[Spoilers] Alexstrasza and the Dream

And it was explained, the draenei had nothing left to give:

The night elves and the draenei were the only Alliance bastions on the continent who could offer a swift counter to a Horde incursion into Silithus, and the draenei’s resources had been depleted during the war against the Legion. Tyrande had since been overseeing a slow but steady buildup of an army that could be dispatched to the site of

As Ferlion just said, a few souls volunteering to go help is vastly different from the Draenei posing a unified front and actually sending their military and tech to help beat back the horde.

And everyone’s resources were depleted during the Legion war, it was a cataclysmic war afterall. It’s just an excuse blizz used because they likely forgot the draenei were an island way to help

When we say the draenei sat out the war, that’s still a factual statement


There was no military left, the draenei clearly suffered huge loses defending all of Azeroth against the Legion. effective the “few brave soul”(ie us draenei players) was all that was left to help.

So no, saying the draenei sat out the war is not factual. The draenei did what they could with the little they had left.

During the wot

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From Elegy.

It is when the draenei military and goverment literally sat out the WoT. Just because a few mercenaries went to help, is not a contradiction of the orignal statement

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Wizbang Cranktoggle appears at Bashal’Aran after the Night Elves took back Darkshore, though he does not show up in the warfront scenario itself nor gives any world quests. But a Gnome did show up, even if it was a Gnome that has been living in Darkshore since vanilla WoW. This fact does not mean the Gnomes as a national whole aided the Night Elves, especially given that Mekkatorque was among the forces that Anduin had tapped for the Battle of Dazar’alor instead. Some Draenei, likely players as pointed out, is likewise not a concerted effort by the Draenei to assist the Night Elves.


Again, there was no military left/"few brave souls"could refer to the remain draenei trying to help. It is vague for a reason.

Because the draenei had nothing left to give. And “few brave souls” simply reference to what little they could give joining the cause.

As a side note, the draenei forces were so exhausted they were never even consider either to help the night elves in going to Silithus.

Vague or not, it does not contradict the factual statements about the draenic goverment and military sitting out the WoT. There’s little reason to get defensive about this.

It’s a simple lore based fact that we’re stuck with.

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You know if they are that militarily exhausted, it seems sorta weird to me no one bothered to point out how easy a victory the Horde would have taking it. Then they have a huge cache of Naaru technology to exploit.

The draenei government(ei Velen) was in Stormwind trying to help the night elf refugees.

Saying the draenei were not doing all they could to help the night elves/imply they did not try to help is just wrong.

You mean the tech that can be destroyed by troll voodoo? Like it or not, the draenei are not being portrayed as being so much more technologically superior(at least enough to sway the war) during BfA proper.

It’s a factual that they sat out the WoT. As in they did not participate

And again the draenei literally participated. “Few brave soul” was the best they could do.

Mercenaries are not the draenic goverment or military.

There is nothing stating these “few brave souls” were mercenaries/not part of the draenei’s remaining military.


Personally, I think looking at it from in-universe PoVs isn’t right. It’s what races Blizzard uses to communicate stories to the player, and the associations players make with those races. Ultimately, draenei are still a playable alliance race and that means it’s way more likely that an alliance player will have an extra degree of connection to it that a horde player won’t.

Honestly, I genuinely think of furbolg as, if not alliance, then at least more alliance-adjacent than horde ever will. We know that they’re normally allies of night elves, so I think it’s reasonable to expect that a player allied with night elves will be way more likely to care about them than horde.

Admittedly this is from my own biased PoV but I feel what makes Zul’farrak different is that the horde, either its NPCs or the player, doesn’t have a positive relationship with sand trolls. To me, this makes them different from someone like, say, Illidan, who has personal relationships with several actual night elf characters. So I’d expect him to “matter more” to a night elf fan (and by extension, an alliance fan due to night elves being part of the faction) than a horde player.

So yeah, me doing the furbolg quests on the Dragon Isles was like “eh, I assume these Winterpelt aren’t really for me as a horde player” even though anyone can do the quests. I’m not into night elves or their allies, and furbolg fall under that, so the questline about learning their language was cute but something I was kinda half-tuning out from the start.


TBH I have always found Illidan a self important jerk who they bent so far backwards to make an antihero that they had to of broken their spines in at least three places to pull it off.

But that is just me.


We factually know the draenei goverment sat out the war. You keep moving the goalposts and switching your stances

Pick one

  1. Either the Draenei military and goverment was drained from the legion war and couldn’t afford to help, so they sat out the war

  2. Or the Draenei goverment sent soldiers to help

Or third option, the draenei military was mostly drained but they sent what they could (ie the “few brave souls” line)

We factually know the draenei government, Velen, was in Stormwind at the time helping the night elf refugees.

So even then the draenei no more sat out the war then say Stormwind who couldnt even get their troops to Darkshore in time.