[Spoilers] Alexstrasza and the Dream

Velen happened to be in Stormwind to attend the summit for the planning of the Alliance response to the Horde interest of Silithus. Once the refugees started coming in Anduin convinced Tyrande to stay in Stormwind, and Tyrande was the one who helped the refugees stay organized and prevented chaos from their flooding in. The refugees were uninjured throughout nearly the entirety of the evacuation. So there wasn’t likely anything for Velen to do for the refugees while he was in Stormwind. He owned no property there to shelter them with, and had no resources there to share with them.


So we’ve gone from Alextrasza and the Dream to Dranei shirkers during WoT.



And here I was just impressed by how that last bit sprung out of my controversial declaration that the Draenei are part of the Alliance.


There were also Draenei soldiers in some of the faction invasions. Albeit 7th Legion. So I’ll give the possibility that said soldiers may have been in Stormwind post legion.

Ultimately it stems back from Akhinoz discussing that the Night Elves will likely not be abandoning their holdings in Kalimdor, with Akhinoz’s additional comment that the Horde doesn’t want anything to do with Night Elf content. This then branched to a discussion of Horde doing Alliance content in general, in which came your point (on which I agree with) of everyone being involved in the Draenei content at the Exodar during Legion (and also Argus, for that matter, as the Horde had no real involvement, as that was more Draenei content with the addition of Turalyon and Alleria as returning Alliance characters). This then branched to the discussion of Draenei content, which while Draenei are Alliance members, they rarely are really involved in the matters of the other Alliance races (and additionally have historically ended up hanging out with the Blood Elves most - Liadrin being the Horde member invited to come with to Argus as the means for Horde players to get involved). An example of the Draenei’s absence in other Alliance races’ content being their lack of involvement during the War of the Thorns.

To bring this back around, it is highly likely that Horde players will be involved in Alliance content again if this new world tree truly does result in a Night Elf themed patch zone.


No doubts there.


My assumption is that this tree will be what gives Night Elves their immortality back, but it won’t be where they move or live. Nordrassil’s still there, Hyjal has to be healed by now from Ragnaros and the Legion alike. It’s not ideal but again, this is about as good as can be expected given the anchor of BfA decisions constantly dogging them.

There’s also the heritage armor still, and the Human and Orc ones both did pretty well at grounding the races in an upgraded status quo. All in all I’m just hoping they finally close this chapter of Kaldorei stuff with all this and uh… just let them sit for at least a few expansions.

Draenei better watch their backs though, they’re probably next for a Burning. It’s always either Kaldorei or them.

While I would be very happy for the Night Elves to get their immortality back, that would require Nozdormu regaining his powers and blessing the tree, which Blizzard could easily avoid by having him become Murozond this expansion.

Given how much they’re telegraphing it I’m pretty sure Murozond is a red herring and he’s actually not Nozzie, or if he is, an alternate timeline Nozzie.

she was immediately escorted to the high priestess, who—along with Anduin, Genn, and Velen—was helping the injured.

Suggesting that the draenei just shirk responsibility is silly. Especially considering Genn had all his people evacuated first. Like, isn’t of fighting the first thing the worgens did was leave Darnassus.

Ultimately, I doubt anyone lorewise considers that the draenei shirk/did not try to participate in the war of Thorns, no more then the rest of the Alliance at least.

Citizens vs soldiers. Of course, Genn had his people evacuate. Mind, that’s only half true. The Night Elves “insisted” the Worgen evacuate, and more or less refused to take portals until all the Gilnaens were safe and sound.

Because that’s what allies do. Risk their lives, even when it’s all they have to give, to make sure their friends are safe.

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And again, that is what the draenei did to finally defeat the Legion and keep everyone safe, including the night elves. And the reason why they had next to nothing left to give.

Except for the Draenei seen in the opening cinematic, but hey it’s just one.
Except for the Draenei who were in the invasion for Voldun, but hey, probably shouldn’t count them either.
Except for the Draenei helping in Stormgarde with War Elleks, powerful weapons in their own right. By your own admission.

So they did have stuff to give.

Blizzard just decided to write them as not giving them to Night Elves.

And mind, this isn’t a one off thing. It’s specifically a plot point that the Night Elves felt the Alliance mistreated them. The Alliance is more than just Stormwind.

But there are noted examples in game post Teldrassil of Draenei giving aide to the Alliance.

And it’s funny that “They gave everything they had” is actively something Blizzard has used, because it’s the same expansion where they have an army of Night Elves take part in suicide missions despite just going through a genocide.


I kinda wonder if this is partly the real reason why Baine got a questline at all in the Ohn’ahran Plains. Convoluting up a reason why a group of tauren would want to settle alongside centaur immediately after some of them got butchered could have been “necessary to balance out the zone” if Blizzard intends on having at least some night elves move there as well.

Given the size of the location we mostly expect the new world tree to go, I doubt the Night Elves would have much presence on plains themselves.

Though with the Tauren there, I feel like Blizzard should give Tauren the Plainsrunning racial in the style of Running Wild that Worgen have, but standing up.


I know it’s not what you meant but I took that mental image literally of a tauren trying to emulate the Running Wild animation but on two legs so his upper half is wobbling back and forth like an inflatable tube man and I think this is going to be burned into my memory for the rest of the day.


Or more likely these draenei soldiers were injured/not in any capacity to fight yet when WoT happened amd needed time to actually be capable of fighting again. Draenei resources were depleted and they needed time to replenish them.

Blizzard literally gave an explanation as for why they were not there. An explanation that at least at the time Tyrande accepted/didn’t hold against the draenei.

New flash, nearly everyone in Azeroth has had significant losses. The humans were “about to call farmers” to fight the war. The night elves, for the most part did keep their military because most of it was en route to Silithus at the time.

Also, had the seige happened successfully and without the whole Azshara fiasco the Horde was literally weeks away from losing. That alone should tell you Tyrande should have probably supported Anduin because had she done so the Horde would be forced to retreat or worse, just outright lose the war and without the need for a dangerous ritual to boot.

The Horde was losing on all fronts because Tyrande and the Night Elves went to Darkshore, where the bulk of the Forsaken forces were. Had it not been for that Sylvanas would have had a lot more to defend her at Orgrimmar than just a militia of civilians.


This is not true. The Darkshore theatre was probably not that important in the overall strategy of Sylvanas, hence why she had her champions focus on Zandalar because she needed their fleet. The moment the Alliance sunk said fleet we got this:

Nathanos Blightcaller says: My queen… reports are coming in from all outposts. The Alliance is tightening its grip. Victory is within their grasp.
Baine Bloodhoof says: Perhaps we can open negotiations–
Lady Sylvanas Windrunner says: The Alliance slays the leader of the Zandalari, and you speak of negotiations?

So yeah, her losing had everything to do with the success of the Alliance in Zandalar.

“Hello, me are am sorry for to listen to bad dead lady! To help knife-ears to celebrate new big-tree planting, me brings loads and loads of fresh hot barbeque!”