[Spoilers] Alexstrasza and the Dream

Wow this has gotten way off topic.



It’s literally nelf land.
Tyrande is leader of all nelves.
Citation: visual guide.
We go to save malfurion, Tyrande’s husband, and defeat Xavius, enemy of nelves.
The end of the zone is a cutscene of nelves, including Tyrande, crying over ysera who later states she would have fought the horde to save the nelves in shadowlands.


Val’sharah is controlled by the Dreamweavers. They’re a neutral faction, not aligned with the Alliance or the Horde. There is a Gilnean settlement, but unlike the Gilneans who stayed in Gilneas, were subjected to the worgen curse and then joined the Alliance, the Gilneans who created Bradensbrook did no such thing and are also neutral.

Tyrande is not the ‘leader of all Night Elves’ either. She’s the leader of the Night Elves who serve the Alliance. She has no dominion over Elves who serve neutral factions (such as those who serve the Cenarion Circle or the Dreamweavers) and are not loyal to the Alliance at all.

You’re welcome for that basic lore lesson. Now go troll another thread and stop pushing this off-topic nonsense. This thread is about the Night Elves and their ‘new home’ (which is not confirmed yet).

You are asking pointless questions. Jaina mysteriously disappears once the Broken Shore cinematic starts. She is not seen on the ground with Genn and Varian. She is not shown on the airship with Mekkatorque. She shows no involvement when Varian jumps off the ship to fight the giant Fel Reaver, which obviously feels very uncharacteristic of Jaina. Like with everything, Jaina didn’t do something because Blizzard didn’t want her to so the stories could end the way Blizzard decided it to before the narrative teams were even brought in the be involved.

You can use whatever petty aggression you want, but it doesn’t actually contribute to anything.


And you were making an irrelevant point from the beginning.

Because the discussion was about portals, not mass teleportation. Entirely different spells.

Now unless you’re going to stay on topic, bugger off.

They’re a night elf faction that worked in tandem with the Horde to defeat the Legion.
They are Night Elves.
They owe Tyrande their fealty.

^ a b c World of Warcraft: Ultimate Visual Guide, pg. 88 - 89


Maybe try reading up on faction lore.

Until you do that, we have nothing more to discuss.

Repeatedly stating “you know nothin’, jon snow” loses emphasis when jon snow regularly proves your argument to be incorrect.


Okay, let’s just knock this out of the park for you, since you’re clearly failing to grasp a simple concept.

The Dreamweavers are the faction that controls Val’sharah. They own the main settlement of Lorlathil, which is the settlement you arrive at when you choose Val’sharah as the Legion zone you want to quest in. The Dreamweavers are led by Rensar Greathoof, who is a member of the Cenarion Circle, a neutral order of Druids that admit both Horde and Alliance druids, and is led by Cenarius (with the secondary leaders being Malfurion (who represents Alliance druids) and Hamuul Runetotem (who represents Horde druids))

So the leader of the Dreamweavers, a neutral organization, is also a member of the Cenarion Circle, another neutral organization.

Neither Rensar, nor the Dreamweavers, have any loyalty to the Alliance. Now, has that gotten through your thick skull yet? Or do I need to write it in crayon?

Until they scale mechagnome racials up for Dragonflight and maybe add a mole machine or two, it doesn’t really help the perception of “the faction the devs try to ignore until convenient”.

As if mechagnomes didn’t have enough issues…

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Malfurion is quite literally an Alliance Racial Leader.
Cenarius has quite literally aligned with Night Elves, the Alliance Race, in perpetuity. He literally died for them.

Do you, for one single fleeting moment, believe that Rensar has anywhere near the tenure, respect, and command that Cenarius or Malfurion alone (let alone, together) have against him?

If so, I have a bridge on the moon to sell you at a killer price.


Okay, well, since you want to continue trolling, I’m not going to debate with you further. Go back under your bridge.

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That’s until the Horde is attacking. At that moment Cenarius and the rest of the Wild Gods conviniently claim neutrality and say that mortal affairs are beyond them.


listen man, the draenei didn’t show up with their space ship.
anduin didn’t show up and one shot KO everything
tyrande didn’t look at the army and instantly kill them all
malfurion didn’t bury everyone.

they didn’t tell the story of cenarius showing up for whatever reason: they didn’t want the horde to kill him, they didn’t want him to look powerless because the devs decided the horde had to win at this juncture. either way, that doesn’t change cenarius’s loyalties.


Considering Cenarius was the aggressor trying to wipe out the Warsong Clan while all they did was collect lumber under the orders of Thrall I am in no way surprised how things turned out. Don’t start a fight if you don’t have the moral high ground. As Blizzard told again in Bfa.

CC is a majorly night elf faction. Just like the Kirin Tor is a majorly human faction. Most supposed to be neutral factions are an advance of alliance power who broke off from them to find allies among the other races of Azeroth. Them being open to other people doesn’t change their origins.

And the temple of Elune. Whom followed the command of Tyrande when they took down Ysera.

Yes it is.

So me being forced to take orders from Malfurion and Tyrande was just my imagination.

They have about as many players as humans. Why is that a problem? Vanilla started with a A 70% and H 30%. All Blizzard did after was just balancing.

There is no source for these numbers.

Temporary neutrality is not a big deal They can come back to the team as we seen with Thrall. But if you are dead you are lost to the story forever. Which is why the Horde plot is basically destroyed after BFa is over.

same. It sucks. Shattrath Dranei, Dalaran humans. I am so tired.

All original Orc heroes died a second time. Maraad, Khadgar and Yrel were much more important then Thrall and Durotan.

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Doesn’t matter if it’s a ‘mostly Night Elf faction’ because those Night Elves are also neutral unless otherwise stated. And even then, some are not above working with the Horde when the situation calls for it. Perfect example being Malfurion working with the Horde in Mt. Hyjal during the Cataclysm, even though Garrosh was waging war with his people in Ashenvale.

Fact is, the Cenarion Circle, much like the Earthen Ring and many other groups, are not faction aligned. They will work with both factions, often for the greater good.

I don’t expect you to understand that of course. Much like the other troll in this thread, you seem to believe the Alliance controls everything.

Which they do. Bfa has left the alliance as the sole remaining super power on the planet. That is why they have major presence in core Horde territory(Azshara, Durotar, Barrens and Silverpine), are always around when we defeat the big bad guy(All expansions except Cataclysm) and lastly and will never die because they are protected by heavy plot armor.

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I know it’s not wow lore, but in heroes of the storm:

“I enjoy brutally killing you very much!”

“Did you suffer greatly? I hope so.”

“Ooh, entrails! Tasty!”

“This will only hurt until you die!”

Yikes Brightwing. Yikes.


Even in WoW when you make her mad from poking her too much she goes

“Do it again and… I’LL RIP OUT YOUR HEART! Friend.”

Brightwing is best homicidal druid friend. Clearly we just needed to turn her loose on the Horde.


Malfurion is the founder of the Cenarion Circle, and even the Archdruids of Val’sharah studied under him and are loyal to him:

    Malfurion Stormrage… A name I have not heard in centuries.

    He was teacher to many of us. If he seeks my audience, I cannot refuse.

Val’sharah also contains a Temple of Elune, of which Tyrande is the High Priestess of.