[Spoilers] Alexstrasza and the Dream

Pretty sure that would constitute a war crime.

If you told Brightwing that Orcs tasted like grubs, I don’t know this for certain, but I feel like we’d lose a playable race. As in, somehow, the wow servers would no longer let players create Orcs.


What about saving the Exodar from a legion invasion so we could talk to a creepy fangirl windchime?

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I am not sure I would call that alliance content, it was content that happened to use the exodar and was mostly just the Draenei getting their butts kicked until we came to save the day.

It was the larger arc of talking to Xe’ra so the world did not end… I think? the lore there was all funky.

So it was a quest in an Alliance capitol, to defend it and the alliance leader, but it’s not alliance because it’s part of a larger quest in which we deal with a windchime that has an unhealthy obsession about a night elf and sends us to look at important points in night elf history?


So, this is something I honestly understand from the Horde standpoint when it comes to Draenei, because they are in theory an “Alliance” race.

But I want to stress for a moment just how loose that relationship is lorewise.

In Wolfheart, the Draenei showing up to the Alliance was a complete surprise. Point in fact, it was such a surprise because the entire Alliance thought the Draenei had just up and left after Burning Crusade. Nobody had seen any Draenei since then. There was a brief period after that where Anduin was training with Velen, and other Draenei were out in the world (Anduin was thinking about how curvy one of the women was in the Shattering novel, I believe?), by and large they are a rarity.

They didn’t even help in the War of Thorns, and they are a major capital within reach of Teldrassil.

It does seem that with the Lightforged post-Legion, some of the Light Forged draenei are taking a more active role, but… Still completely absent from Ashenvale and War of Thorns.

I would also note to what was said above that the idea that Illidan is anything near the world Alliance is sorta Hilarious.

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He’s a Night Elf, and a huge part of their history, while he himself isn’t Alliance, he’s an aspect of the story of an alliance race. He’s all tied in with the story of Tyrande and Malfurion.


Hey man, I didn’t write the lore.

That is literally how it’s presented. The books actively have a passage with the other Alliance members saying they thought the Draenei were leaving Azeroth.

I mean, it’s not like there haven’t been other times other races have been in a tenuous position with their faction. It still doesn’t change the fact that they are and always will be part of the alliance


Do you think Furbolg are Alliance?

There are Alliance aligned furbolg, after all. But they aren’t really official members of the Alliance. Zul’Gurub wasn’t “Horde lore” just because it had trolls in it. ZF wasn’t a “Horde dungeon” just because it had trolls in it.

And that has what relevance to how a scenario where we all defended an Alliance capitol and help out an Alliance leader who is a big advisor of the current high king of the Alliance is in fact Alliance related?

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It is not a “loose” alliance.

And Velen basically confirmed they are committed to the grand Alliance.

The draenei have been defending Ashenvale along with the night elves in Cata. Not to mention they were fighting with the Alliance against the Horde in MoP and Theramore.

This is just wrong:

The draenei were hardly in a position to assist the beleaguered night elves, though some brave souls had traveled to do so. Once Darnassus fell, the hungry Horde would doubtless turn their attention to Azuremyst.

As mentioned the draenei were there helping in the war of Thorns and the draenei were also helping in Stromgarde.(not lightforged, actually draenei)

And draenei are official members of the Alliance with the right to vote on who gets invited into the Alliance.

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Source for this claim?

Which one? Helping during War of Thorns or Stromgarde?

Their absence in the War of Thorns was very noticeable in game. And that’s why it’s a major complaint of them not helping when the Kaldorei needed help the most. Do you have any quotes or pictures of draenei NPCs helping out?


I just quoted you the short story stating some draenei did help…

The draenei were hardly in a position to assist the beleaguered night elves, though some brave souls had traveled to do so. Once Darnassus fell, the hungry Horde would doubtless turn their attention to Azuremyst.

“Brave souls went to help” isn’t really the same as a unified response, and I kind of feel like that should have went without saying.

I’d point to US citizens going to Ukraine to help isn’t the same as the US going to war with Russia.