[Spoilers] Alexstrasza and the Dream

Darkshore was just a minor battlefield. The Horde was losing because of the alliance victory in Zandalar. Without Rastakhan and the fleet the Alliance had the advantage at sea and could move anywhere they wanted with no resistance. After Patch 8.1 it was practically over before Azsahra opened her trap.

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For me “few brave souls” reads more like volunteers.


In addition to what has already been mentioned, the draenei also helped the night elves by receiving survivors into Azuremyst, as covered in the quest “Teldrassil Evacuation (Horde)”.

next war we finish the Draenei for good. Without Velen and his best men the alliance will be servely weakened when we try to take Kalimdor again.

Even assuming the Horde could. Blizzard will always balance it out so if we lose the Exodar, the Horde will lose Silvermoon.

You don’t need land or cities to be relevant for the lore. Those hubs only exist for RPers to have a place where they can gather.

Look I know this is literally 300 posts away.

But my guy, a Nordrassil with 0 blessings was so resilient, FIRE ELEMENTALS took a stolen branch of it into the Firelands and had to attempt a ritual to even attempt to set the tree on fire, when Ragnaros was summoned right below it in the upper regions of the mountain at the start of the xpac. They have black dragons and infiltrators who can take portals and couldn’t burn the tree- even Deathwing himself was in the zone and didn’t.

And this is a Nordrassil that should, by all accounts, be far weaker than BfA-Teldrassil because its power was spent, and Teldrassil was blessed and revitalized.

Like, Druids and nature spirits can fire proof things sure, even post-Teldrassil blizz acknowledged this, but at a certain point it’s also just fundamental to the tree itself.

Not to mention all the other capabilities of the Kaldorei and spirits of nature already mentioned by others. Is it genuinely so hard to just admit that blizzard wrote a moment with no respect for logic even within the consistency that came AFTER the event?


This new world tree? Absolutely nothing.

Kalimdor itself? Well, the Dragons themselves charged the Night Elves to be it’s stewards and protectors to keep the second well of eternity safe. Which really only further solidifies that the dragons themselves would’ve just planted the seed or healed Nordrassil in Cata, like they were already working on in the 4.2 Thrall Questline.



Teldrassil is not Nordrassil. Not all World Trees manage to survive and are as powerful as Nordrassil. See the various other world trees that were all planted by the Night Elves and absolutely failed, including one that was burned to ash by a volcano and now only exists inside the Emerald Dream.

Nordrassil is the exception to the rule for its strength. And its power likely has nothing to do with the aspects blessings (specifically Alexstrasza’s blessing) and likely has to do with the fact that its roots are feeding on the magic from the Well of Eternity that necessitated its creation in the first place.

Age of the tree didn’t mean anything. We see in the books that Nordrassil was grown in about a minute by the blessings of the 3 aspects. and nothing really insinuates longevity added more strength to it. Never mind that Cataclysm, like everything in WoW in the present era, was after Warcraft 3.

Frankly, theres no basis for the idea that the second well of eternity is making it more fireproof than the blessings from fire breathing giant lizards. And even if it was, Teldrassil also had moonwells explicitly filled with titan blood from the well all across it’s surface. Compounded by the fact that a giant tree that provides energy to all things (thus meaning they’d have no reason to favor a shaman in harming it) that is covered in so much water that the mere dew from it’s leaves falling in a few places makes civilization sustaining rivers and lakes.


I never brought that up in the first place.

I never made this claim either. But let’s go over the key points.

  • World Trees are not, by their nature, fireproof. We know this thanks to Nordrassil, Teldrassil and the unknown World Tree that existed in Ungoro Crater. Nordrassil was burned by Archimonde’s death (but not destroyed), Teldrassil was burned and destroyed by the Horde and the unknown world tree was burned to ash by a volcano that erupted beneath it.
  • Both Nordrassil and Teldrassil were blessed by the aspects, only one aspects blessing matters in this case however, which is the one given by Alexstrasza. This blessing increased the strength and vitality of the tree. Neither Ysera nor Nozdormu’s blessings enhanced the strength of the tree.
  • By the time of the Cataclysm Nordrassil was not blessed by the Aspects. The blessings had been sacrificed by Malfurion Stormrage during the events of Warcraft III and Alexstrasza never blessed the tree again, instead belatedly blessing Teldrassil during the events of the novel Stormrage.
  • Only Nordrassil has its roots feeding on the second Well of Eternity.

It’s easy to conclude that Nordrassil has enhanced strength over the other two, not by Alexstrasza’s blessing, but by the fact that its roots are feeding on water from the second Well of Eternity.

Moonwells are, as you can tell if you literally walk into one, very shallow and the roots of Teldrassil do not touch the waters within those wells as the wells are made from stone and wood, not earth.

My point was that I honestly still do not see how the night elf issues should concern in any way the rest of the races.

In a story where most races have suffered different calamities of their own, it’s getting sort of weird how the Night elf ones need to be addressed as something that everyone should be involved in.

And regarding the quoted bit, I think we’ve reached the point that the role is being covered by the joint effort of MANY races.

Maybe it’s time the story had Night elves let go of the fixation that they alone are the representatives of the planets issues.
Orcs, humans, Tauren, trolls, dwarves….have all contributed to the defence.

Thrall was the frigging saviour of the entire planet during the whole Deathwing thing.


I am not entirely sure of what you mean. In this entire story, it’s essentially just entities immediately tied to the Kaldorei that have gotten involved outside of the faction war itself- which even then, they mostly didn’t help them for. The only exception would be the player character themselves i suppose, but by that logic, the same can be said about retaking Undercity in 9.2.5, not even mentioning the involvement of the Maldraxxi in it. Since the only real relation the Maldraxxi have is ‘we’re also undead’ but in a completely different culture and context. Compared to Green Dragons who essentially did help cultivate the druidic aspect of the Night Elves, or Elune who is their god.


Like I said earlier, will probably amount to Vyranoth getting any sort of power source is bad for everyone, so everyone will want to stop that.

I would say that all their relevance has to do with the fact that fans of elves in any RPG tend to be the most insufferable and engaged with the franchise. Blizzard realized the size of the stupidity they committed by teasing elf fans and now it tries in every way to please them, but as is common with elf fans they will never be satisfied and will use this genocide card until the day WOW enters in maintenance mode.

The truth is that all races in the game, with the exception of humans and blood elves (which are other elves that Blizzard realized that it is terrible to provoke), had their symbols and aesthetics practically destroyed. The point is that kaldorei fans thought they were too special to be victims of this steamroller that destroyed almost all of the game’s lore.

Blizzard annihilated the lore of the Horde’s most important race, just to please 14 year old edgelords who loved Sylvanas for being an undead elf who paraded through Azeroth half naked which resulted in the slaughter of the one particular thing this game really had, which it was a faction coded around POC and its diverse cultures. But this will also not be accepted by most kaldorei fans, who have always said that the Horde in all their complexity were merely barbarians, when it is evident to any history illiterate that all of kaldorei lore is basically founded on myths of racial supremacy and the like. aspects so dear to a certain ideology.

Which were only very partially and superficially disguised by this supposed great love of nature, as if the possibility of being an ecologist and a fascist were self-contradictory, even though this ideology has arisen precisely in camping clubs in the forest in Germany and from cults to sacred nature, but this part of the history of fascism is forgotten by most who do not understand that ideas of fervent nature worship actually lead to fascist ideas. And the reasons for this are very simple, nature is cruel, relentless and indifferent, so if you worship something like this and treat it like a god, the logical ramification is simply to accept that survival of the fittest is the only acceptable ethical criterion.

But the truth is that a significant part of the playerbase of almost all games is clearly influenced by a fascist aesthetic, and basically the American pop culture aesthetic is fascist at its core. Therefore, destroying aspects that have to do with something that puts POC cultures in a leading position, was a path expected by a group of writers who, as far as we know, were described in a lawsuit as a fratbros of white man.

And everyone was happy while only the Horde and their barbarian races were humiliated by Blizzard, and that’s easy to prove, just look at the thousands of complacent threads on this forum of Alliance fans content with the path the Horde has taken, as their wish it was that these underdeveloped races should understand their place within the faction whose founding ideal was the motto of a certain party. They just didn’t expect the shi…storm to get to them.

They didn’t understand that the writers of this lore that will probably be the subject of essays on fascist aesthetics 20 years from now in theses, were a praetorian guard of these values. And that they would reach the last consequences, to bring to light the myth of the white man who civilized the barbarians, even if for that the kaldorei had to be used of original sin that corrupted these barbarians giving rise to the need for that white savior.

So if you want to understand why all this fuss about this race, you must first understand that every piece of American pop culture that has original elements will at some point, and this is inexorable, degenerate into a fascist aesthetic. Because that’s what people have been encoded to look for in whatever narrative you put before them, and ultimately they’re going to demand it.

And when Blizzard met this demand and gave players an evil Horde (desired by a relevant portion of Horde players) and a heroic Alliance (something almost unanimous for ally players), some did not understood why their preferred race, and who they thought was superior to others proved so little superior, being actually inferior on the battlefield and humiliated in their own territory.

This deeply shook their idea that they were playing with the “warrior race” destined to win every battle. And then came the storm that we still live today. Because they just didn’t count on the fact that there was already another chosen race. And that it wasn’t theirs.


I agree with this,

However, it is because blizzard has done a terrible job of resolving the problem with the story that they have to keep re addressing it. Every time they do something for the night elves its generally a pathetic story that doesn’t do anything to resolve the issue.

Rather than just addressing the problem and giving the Night elves an actual win, they keep just trying to push this “renewal arc” which does nothing for them in fact has only made things worse.

If they had simply given the night elves the Cartesis of defeating sylvanas and utterly destroying her or seeing tyrande do that. Or even just a quest chain of them taking back their home and rebuilding/restoring it. It would have made the night elf fan base actually accept they had gotten something.

But blizzard refuses to do so.

So instead, we get a tree on a far away land that is going to just cause the common folks to get angry with the story and blizzard will need to address it again and again and again…


Darkshore, Ashenvale, etc.


The whiplash of Akhinoz going on about the Night Elves being inferior on the battlefield and humiliated in their own territory and then Treng coming in with the usual post about how Night Elves always win in the end.


I just woke up, so maybe I misread his post, but I’m almost certain that Akhinoz’s post wasn’t “Night Elves always lose”, it was “Night elf players think their race should never, ever, ever, ever, ever lose and all other races should always lose to them. They will use the genocide victim card on blizzard until blizzard puts the game in maintenance mode.” and “Night Elf players like pointing out that other races have been lambasted with facist aesthetic, but totally ignore Pax Nelfana, or worse: THEY TREAT IT LIKE IT WAS A GOOD THING.”

Which is probably true. They’ve been using the card ever since they got it.


There are few, if any, posters around here that care about Azshara’s empire.

Most posters here also don’t post saying that Night Elves should never lose, but rather that it would be nice if the Night Elves stopped being attacked.

But, yes, people will likely keep bringing up the genocide until Blizzard stops adding downsides to each “resolution” they keep coming up with (Night Elves raised into undeath when Darkshore was reclaimed; Night Elf souls amalgamated and had to be obliterated when the Night Elf souls were being rescued from Torghast; Elune gaslighting Tyrande into sparring Sylvanas’ life so Sylvanas could do labor in the Maw - something that she didn’t have to be alive for - when determining what Sylvanas’ judgement would be, which also bypasses the successful elimination of Sylvanas’ Val’kyr ending her extra lives by just not having her die at all any more, but at least that does prevent more victims being raised into undeath by The Nine).

Really the only resolution the Night Elves really got without any strings attached was Nathanos’ death, but players only found out that said strings had been cut eight months after the fact when it was revealed that Nathanos hadn’t gone to his afterlife to be happily by Sylvanas’ side.

Yet even now it would be highly likely for gameplay purposes that the newest resolution will be “Here’s your new world tree home! Oh, also, it’s under attack.”