Elves never integrated into SW.

The Worgen are human, their wolfspiritform (Worgen)and humans are both equal, not any form is ahead.

The real reason worgen escaped first is because they run on all fours.

The reason so many NE’s were left behind was because they were sleeping… because that’s a problem with druids.

If you die in the real world do you die in the Emerald Dream? Did you just poof to the Shadowlands?

Imagine some druid walking in the Emerald Dream and just

  • poof *

In the Maw like “This is not where I parked my body!”

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That’s a very weird way to read into it… The way I saw it is that since most of the worgen are lesser in number and live in a very close proximity in the heart of Darnassus (and near the magi, with their own magi) they just had a higher probability of getting out faster, couple this with the fact that they are packs… so one gets out another gets out with them, like a worgen affinity chain.

They didn’t exit first but they exited before all the night elves did. It never said that they all went out first before the night elves.

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Really? I thought the night elves specifically waited until all of the Gilneans evacuated first (sans the This Is Fine guy I guess) before any of them started to leave. I might have misremembered.

Nah, I don’t remember hearing that. I always read it as they got out first simply because they were lesser in number.

Alright, my bad then.
…It’s still a funny mental image, though. Imagine having to sweep up all that fur. And the smell.

Edit: Well then!

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na, sarm is right, the night elf waits until the last worgen was gone. First the worgen were evacuated, only genns wife resist to go.

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It had not taken more than an hour or two to send all the Gilneans to Stormwind, but Mia loved the people of Darnassus and would stay until the last possible moment

Russian version - two-three hour. Interesting.

Got a quote for that? I’m pretty sure I read that it was because they were lesser in number.

EDIT: I have quotes now

The night elves were still evacuated simultaneously.
Mia developed a lump in her throat. Genn seldom kept secrets from her, and the news he’d
shared was frightening. He had asked her to make sure all the Gilneans in Darnassus made it safely
to Stormwind—and for her to return as soon as that task was complete

“There are many Gilneans still in Darnassus,” Genn said to Anduin as the group of refugees
followed Velen down the carpeted ramp. “I’d like to go and bring them back here. My people need to
see they’re not forgotten by their leader.”

The young king turned his gaze back to the map. “Any word from the queen?” The Gilneans
from the Howling Oak encampment had come through shortly after Mia left. The queen had stayed
longer to coordinate efforts in Darnassus, and Anduin was uneasy about that choice.

It had not taken more than an hour or two to send all the Gilneans to Stormwind, but Mia
loved the people of Darnassus and would stay until the last possible moment. She had become the
ambassador of Stormwind by default. She stood on the rim of the moonwell in the Temple of the
Moon so she could be seen, directing the flow of increasingly distressed night elves and assuring
them they would find support and safety in the human kingdom.

The Howling Oak was separately portalled (implied) which is why the Gilneans, being lesser in number all escaped . Mia was actively helping them.


It is slightly annoying that Jaina has stolen both Azshara, the person built up as Tyrande’s antagonist in books, and now Sylvanas, the person who started Tyrande’s current character arc and whos hunting of is her entire goal in two different raids in teh span of two expansions