[Spoilers] Alexstrasza and the Dream


This was leaked earlier. Also welcome back, Amadis!

If the dev team has any little respect left for Night Elves after everything they made them go through, the tree would be planted in Kalimdor instead of Onh’aran Plains.


I think we all know the answer to that. when was the last time they ever went back to the old world that wasn’t a pre expansion content? The answer is they never have and that means this thing is going into the dragon isles to get forgotten about next expac.

I can also imagine its actually not going to have anything further to do with the night elves and everything to do with the dragon flights.

Judging by the cinematic, it’s in the dragon isles. The trees are the same tree model as in DF, Alex is the one speaking, and no landmarks that can tie it to kalimdor like mountains, etc, which makes sense if it’s placed off the coast of the dragon isles.


I am cool with the tree going in off the coast of the Emerald Gardens. It is insulated from the risk of the Horde needing to go on another pillaging session into the neighboring Kaldorei lands when they feel the need to discover themselves again.

It will be essentially protected by all the Dragon Flights, which makes it a super unappealing target once all the Aspects are restored as we know they will be by the end of this expansion.


This feels like a waste. Basically giving Kalimdor to the horde since ogrimmar will be the only canon capital left. We even cleaned up undercity so they got to stay as if it never happened… No. Nelves get one small area as a sub zone of green dragons that are a sub zone of centaur lands…


I for one am hoping the Night Elves get the Emerald Dream Zone with the Tree simply introducing them to the Dream via connecting to it.


First world tree got torched by the Legion.
Second world tree got torched by the Horde.

Both were in Kalimdor.

Is it really that wise to try again in Kalimdor a third time and hope that ‘this time’ it doesn’t get destroyed? Or would it make more sense to put it somewhere where no idiot would try to destroy it, aka the Dragon Isles, because not even the most power hungry, fascist, despotic evil leader is going to be stupid enough to try to wipe out the Night Elves when their home is protected by all the dragon flights at once.


This question may earn me the ire of a whole lot of Night elf players but:

Why does the protection of the Night elf home need to be of everyone’s concern?

What makes them so special so as to need everyone to care about it? Flights included.

I’d understand if the tree held in some way any kind of major relevance to the world wellbeing through some magical connection or whatever, but it does not.

So why would it be called a symbol of hope? What’s its function? What benefits does it bring to the world and the other races, beyond being the Night elves house?


I’m not yet convinced the night elves will resettle beneath the new tree en masse. It’s in a weird zone to spin as the new night elf heartland, and by BfA’s epilogue they’d reversed most of their losses on Kalimdor.

Maybe they’ll get lucky with how the Aspects’ blessings rub off on their race this time, and Nozzy’s grants them a better timeline.


Blizzard ignored the Cataclysm Mount Hyjal storylines to push the Burning of Teldrassil, most notably the fact that Malfurion grew a tree within the Firelands itself so probably knows quite a bit about fire prevention, but currently more importantly is the following:

    This portal is not just a means of bringing back Cenarius through the dream. Think about it, <name>. Once a gateway through the Emerald Dream is open, our forces can use them to move freely from Moonglade, Nordrassil, and even Wyrmrest, to this strategic location.

This is obviously seen in the Emerald Dreamway, and as this new tree is clearly connected to the Dream as well, the Night Elves should still easily have access to Nordrassil and Kalimdor there on.


Okay, sure, Malfurion might know a thing or two about fire prevention.

Shame Malfurion wasn’t there because he was recovering from getting an axe lodged in his back. Maybe he could have stopped it. Maybe he could have used his considerable power to destroy all the Horde catapults at once. But he couldn’t, because he was seriously wounded and not in a position to do anything.

I’m not sure you understand what fire prevention is.

Nor the timeline of the War of the Thorns, given Malfurion was still on Teldrassil when Sentinel Eriadnar arrived to report about the Horde starting their march through Ashenvale.


I live in Australia. I know perfectly well what fire prevention is.

It was a tree surrounded by oceans. Were it not for the fact that the Horde used shamans to make the flames burn faster and hotter, the tree wouldn’t have burned in the first place.

Also at that time Malfurion had no bloody clue that the Horde were going to torch the tree. It’s not like they had a giant neon sign above their armies saying “We’re going to burn Teldrassil, come and stop us!!”

Saurfang’s plan was literally bringing in giant catapults to make the Night Elves afraid that Teldrassil was going to be burned in order to get the Night Elves to evacuate as many people as they could to make holding the remaining population hostage easier during a Horde occupation of the tree.


Or more likely it gets planted/sprouts in 11.0 and becomes the new questing Expansion hub for Alliance players. A South Seas expansion wouldn’t be so bad.

Indeed, as I said, Blizzard ignored a lot of things to shoehorn the Burning of Teldrassil in. Another case in point from the Cataclysm Mount Hyjal storylines, the Druids of the Talon were recruited to the Molten Front for their wind magic that was able to combat away the fire elemental and their heat in their very own plane. Ironically Blizzard added WoW’s first Ancient of the Wind, Cloudsong, on the Night Elves’ side for the Darkshore Warfront.


And again, they were not in a position to do anything.

You seem to believe that the Night Elves were in a constant state of readiness. That they knew exactly what the Horde was going to do. That they could react instantaneously the moment the threat presented itself, and I’m sorry, but that’s just straight up delusional.

They did not know the Horde’s plans. No one told the Night Elves anything. Even if they had, the bulk of the Night Elves defences in Ashenvale and Darkshore had already been wiped out by the Horde. So what few Druids of the Talon remained, if any, wouldn’t have been in a position to ‘use their wind magic’ to stop the flames, not with the Horde right there and able to kill them.

I swear, sometimes people just don’t really put much thought into what they’re saying before they hit the post button.


The Druids of the Talon were not brought in for the War of the Thorns. Which as covered, Blizzard ignored the Emerald Dream connecting the World Trees - including Teldrassil, as was the big plot of Stormrage - as the Druids of the Talon have not been present in the story since Legion, where their forces were shown traveling through said Dream portals from Mount Hyjal to Val’sharah. Something Blizzard did not want addressed, as the Burning of Teldrassil was determined to occur by higher ups at Blizzard rather than any narrative design intended to make sense.

In A Good War Saurfang even discussed the limited range of the catapults, ironically having the narrative team make the burning make even less sense, rather than any.