[Spoilers] Alexstrasza and the Dream

The absolute refusal of the writers to take the L on the story to the continued detriment of player commitment and thus player numbers is such a spectacular example of creative self destruction in modern media


Iffy on if they took it back.

Exploring Kalimdor makes it seem like Ashenvale is in the Horde hands as Zekhan says Night Elves are getting killed and he doesn’t understand why they are still doing it since they are so few in number.

In addition, while they “technically” hold Darkshore, the reality is it’s completely uninhabitable. The Forsaken plagued it.

It should be noted that Darkshore was basically uninhabitable BEFORE the plague because of it’s climate and the storms, and I think it was Stormrage that made mention Auberdine was the only settlement since the War of the Ancients that managed to be successful and only because it was needed for a dock


They took back everything to Splintertree Post, so basically a reset to Cataclysm (which is what the book did everywhere, it didn’t push the story so much as establish nothing much changed). He was commenting on the efforts to push the horde out of Ashenvale altogether, really.


“You Elves side with the treacherous Centaur? Fools, I’ll show you what happens to those who support my enemy!” - Baine Bloodhoof

The Eastern Plaguelands and Southshore has been cleansed, Darkshore can be as well.

Why build a dock in an uninhabitable area?

Fair enough, though I was speaking more in general. If we want to be technical, the Night Elves don’t hold all of Darkshore either, taking it back to again, Cata, basically.

Why build a dock in an uninhabitable area?

Because there needed to be a lifeline between the mainland and Teldrassil. It was further elaborated that the Night Elves who lived in Darkshore were often seen as weird, and often were the unsavory members of society.


they hold everything expect the trollvalley in which they allowed the trolls to return.


Right, so they don’t hold all of Darkshore, and took it back to Cataclysm. They also abandoned Bashal’Aran, returning that to Cataclysm as well.

Afaik the only area in Darkshore that’s not under Kaldorei control is Shatterspear Vale (Horde territory). And maybe the Grove of the Ancients but it’s still friendly territory obviously. And the ‘it’s all plagued and deforested’ argument doesn’t hold – a bunch of burned trees and some Forsaken goo is nothing a druidism-centric civilization can’t handle really. Especially with the help of the Ancients who are living there.

The explanation Exploring Kalimdor gave as to why there was little to no Kaldorei presence in Darkshore by the time Zekhan and Rexxar visited the zone is that they were all focusing their wrath on the Horde outposts in Ashenvale. Clearly these skirmishes have stopped by the time of DF so there’s absolutely no reason why the Kaldorei wouldn’t massively return to Darkshore.


There is a reason I added in the note at the end of it.

There was never a massive presence there to begin with, so they won’t massively return there even if it wasn’t plagued. And we don’t really have anything to say it’s currently cleansed.

“Well, it should have been by now” doesn’t really hold up. There are a lot of “should have beens” in the lore that don’t really hold up. The Shatterspear being wiped out, as a prime example. Until it’s stated by Blizzard, we unfortunately have to use the last given update.

And even then, that isn’t exactly reliable. See the occupation status of Gilneas through the years.

Exploring Kalimdor also has the Night Elves still holding Talrendis in Azshara, and said the Horde even lost the Mor’shan Rampart again.

With the Alliance winning Arathi and the Orc Heritage quests stating that Alterac Valley has been at peace for years, we could hope that Gorgonna will get the Warsong out of Ashenvale.

Or not, and the Warsong will still be causing problems between the Alliance and Horde. Who knows.

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I mean, sure.

If I were to take things a step further, considering the wedding short story implies that the Night Elves were at least invited to the wedding and just didn’t show up, there is certainly some reason to think the raiding and skirmishes have stopped.

Especially since the current narrative is that the Night Elves have withdrawn from the Alliance over feeling mistreated.

I’m not confident in saying that is something they would have done were there still skirmishes and war.

But again, it’s Blizzard. What is inferred is not always what they go with.


To be perfectly honest, we had been knowing for years that the Shatterspear hadn’t been actually wiped out but that their remaining members had disbanded the tribe and joined other organizations like the Horde. It was possible for them to revive the tribe in BFA because numbers do not exist in Warcraft lore. Basically just never trust Blizzard when they tell you that X race/nation is “extinct and gone for good” lmao


Blizzard does that with a lot of things.
One of the pleasantly surprising parts of Dragonflight is it actually has acknowledged the world and old plot points moving on.

Alterac Valley, as was mentioned earlier, the Defias for the human heritage.


If that’s the case when why is there Night Elf Explorers in Dragonflight in a Alliance Expedition when they withdrawn from the faction? Why hasn’t Tyrande been hostile towards Dwarves, Humans, and etc that isn’t Worgen allies?

No Mention about the Night Elves withdrawning other than Tyrande storming out of the Embassy and killing Nathanos into the Shadowlands.

Because they are still allies? Withdrawn does not mean leave. But even if it DID mean leave, that doesn’t instantly make something hostile.

I mean, literally, they have taken a dim view of the Alliance. They feel they were mistreated.

And considering Wrathion’s spy network, if he doesn’t know what project the Night Elves are working on (which was the world tree), the Alliance doesn’t know.

*Wrathion took note of who else was not in attendance. “I cannot help but notice that there are no night elves present,” he shared airily. His Talons had informed him that Tyrande and Malfurion were still smarting after what they viewed as mistreatment at the hands of the Alliance during the war. Wrathion had also learned that the kaldorei were preoccupied with a new development. He did not know the nature of the endeavor . . . yet.

Taelia glanced around. “I’m sure the night elves were invited.”*

I’d also like to add that while there are Night Elves in the Dragon Isles, in many cases they belong to existing factions. Kirin Tor, etc. But that you have to be careful with thinking they are all over the place, because the VAST majority of them are dragons and have special dragon eyes.

There are exceptions. Large groups of Night Elves are seen in the Green Dragon overlook place, but they are druids.


A note about the new chieftain of the Warsong, Gorgonna was the one who originally said this to Garrosh:

    Gorgonna sighed, releasing her grasp.

    “She and I spent our childhoods in the internment camps after the Second War. She is grateful that the warchief liberated us, but…" She hesitated, then added quietly, “She thinks he does not do enough.”

    “And you?” Garrosh demanded. Gorgonna looked down the path that Krenna had gone and did not immediately speak.

    “Our parents fought in the wars,” she said slowly. “They drank the blood of Mannoroth like your father did, and they were parties to its curse. They committed terrible acts in the name of the Horde. They attacked and murdered the innocent.”

    Garrosh bristled. His father was no murderer. “They did what they believed necessary! Do you defile the name of your own blood?”

    “I honor my parents’ memory—make no mistake!” she cried. “But what they believed was wrong. What all the orcs believed was wrong.”

I’m not sure if Blizzard will remember this or not, though.


There are very very few Kaldorei that are part of the Dragonscale expedition, You are way more likely to see a Shal’dorei. I’ve seen many times more Kaldorei Primalists than expedition members, which likely reflects strongly on their current cultural status.

That is to say, there are a lot of nihilistic night elves out there now who just want the world to burn.

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I’m just glad that none of the Night Elf Primalists haven’t been explicitly tied to the burning of Teldrassil. So far they’ve all just seemed like power hungry individuals riding the Incarnates’ tailcoats in aspirations of world domination.

Ah yes, having the night elves abandon Kalimdor and giving it to the horde while the horde still has their stronghold in EK, so they can settle on the irrelevant Dragon Isles. The worst possible outcome and once against showing blizzard’s absolute hatred for the night elves.

Edit: and not only that they are moving them to some plains, not even a forest. lmao, what absolute clowns.


Honestly it’s still pretty stupid.

I hope upper management fires the writers and devs. So tried of the horde bias and hatred in general. Just fed up with it.