[Spoilers] Alexstrasza and the Dream

Ah. I generally pay no attention to books anymore. Lore in game and lore in books have a gross tendency to conflict, so the later is kind of unreliable IMO.

Yeah, nah, that’s bullcrap.
Every night elf zone is a deciduous forest.
There is only one zone in the game that’s shaped like the Horde insignia, with a giant wavy highway, with a mountain carved into a goblin’s face that has a resort ontop of it.

The short sighted exultation that the Goblins were owning the Night Elves may have caused them to not consider the longer term impacts and Cataclysm itself was a big distraction.

I want to start of by saying, fans were screwed. I like night elfs, they are my second favorite race.

That being said we did see some of it the night elfs did hold the entire army off with remnants of their forces. We even saw sylvanas loosing to Malfurion, if she was or not is debatable. However hold off the entire horde army with 1 race who’s army is away is an amazing feat. We also see cinematic of malfurion killing a horde squad, we see tryande killing all the horde in a middle of a battle. When she goes to shadowland we see her leaving a trail of corpses’.

Bro we have never see anything as remotely as op done by any of the horde characters. Like all horde wins big or small are done via underhanded tactic or super weapon. Then to only loose the war in the end.

I get the night elf complains, but the horde has it way worse. We are sent down a narrative path that we do not want, we aren’t even heroes in our own story. Our characters are killed off or lost to villain batting, and so is our narrative.

I do not really like the forsaken, they should of been with the alliance and night elfs with the horde in my opinion. That being said forsaken have been taken massive L as well. They lost half their leadership in wrath, the fleet got wreaked, capital got wreaked and the 2 main characters or leaders turned evil.

This night warrior this was just bad, why would tryande need another power up when she is already one of the strongest characters? like what did blizzard expect for people to not mad at her not executing everyone.

I think the issue is we want to be the good guys from our perspective. Sure the alliance or the world can see us as monsters but from our side we should be the good guys. What does being remorseful do? Our humanity should be shown as us struggling to survive and have a place in this world. Currently none of the zones or questing show this, the war in cata started off as the horde not wanting to starve and they wanted lumber to have life saving shelter.

Faction war should happen again and horde for ones shouldn’t be bad.


Being that every other flight has a base in dragon isles I think it only makes sense that the greens and reds (life and dream) would strengthen their bonds and forces instead of being spread out. It’s closer to their ancestral seats of power where they are needed most, afaik

and also I think kalimdor has become kind of dead for new content. We got…dark shore…lost teld…then nothing

I’d settle with Horde not being the aggressors if there’s ever another faction war. It’s fine if they want to be remorseful but it’s important that they actually learn apply lessons to their actions. They can do that by not starting new wars with Alliance, or anyone else for that matter.

The problem is though that I don’t believe there’s a chance in the nine hells that Golden and her story crew flunkies will ever take the Alliance down the aggressive path. They’ll pick someone at random on the Horde council, hash out some half-baked reason why they suddenly became terrible, and on we go with “Sylvanas 2/Garrosh 3, Whoopee!” :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

It might just be best if they never touched faction war again.


If only there were someone high enough among the higher ups to force the Plot that we want through on threat of firing Golden and her allies.

Blizzard needs a shakeup at the highest level capable of forcing all Alliance lovers in the Staff to make the Alliance the Villains.

Yeah, good luck with that.

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You realize that Christie Golden doesn’t write the narrative for World of Warcraft right? She isn’t even on the World of Warcraft development team.

She’s on the Story and Narrative Team for Blizzard Entertainment, meaning she works on all Blizzard IPs. Starcraft, Diablo, Warcraft, Hearthstone, Overwatch etc.

Yes, she writes novels for Blizzard about the Warcraft universe, but that’s pretty much the extent of her control over the narrative of the Warcraft universe. Even then, she’s given the major plot points that need to be covered and her work is approved by the people who are actually in charge.

Firing Christie Golden would accomplish absolutely nothing.

It would strip her of the power she has on the writing for Anduin, Calia and Jaina. Who by assumption are practically her self inserts now who are always right and justified about everything. That is a huge victory for the lore. Mainly the Horde plot suffers here because these three interact with the red team the most. They are the best friends of Thrall and Baine who have sold us out to them multiple times since Cataclysm.

No it wouldn’t.

Because Blizzard would still likely contract her to write stories as they did before she joined Blizzard as a full time employee.

Also, as I literally stated, Christie Golden gets told what plot points need to be covered when she writes a book, she also gets her work reviewed by someone higher up than her who approves what she’s written or asks for rewrites if it’s not acceptable.

So firing her does absolutely nothing except please a bunch of raging troglodytes who lash out at whoever is the most convenient target.

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She is a pretty bad writer though.

She introduces characters just for the sake of dying and her world building is atrocious.
Her being replaced is a net positive, yeah you are right that she gets told the end plot points but she has to fill in the massive blanks that brings us there and she makes that journey both excruciating and awful.


Again, nothing would change.

They’d still contract her to write books, because they like her work, regardless of whether or not she is an employee.

So if your goal is to ‘fire her so she can’t hurt the narrative’ well that’s going to fly as well as a lead balloon.

Yeah because the like her work that the story is so atrocious :laughing:
Well I would make a toast to the entire writing team getting axed or made to quit and others joining because nothing could be possible worse than what is currently available.

The less she is involved with anything the better, I will take what I can get.

And thus the monkey’s paw curls…


I am ready for it.

:fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:

It wasn’t until after Golden took over as lead story design that Jaina stopped being openly hostile towards the Horde correct? This is something that’s been a theme in her books for a while now. She portrays Jaina as less hostile towards Horde by the end of one novel or another only for the game to re-affirm her anger shortly thereafter.

One of those things that told me flat out that book authors and game writers have zero communication.

Don’t forget her loyal puppy, Baine.
I’m honestly surprised she allowed scenes where he got to DOOMGuy some centaur.


The way she writes is so weird… Its such a chore to read through, I am rolling my eyes every 10 minutes and I see the punchline coming from 50 miles away.

Her early works were much better though, its like she has stopped caring but maybe its the nostalgia glasses that are fooling what I remember.

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Indeed. I think Golden’s always hated the idea of Dark Jaina. She tried to cap off that dev-mandated arc in the very novel it first surfaced, even passed it off as corruption from the mana bomb, unreflective of her character; Blizzard overrode this in MoP. Golden again tried to mellow her out in War Crimes, had her reconnect with Thrall and accept Vol’jin’s olive branch; Blizzard still set her up as a “warbringer” in Legion. But then, curiously, the character’s trajectory veered from hatred and war to self-loathing and peace-making in BfA. Conveniently skipping over that whole ugly stretch to instead play up her WC3 traumas.

Maybe it’s a coincidence that Golden officially joined the studio’s narrative team around the same time. Maybe. Or maybe the need for parallel Alliance aggression just stopped mattering when certain geniuses decided the Battle for Azeroth would only be another “evil Warchief, Horde rebellion” arc.


To be fair here, it was Golden herself who first introduced “hostile Jaina” into the story with her book Tides of War.