[Spoilers] Alexstrasza and the Dream

Excuse me, the orc would pick up the horse and throw it at its rider.


This is what many posters are worried about yes. Not just Night Elf fans, but Horde fans as well, as should any more downsides be attached to this latest development it will likely mean even more screen time for the Night Elves afterwards as a resolution gets dragged out yet again.

That being said, I don’t think it’ll have anything to do with the Zaralek Caverns, but I could imagine another Emerald Dream raid being in the cards.


I am afraid that this time its the end. After this Blizzard is done with their NE storyline.

They are already ignoring the Horde being a problem, they are ignoring how the NEs can’t defend their own homeland they are ignoring all population that was killed off.

You lost a tree. Here is a new tree.
And this time we put it away from the Horde so we don’t have to answer any of the above complicated questions. Oh and its under the attack so please defend it forever because we sure as hell wont update the zone so it isn’t.

Thats pretty much what we all have to look forward to.
Its ok though, I have learned to accept it… I should have played Horde back in 2004, I wouldn’t be going through this nonsense if I didn’t roll a NE warrior.

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That’s what people said after the Darkshore Warfront. And what people said after the Night Fae campaign. And what people said after Sylvanas’ sentencing. Market value of “this is it” is way deep in the red already.


The various clans would have battles over constested resources. such as oases in deserts or disputes over hunting rights. When the Orcs made war on the draenei, they were not unpractised in doing so.

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Whether they “gave” it or it was taken, Azshara itself is now Horde territory with Talrendis being an incursion point.

That is not reflective of the lore we have.

Headcanon is all well and good, but that’s all that is. As far as official canon is concerned, the Orc clans were at peace with each other. That doesn’t mean they didn’t know how to fight, they lived on a hostile world filled with many species that would either kill or enslave them. The Ogres in particular were a threat to them, and they did unite to fight against Imperator Molok long before the Draenei arrived on Draenor.

Rise of the Horde presents the orcs as various nomadic tribes who had gatherings which had as at least part in purpose was to settle disputes and rekindle political and religious bonds.

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Which doesn’t disprove what I said.

Your argument was, without any evidence supporting it, that the Orcs fought each other for resources. Official lore states otherwise, that the clans were isolated from each other and only came together for festivals like the Kosh’harg.

When the ogres revolted against their ogron masters, the hierarchy of survival on Draenor was dramatically altered and the two greatest threats to Gorgrond’s orcs — the gronn and the ogron — were eliminated. By the time of 800 years before the Dark Portal, the orcs, no longer confined to their underground caverns, began forging permanent settlements on Draenor’s surface for the first time in generations. The orc population exploded, and overpopulation and lack of prey to hunt became a serious issue. Tensions between families simmered, but before war erupted many orcs migrated out of Gorgrond in search of new land to settle. Those who remained in Gorgrond formed the Blackrock, Laughing Skull, Lightning’s Blade and Dragonmaw clans. Those who migrated east found themselves drawn to Tanaan Jungle, where they adopted a savage, superstitious mindset. Those who kept their sanity became the Bleeding Hollow clan, while those who lost themselves to dark impulses were exiled and over time formed another, smaller clan known as the Bonechewers. The orcs who journeyed west of Gorgrond settled in the icy Frostfire Ridge. The Frostwolves and Whiteclaws learned to adapt to the environment, while the Thunderlord clan instead sought to dominate the land. In the south, three clans settled in the mountains and plains of fertile Talador: the Burning Blade, Redwalkers and Bladewinds. Finally, the Warsong clan migrated farther southwest and roamed the plains of Nagrand, while to the southeast the peaceful Shadowmoon clan formed in Shadowmoon Valley.[4]

These new orcish clans gradually isolated themselves from each others, only meeting up at special occasions like the Kosh’harg festivals. This is what kept peace between them, but also at a cost: individual friendship between orcs of different clans became gradually seen as an anomaly, something almost impossible, like friendship between a wolf and a talbuk.[5]

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I never quite understood why nelf fans were so raw about the Horde taking control of Azshara and making it into a new early leveling area.
The Vanilla version of the zone was not exactly a popular questing area. The only time I remember people going there in large numbers was to do Azurgos or talk to Hydraxus for MC raid stuff. Other than that, getting groups for questing there was almost impossible.

At least that was my experience.

Lorewise the night elves didn’t seem all that keen to be in the area with the Naga dominating the shores.

Then after Cata with goblins and Horde making use of the area everyone’s suddenly in a huge tiff. :confused:


No, they arent happy that it’s been happening to them for most the MMO’s life lmao. Blizzard legitimately gave Orcs goblin and gnome levels of technology before putting in an Ancient of Wind into the game. If it makes me ‘insufferable’ for having the audacity to expect tonal consistency for the writing of my race or the inclusion of our unique spirits from the game this MMO was directly based off, than I will gladly wear that mantle lmao.

Gameplay wise it had little use and lorewise it was considered a haunted area that Elves were afraid to go to. The zone was made as a place to fill out the map. Night Elf fans getting upset about the place becoming a Horde zone is silly to me. It’s good that place is being put to proper use.


Tbf, it was an unfinished questing zone. It wasn’t popular for that reason lmao.

Azshara was always pretty much depicted purely as an area they guarded, but didn’t live within beyond that. Cursed land they wanted to keep out of worse hands in part of upholding Ysera, Alexstrasza and Nozdormu’s charge to protect those lands.

I think the deal at the end of MoP was mostly fine in the context of what MoP had. However, lets be real, MoP did not handle stuff outside of Kalimdor that amazingly. I mean, nobody talks about it because Cenarius in general basically never did anything after coming back- but it is a bit silly that once the Cataclysm was done with, he didn’t have anything to say about another Hellscream using dark powers just south of his domain- in a period where more of the ancients and forgotten powers had returned and could be stirred, no less. That honestly should have, in a game less focused on prostrating itself before it’s fake ‘faction balance’ writing, been a situation where neutral powers like the Cenarions pretty much just swoop in and start playing the political game purely because it was a massive boost to what they had on hand, in a period where a local power had, in the opinion of Vol’jin in Golden’s books, lost so much power that it arguably stopped being a world power like the Alliance was.


I got cross about it because it was a lovely chill zone before cata, I dig the autumn vibe. And then the goblins wrecked it and carved Gallywix’s fat face into it, not to mention the strip mining operation.

Just, ugh. I am over it, honestly.

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That too. On some level it’s not even just the lore, aesthetically it was just more unique before. Granted, I think the middle ground in a future world update is having Felwood get healed up and throwing in some nice autumnal colors. Make the entire ascent up the holy mountain marked by regions of different colored trees as aspects of nature invigorated by the world trees presence, w/e.

I mean really, even in terms of protecting the region. The only decent clause is the Furbolgs / them having authority to govern it by proximity to Hyjal just to ensure Nordrassil is protected per their charge given by the aspects. “Highborne artifacts” don’t mean much in current lore given the Highborne weren’t really even good at the technicalities of arcane magic, they just had a giant supply of energy supercharging them to do what they want. At least with how it’s typically depicted in current lore.


In game the Night Elves were interested in taking Azshara back in Cataclysm because it was being destroyed to build and fuel Garrosh’s war machines. And it’s never really made sense that the Horde was happy with the methods the Goblins were using in Azshara, either, given how much pollution it was causing and the affects running down through the Southfury River into Durotar, which according to Exploring Kalimdor is still affecting Orgrimmar to this day.

As for now, the Night Elves continuing their push into Azshara even now likely has to do with the Horde breaking the terms of their agreement after the Siege of Orgimmar to not go into Ashenvale, which obviously they did with the War of the Thorns and were still there as of Exploring Kalimdor, and as such the Night Elves would see it fit to deny the Horde Azshara’s resources.



This is a lie.
A complete fabrication.
An utter rejection of the idea of truth.

No, a generic autumn forest is not more unique than some weird floaty super highway past a mountain resort literally shaped like a goblin’s head, in a zone literally reshaped into the iconography of the Horde.

Look up what subjective opinion means.

Valenclaw is allowed to have different opinion’s than you. It doesn’t make those opinions lies.


As a goblin main during Cata, I have to disagree with most of this. The only thing I hated in post-Cata Azshara was Gallywix’s stupid face carved into the mountain.

Everything else, especially the rocket superhighway, was awesome.

I’m sure the tauren might have had something to say about it, but it fell on Garrosh’s deaf ears. He was just happy to have the resources to fuel his war machine.

Now, whether or not the night elves are continuing to push into Azshara is up for debate. If you’re going by what we can go to Azshara today and see nelves attacking Horde at the gates of Org and at the borders of Ashenvale, well that’s all Cata content and not current.

If it were to reflect with how things currently are I would imagine everything’s fairly quiet.

He reffered to the new kalimdor books in which the nightelf took advantage and retook their pre cata outposts there