[Spoilers] Alexstrasza and the Dream

It does pretty much sum up the core idea of an orc, yes.

Furry bikinis are hilarious every single time.

And except for the Korā€™kron period, they remain Peak Orc fashion.

ā€œAm I going to use this sword in my hand? Some clever maneuver? No, I am going to punch it. Brute force with a fist is the answer to all of lifeā€™s tough questions.ā€

Peak orc.

The primalists seem pretty keen to get their hands on the dream. Koroleth died trying to get her hands on it. What would they do with it? Try and reshape Azeroth? Do you think we will get much dream content? Iā€™m kind of curious to see other versions/iterations of the dream.

I donā€™t know about that.

But Iā€™d agree that it didnā€™t seem as something that promoted colonialism.

In fact, if we were to go down that line, Iā€™d say that said message couldā€™ve been interpreted far more easily with the Drust.

But regarding Dazarā€™Alor? Meh, I personally donā€™t see it.
To be honest, Iā€™m still struggling to find the logic behind said attack, as Iā€™m unable to conflate it with the excuse of preventing the Zandalari from joining the Horde.

Like, really? Killing their king would in any way make them any LESS willing to fight the Alliance? Who was the genius that thought said plan would work?

Again, I agree here. And I think the narrative would fare far better if we all treated these races as fiction, as it would unburden itself from tiptoeing around certain topics.

Still, Iā€™d add that the story should be careful regarding the RL themes and how it uses them.

I donā€™t mind killing trolls in spades, or having wow humans consider their culture ā€œprimitiveā€ from their point of view.
But iā€™ll take issue if the story takes the RL themes that inspired their trolls, and points at them as the root cause to signal why they are to be considered evil.
Which I again, I donā€™t feel it does as often as some think, but weā€™ve still had certain cases of it (not for trolls in particular, but in general for certain races and themes).

Once again you are in Propaganda. Gathering resources is not an act of war under any existing law. The night elves were the aggressors and paid for it.

Warhammer Orcs are better. Unlike Warcraft Orcs they donā€™t suffer from low population.

Gathering ressources in an foreign land occupied by an other state is a legitimate reason to declare war because its hurts the sovereinity of the state, if you want to argue with modern laws, otherwise your argument makes no sense


They did what they came for and were victorious. Stay pressed. Alliance folks are triggered whenever Orcs win at something.

Arenā€™t Warhammer Orcs basically like walking mushrooms?

Yes and perfect warriors even Khorne is Jealous.

Theyā€™re Pictish

Anyways none of you are worth my time :sparkles: stay pressed, my sideā€™s ā€œwinningā€ as it were


Due to Warlords of Draenor, lore wise the Orcs would have experience with this. They would have likely taken Cenarius to be a Genesaur for that matter. If anything, they might have been surprised that their own warriors werenā€™t being infected by the plants and turned into those disturbing plant orc zombies.

There seems highly likely to be Emerald Dream content, but itā€™s hard to say to what extent.

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Yes, what is the name of that unit? In portuguese we call them ā€˜Arvorosoā€™, dont know to call them in english. Dont know if the warsong would know how to fight properly against that type of foe though, the primals were extinct by the hands of the Bleeding Hollow, not the Warsong.

Perhaps if the Nelves used Ogres instead of trees, the Orcs wouldnā€™t need the demon blood. Perhaps.

The demon blood bypassed Cenariusā€™ immunity to damage. The Treants and Ancients didnā€™t have that.

My ā€œsidesā€ is winning? Is there a war i miss or do you speak about culture war?

Yes, i know, but still the Orcs were overwhelmed, i mean it seems pretty obvious to me that is not easy to fight nelves + forest allies in their own territory, but i think the amount of destruction the corrupted warsong caused shows very well why the Legion wanted the orcs as theirs soldiers.

Yes, that is why Mannoroth sought to trick them into being enslaved and empowered by him again.

Well at the end of the day, it was a nice game, it would be awesome to play it again, it seems Blizzard really tried to make a story that would make sense, and seeing Cenarius destroying my entire base was very scary. I didnā€™t played BFA very well, is there any explanation to why he didnā€™t defended ashenvale?