[Spoilers] Alexstrasza and the Dream

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    O' course, ye've likely heard the greatest tale o' them all. How after buildin' a brand new flagship he set sail for the west, promisin' not to return until he'd seen all there was o' the world and taken his share.

    Even an old salt like me started to wonder if he’d met his match.

    That what they say about the western storms be true, that monsters and magic make the ocean impossible to cross.

    That in payment for his pride, it was now Nightsquall who be feedin’ the fishes in the halls o’ Neptulon.

    But hear me now, and know I be speakin’ true. The Nightsquall has returned!

    He ain’t tellin’ tales o’ what he seen on his journeys, but the hulls o’ the ships that made it back be full to burstin’ with treasures like ye’ve never seen before!


Let’s be honest here, all those dragons, all the kaldorei allies, the emerald dreamways will be made to be irrelevant if blizzard ever decides to kick the Kaldorei again via another tragedy. Blizzard does not care about in game logistics when they have a hair brained idea they want to implement at any cost


The most we got was from Elegy:

    The night elves and the draenei were the only Alliance bastions on the continent who could offer a swift counter to a Horde incursion into Silithus, and the draenei’s resources had been depleted during the war against the Legion.

    Anduin winced. “First Theramore, now Darnassus. They’ll have all of Kalimdor, except for Azuremyst. And mark my words, we’ll be evacuating draenei soon.” The draenei were hardly in a position to assist the beleaguered night elves, though some brave souls had traveled to do so.

Annoying the Lightforged Draenei seemed to have plenty of time to defend Drustvar from the Horde.

But yes, Blizzard had to sideline the Draenei to make the Burning of Teldrassil work.


Again… where’s this whole ‘Night Elves going to give up Kalimdor’ crap coming from?

Assuming the World Tree that gets placed on the Dragon Isles even becomes their new home, that doesn’t mean they’re giving up Darkshore, Ashenvale or their outposts in Felwood, Feralas, Stonetalon Mountains, Mt Hyjal etc.

So the Night Elves will get a new tree, in an extremely well protected place, and there will be absolutely no downside, because no territory is getting lost.


Night Elves have Val’sharah, as Malfurion (even asleep in Adrenweald) is leader of the Cenarion Circle.

Azsuna may possibly be sided with the Night Elves as well, but that is only based on the Nar’thalas Mage in Stormwind having the Darnassus faction tag, as the Court of Farondis has not been present in the story since Legion despite Azshara’s taking a spotlight during BfA and our dealing with death in Shadowlands.


The Night Elves were able to undo the blight, as we saw when they took back Bashal’Aran again during the Darksore Warfront. Likewise during the warfront Malfurion was shown able to reforest Darkshore:

The Nightmare removed from the Dreamway would be nice. There is strangely a gameplay unused portal in the Dreamway - the one that Ela’lothen walks into after giving Feral players an artifact appearance - that annoyingly feels like it should go to Bough Shadow in Ashenvale but players can’t use for some reason.


Now that i think of it, why would they need ANOTHER tree?

Are we to assume that once this one fully grows, they’ll give up Hyjal back to the neutral parties that dwelt in it?

Its an interesting consequence that has been largely missed regarding this whole new information.

Kail, my love, you know damn well if Blizzard wants the Horde the burn the tree they’ll do any contrived plot to allow it

For the love of God, they wrote trans continental catapults, c’mon now


Assuming the opposite, given that Malfurion is the leader of the parties dwelling on Mount Hyjal.

I don’t want to rain on your parade, but the seed has been referred to as a new home several times in the story so far, so unless blizzard suddenly pivots away from that, then that tree will be the new capital.

… Now that you mention it, the Horde (that one tauren tribe) did move into the plains didn’t they? So the Horde already has a foothold on the isle. Suspiciously close to the new tree.


I know.

But after the burning, accessing Hyjal was out of question for any/all Horde segments. Regardless of their past ties with the Cenarion Circle.

Didn’t Thrall of all people need an escort to access the land? Even the Earthen Ring appeared as dependant on Night elf permission to approach the tree, as seen with the Orc shaman in the novel.

My question was: Would Night elves give up their hold on said land, and have it once again be truly neutral as it was until Shadowlands? Or would they keep said tight grip ON TOP of also claiming as theirs this new tree?

Likely the Night Elves will still have Mount Hyjal even after the new tree is grown. The Night Elves did not give up Nordrassil when Teldrassil was grown, after all.


Ok, ok. It is far less likely. We can go with that, then.

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Per the above datamining call out, apparently in the very earliest alpha of Dragonflight there was a placeholder model for a world tree that was removed shortly thereafter. Take that as you will.


“Everyone complained Baine was boring. I know! Lets make Baine into a warmonger!”

I hope not.


I’d argue that they did in fact give up Nordrassil for “public use” when it was made the formal operations base for the Cenarion Circle (which accepted all races, regardless of faction affiliation), but ok.

Sounds a bit greedy, not gonna lie. But its plausible, yeah.

PS: On top of cleansing UC, I want Blizzard to give Stratholme to the Forsaken :slightly_smiling_face:


the Kaldorei being on Hyjal has always been a thing, the villages that got torched in the Cataclysm rendition were all kaldorei settlements, which one imagines were rebuilt. Gameplay wise it will likely remain in limbo for a long time, until it becomes important again.

I’d argue the circle’s HQ is the Dreamgrove over in the Broken isles now, tbh.

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Fandral was leader of the Cenarion Circle during that time, and had Alliance players kill Darkspear Trolls fighting in Alterac Valley for spreading the “lies” (which were true) about Night Elves being descended from Trolls.

Malfurion remained open to being on good terms with the Horde after her took back leadership of the Cenarion Circle from Fandral, as he had advocated working with the Horde and Humans all the way back since Warcraft III. Though Malurion’s stance on the Horde has now changed, obviously, as we saw in “Terror of Darkshore”.

Val’sharah is Alliance-leaning by virtue of the Cenarion Circle being Alliance-leaning, but definitely not a proper Alliance stronghold the way Suramar and Thunder Totem are Horde strongholds

The court of Farondis could be interesting allies. The Bradensbrook Gilneans too. Their allegieance has yet to be properly addressed though

Bradensbrook does hold Jarod Shadowsong in favorable light for saving their children and town. Jarod also came to fully side with the Night Elves during the Darkshore Warfront, same as other formerly neutral members of the Cenarion Circle, such as Thisalee Crow and Druids of the Branch.