[Spoilers] Alexstrasza and the Dream

Okay, since the clown show keeps on going here…

The debate that Mara and I were having was 100% about the use of portals and how they cannot be used to transport armies. That was the debate. Now you two spanners have come in and started talking about mass teleportation, which, was never part of the debate.

Mass teleport =/= Portals.

But even mass teleport is extremely limited in what it can and cannot do. Ask yourself, if Jaina could ‘mass teleport an army’ why didn’t she do that at Theramore? Mass teleport an army behind the Horde lines and flank them? Why didn’t she do that at the Broken Shore? Mass teleport the Alliance armies to safety instead of forcing them to use an airship? Why wasn’t she able to mass teleport the Alliance forces to Darkshore or Ashenvale to help fight the Horde and stop Teldrassil from burning?

The answer is that mass teleportation is a tricky spell. It requires line of sight on everyone that you want to teleport (meaning everyone has to be near the archmage, a difficult task to accomplish when transporting a whole army rather than an elite strike force). Antonidas once told Jaina that a technique called ‘line of mind’ could also be used, but that was tricky as strong willed individuals could resist, and various beings like demons and other mages for example, had protections in place to prevent the touching of minds that would allow ‘line of mind’ teleportation.

So yeah, maybe you two can stick to the topic next time, okay? Instead of prancing around in your oversized shoes while honking your red noses. Thanks.

That looks like the Winter Queen

we both know that blood elves were the reason the horde grow in popularity, this and a better questing expierience, then the stronger racials started to draw player from the alliance.

unfortunate boss designs favored the Horde to such an extreme that gradually the alliance guilds migrated, first the top 1%, and then everyone else followed. The balance was not lost immediately, but it took time, about 6 years.

And could you even provide the source please with the “Horde is the thematic that made warcraft 3 so famous bs” outside of your own headcanon?

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Well, I think she was the inspiration point for Vyranoth’s visage yes. Which given the name I guess can be sort of forgiven. It is more the date that caught me off guard. I would of expected them to say that of Fyrakk, not her.

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the reason was simply, the blood elves cuted the island from the leylines before the manabomb hit there, this was the reason why she didn´t teleport the entire army away, but yeah, she´s capaple of massteleport an entire army, massteleport is even her “thing”, so to speak, she was the first mage ever showed us that this is possible. and she teleported an entire army back to stormwind, from uc…this is huge.

But she did this first in cycle of hatred, the book, there she teleported an entire population of beasts from one vail into another.

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Then point to the facts, I already know what you’re going to do, point to an anecdotal example and say that proves you’re right. This doesn’t erase the countless times Horde players had to do quests with various Alliance characters that were “neutral” in expansions where the theme was completely Alliance-oriented.

Please, everyone here agrees on this aspect of the lore, which has eroded the Horde’s relevance. I won’t waste my time with a player who will use an example or two to say that there is no such tendency in the game.

No, and does it matter? I see Americans make more spelling mistakes than I do here, and I don’t ask them those kinds of ridiculous questions. What’s next, will you kindly ask me to only post in the forum where my native language is spoken?

Are you?


So while mass teleporting is a thing, I would say it is easiest to say it is restricted to the highest echelons of skill in magecraft—There are not many Jaina tier mages in the world. That means it isn’t a practical method to use most times, particularly when the target location sends you into active battle. That would be why we do not see it used very often. It is more frequently seen used to move a small strike team.

There is, however, a technique to make stable long term arcane portals usable by anyone—Telemancy. So, ironically, the Horde is better equipped there than the Alliance is on that front even with Jaina, given the foremost expert on the art is on their payroll.

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i remember legion…as a counting example.

Cata - Thrall
Mop - no real Neutral hero
WOD - Clearly Horde-themed, but khadgar as neutral figure
Legion - Illidan/Khadgar, and yeah, here i agree, it was heavily alliance lineaged focused, but not really alliance, it was kinda strange
BFA - Magni, but saurfang got a lot of attention as welll and sylvanas and anduin too.

TBC = Sha’tar, WotLK = Argent Crusade, Cata = Earthern Ring, MoP = Horde faction leaders, WoD = Mag’har, Legion = Class halls, BFA = Horde faction leaders, Shadowlands = Covenants

It does prove me right because one example defeats the premise that it’s only Alliance.

Yes because you made a statement that sounded completely serious then said it’s a joke, and used condescension to act like it’s something everyone can easily notice. You didn’t make that clear, and since you’re not fluent in English you didn’t convey your message properly.

Its about the neutral Heroes there were used:

Cata had Thrall as overall neutral hero
MOP had no one, maybe if you want wrathion, but even then he would not be alliance
WOD had Khadgar, but clear a Horde-Themed Expansion
Legion had Magni, Khadgar, Illidan.
BFA had Magni, Saurfang, Sylvanas Anduin
SL had bolvar, sylvanas, tyrande, jaina, Uther and thrall.

What about Cenarion CIrcle, Argent Dawn, Kirin Tor, The explorer’s league, The SilverHand, the .Tyrande cringe questline in Legion, the list goes on.

What I said was that Sylvanas’ power in BFA was exactly the same as the borrowed powers that we used in the artifacts, it was not a power of her own, it was merely something that a deity had let her use and later removed from her, exactly like the artifacts, what’s so hard to interpret?

And about my proficiency in English it doesn’t matter, and I don’t see why you want to insist on this subject, other than the obvious reason that is apparent. People understood my posts and that’s what matters in human communication.

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Cenarion Circle in Cata. promoted horde and Alliance Charakters, not only Alliance
Argent crusade was a tyrion only show, neither alliance, yeah, he was a human, but he had as much ties to the alliance as an orc…zero.
kirin Tor: Declared multiple time themselve alliance, but its true, more alliance member then hore are member of the kirin tor, but this is about to change, in df you saw a lot of nonhuman/nongnom/nonhighelf kirin Tor mages

Wtf, what is so hard to understand mate? All these faction are alliance themed, and people hate this kind of content, because i am not paying the damn game to do quests in alliance hubs.


I more easily understood this point. The other point about Night Elves taking on Titan themes wasn’t clear, especially because you used that example more than once.

Yes, and I misunderstood the intent behind the answer you gave me so clearly it’s a matter of miscommunication and you not knowing how to convey tone is the reason behind that.

that all of this examples ARE no alliance hubs, most of the alliance player even hate that they heroes allways goes neutral and with it their entire themes.

Tyrande, Shandris, Maiev, Anduin, etc did not and have neverngone neutral. We are forced to do alliance content with alliance leaders in alliance lands to help alliance aims and goals.


They’ve never gone neutral, however, when you have taken quests from them, you’ve also never been required to do ‘alliance content’ in ‘alliance lands’ for ‘alliance goals’.

That’s just flat out wrong.

I dunno about this bit, really. There’s a social and mechanical advantage to being horde on account of the faction restrictions that snowballed on itself some time around Legion when the horde were seen as the best side to play for both PVE and PVP. Once the population swung too hard, it became that much more difficult to justify leaving it even if, say, mechagnome racials are functionally the best for the average player. Add in reroll fatigue and/or the cost to pay for faction swaps, and alliance would need to perform substantially better to overcome the social disadvantages of leaving horde.

While I agree that WC3’s trope inversion is what made it stand out, I would’ve thought that if horde themes were the biggest appeal overall, then blood elves wouldn’t command such a majority of its player population.


Valsharrah says hello.

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Val’sharrah is not Alliance territory, it’s neutral territory.
You’re not doing Alliance quests.
You’re not furthering Alliance goals.