(Spoilers) Ardenweald, Tyrande, Elune and Sylvanas

Are you talking about the sword in Silithus or was there something else during the BFA?

Yes and it was just a poor attempt at a joke. =)

IMO if Sylvanas x Anduin is “so bad it’s good” category, that would be “so bad it’s actually bad”.

IMO the actually interesting part of the story are the parallels between both sides and telling the story of both sides, rather than throwing one of them to the side (like it was with the living lordaeronians for most of WoW).

Likelihood of blizz pulling off an interesting story out of this drama? I am not sure.

I tried to use logic when looking at the story. As the result I just enjoy moments like when I am in the Maw, the Jailer enacts his evil™ plan, we’re on a way to unravel reality, and the character next to me say:

Ve’nari : «A very profitable effort, indeed»
Theotar : «Tubbins, prepare another pot. It seems we have guests.»

Ardenweald theater was great. I wish more of the game would be like it.

gl hf

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Every day I wake up and choose violence and chaos

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:pie: > :birthday:



But we all know pancakes beat all treats. :wolf:

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Technically this happened in Legion. And yeah, I truly hold nothing but contempt for the Silithus nonsense. I love how Blizz tried to create a whitewashing excuse for why it was OK for a military organization to attack civilian miners with Sapphretta’s abduction in BtS. Then realized it wouldn’t work chronologically, and shoehorned a “Der Goblins, dey bad” for a first unprovoked attack against the Explorers League as a replacement. Then had the Gobs attack them again … for the second (original) attack on the Explorers League to take Sapphy.


Well I agree, thing is… the living Lordaeronians are basically a diaspora separated between Theramore (R.I.P.) and Stormwind -and in that AU story about Arthas NOT becoming the Lich King it was Stormwind the place with the most congregation of surviving Lordaeronians I think…?-. In that sense, they like the Alliance affiliated High Elves have basically emigrated from the place they USED to live and found a new home somwhere else. Shouldn´t the stories related to them focus in THIS aspect first instead of trying to sell a forces “muh Lurdaeron I want back!!” in which the cost to effectively go back is so big it´s basically a fool´s errand? How do the Lordaeronians feel regarding the new policies of the Alliance seems more interesting than them staying stuck in a feel of nostalgia for a place that frankly, will never become the same as it was before (ergo, destructive nostalgia).


Well it depends.

Diasporas either seek to repatriate, or choose to assimilate, or choose to make new separate ethnic enclaves within the new country.

To put it in WoW Terms:

MHP who says “MUH LORDAERON” = Diaspora who wishes to repatriate after being forced out
Thalassian Elves who primarily claim Dalaran or Stormwind now = Diaspora who assimilated
Dwarf Town in Stormwind = Diaspora creating ethnic enclave

Forsaken instead are the people who stayed/were not able to escape and continued on (in Undeath).

Does Blizzard have the range to deal with that “Survivor vs Diaspora” tension? Does Blizzard have the range to have the Human Diaspora introspect between the different forms of Diaspora?


They can’t even do it for intra-faction tension, where Velonara claims both the Forsaken and the Sin’dorei, being both Survivor and Diaspora, but nobody actively seeks to claim her.


IMO the topic of duality of ex-Lordaeron citizens would need to come to both sides facing each other and confronting the past. Which would also mean more explicit position of the forsaken about killing their ex-brethren in Southshore and possibly them shaping their own image.

Where would it go? Would some want to reunite with the living? Would some hate the living? What on the other side? Could some living accept what their loved ones could become? Or is it too much.

There are things for both sides to consider and discuss:

  • both sides lost their leaders
  • both lost their homes (living - Southshore, Theramore, and both of sides - Lordaeron)
  • both are accepted in their respective factions.

And I am sure a bunch more things to consider.

Where will it go after - depends on the intention of the devs. I can see many scenarios as plausible:

  • the living might see Lordaeron territories as a cursed place and leave it to the forsaken willingly to not deal with the undead given how the forsaken shaped their image
  • the forsaken seeing Ruins of the Capital City (which we remade into Undercity by Arthas) as a reminder of horrors the’ve been through and not be willing to say there
    (or, given terrible position of the place they could use it as a strategic political tool)
  • both sharing the lands
  • both hating each other (arguably one sides has more reasons for that than the other, but let’s say for the sake of simplicity that both sides having valid ones)

And more.

gl hf

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We’ve seen this come up in BtS with the gathering, where it’s pretty explicitly demonstrated that there is a portion of the Forsaken who would rejoin the Alliance if given the chance. These tend to be the ones with the strongest sense of “Lordaeron identity” like Parqual Fintallas.

By contrast, there appears to be no willingness whatsoever amongst the human population to join the Forsaken or the Horde.

The solution seems obvious, especially given territorial changes after the Fourth War. Forsaken who wish to stay in Lordaeron can do so as part of the Alliance. Forsaken who wish to stay with the Horde maybe could be given pilgrimage rights but not residence, sort of like Alliance Thalassians and the Sunwell.

We pull the sword from the stone that is Azeroth, ignite the azerite, and then we use it as a spaceship to go rampage …


You went a completely different direction there.

Just decided an entire playable racial HQ should switch sides there.

Well I mean … I guess that’s one option but let’s not be too hasty here. Don’t want to rule out any options here.



I’ve also toyed with the idea of the Forsaken keeping Undercity specifically while the Alliance gets Capital City. Maybe Capital City becomes the capital for an Alliance allied race of Lightforged Undead

I mean … rampaging spaceship sword sounds like more fun but your mileage may vary I guess.

We are going to fight death itself, faction conflicts over land seem … unimportant I guess? I don’t think that’s the right word, but similar meaning.

As they keep escalating the story it is really going to be hard for me to consider some of our prior endeavors/disagreements important.

“Oh no an evil dragon kidnapped a boy!”

“Nah I’m going to go kill the Unmaker of the universe!”

“Oh. Well do you want that piece of land?”

“I have a new spaceship - have fun!”

“Are you coming back to Azeroth for us to fight some more or …”

“Pew pew lasers!!!”

We need something to argue about endlessly


The Alliance isn’t allowed to have any inner tension.

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… I really ought to read that book just for some universe-building that I apparently missed out on. Jeez.

Tension in the Alliance has historically only emerged as a result of extended peacetime. It’s unlikely that it will have inner tension to the same extent that the Horde does so long as its continued existence keeps on being validated by an endless conga line of expansion-level threats.

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I really like lore discussions and talking about characters and what we think is going to happen next - or maybe what seems … fair/right/just/whatever.

I think Shadowlands has just stripped me of some of that. I’m fiddling over Old God whispers trying to decipher hints of whatever cosmological being/device could be trapped somewhere and then I think,

"Dang, we have war refugees, Teldrassil, Lordaeron, there’s a giant sword in the planet, the scourge are mindlessly running loose, the Gilneans have needed a new doghouse for a decade (I’m joking I love the puppies), and … "

Oh right, I’m apparently needed for killing DEATH! Maybe folks have heard of him? Big D little “eath” - DEATH!

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I agree wholeheartedly, I would like to see WoD (World of Darkness) make a comeback too now that I think about it.