[Spoilers] Alexstrasza and the Dream

Kalimdor should belong to the Horde the same way the eastern kingdoms belong to the alliance. Making the night elves the strongest power on the continent due Tyrande and Malfurion being unkillable demigods was a mistake from the beginning. If they go to the dragon isles this expansion that means the way is open for the Orcs, Tauren, Trolls and the Goblins to resettle every piece of land that will now be free.

So now that I have woken up and found my face got knocked across the room, I will rephrase what I said to match my intentionā€”They are trying to do right by us within the scope and manpower limitations they currently find themselves with.

What a lot of you guys are asking for is way beyond the scope of Dragonflight. What you are INDIRECTLY asking for is a revamp of the old world in the middle of an ongoing expansion. That is a wholly unrealistic demand. So, if they went your route and said they all moved to Hyjal for example, what that would look like in game is this: The Kaldorei would be said to of moved there. They might see the NPCS in stormwind removed. But no changes would occur for likely years until Kalimdor becomes relevant enough to justify investing manpower and time into it.

It would be saying, not doing that people endlessly criticize them for. They are actually trying the doing not saying routeā€¦ So how about we actually let them do for once.


I really doubt that Blizzard would take that path, i think that in a eventually revamp, we will see more Horde presence in southern kalimdor rather than northern kalimdor. Eventually all of Ashenvale will go back to the NE, and they will maintain specific points that will prevent another invasion (like Talrendis Point, or northern Stonetalon), i could be wrong of course.

Honestly i would even propose the Horde giving up their lands in Ashenvale in exchange of the Alliance giving up their lands in Barrens, i think it would be a fair trade and from there the Horde could expand even more to other areas of southern Kalimdor, like Dustwallow Marsh, Feralas and Thousand Needles.

Honest question, dont you see that new tree as a potencial sign that we will have a Revamp next expansion? With new initial questlines and all.

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Well it shouldnā€™t. Not until that idiot Thrall is able to solve the resources shortage of Durotar. If Gorgonna forces the Warsong to leave despite the night elves being the aggressors then it shows their bias.

Uldum, Tanaris, Thousands needles and Desolace are all already occupied. And like most of Kalimdor apart from the north it is mostly devoid of life.

Anything is possible, i would love to see the Blackrock Clan occupying parts of Desolace, mainly that old Burning Blade lands. Or the Shattered Hand beating the Grim Totem in Thousand Needles and settling there.

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It is possible, but my suspicions are they will focus their efforts on giving the Eastern Kingdoms a facelift first, likely in conjunction with a Light / Yrelā€™s Holy Crusade / Scarlet Crusade expansion theme.

It is equally possible they mean to send us to the back side of the world on a Ethereal/void themed expansion where Azashara returns as the Herald of the Void Lords themselves. Hard to tell at this stage of Dragonflight.

Hmmm i see, i asked that not only because of that tree, but also that lizard spirit regrowing green in Durotar, and the saberons and botanis of the magā€™har questline that havenā€™t showed yet. Something tells me that a revamp is near, and maybe we could see some lush jungle in that region.

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'tis possible! I do not think a full world revamp at launch will be a thing, as that nearly killed them when they did it in Cata, but I can see it being done in phases.

How did it killed them? The biggest drop of subs came between MoP and WoD and then again in Bfa. Cataclysm still had the privilige of the resources from wotlk.

I think heā€™s talking about the work, clearly its difficult to revamp so many maps. Idk i dont think heā€™s talking about subs.

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People also forget that most of vanilla game world actually didnā€™t exist and that they had to build a lot of it from scratch to make way for flying outside of northrend.

A lot of the old world maps had a clever use of asset placement to make it appear a certain way. With the revamp in cata and the new assetā€™s in place, a new revamp should be, in theory anyway, easier this time around since nothing has to be built from scratch


It is mostly the work involved yes, there are also issues with multiple phases of some zones. The work they will need to do to make the zones dragon flying friendly is not as substantial as what they had to do to make them basic flying friendly, but its still an extra workload combined with needing to make HD replacement assets and updating the landscape itself to show roughly a decade has passed. If they did the whole world at once, the worry has been it would impact end game content much as it did back in Cata.

Invasion of Undercity, WOTLK.


Intentionally avoiding that Jaina is literally casting Mass Teleport when you claimed she used portals I see.

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Personally, Iā€™d be fine with a reclaiming of Lordaeron -type scenario - it doesnā€™t require a whole revamp of the world, but itā€™s at least a large part of a zone with phased NPCs and new construction that the player visits for a short while. It shows the first bit of progress and the plan of the race involved.

That doesnā€™t require a whole revamp. That was already done in an expac not focused on the continent it occurred in. Weā€™re not asking for the moon and stars here (okay, maybe the moon).


The assets for them to phase in stuff to Hyjal or Moonglade or whatever already exist. There are an absolute ton of HD night elf buildings from Legion and Battle for Darkshore (and a lot of the Darkshore ones were basically wasted since Auberdine is still ruined). If they could do a questline and phase for Undercity they can do it for that. As a former night elf main, Iā€™d much rather have that than a tree in a continent we will never go back to once this expansion is over, and it would probably require less time on the devsā€™ part.


They would need to revamp a zone like Hyjal in parallel to the creation of 10.2, which likely does not really work out so well on the time and manpower budget, particularly with them bleeding people to the mandatory RTO stuff. The new world tree is going to for sure be pulling double duty as a content area of some sort. That is how they are managing to squeeze it in to begin with; from the early on in this expansion it was likely budgeted for in that way.

I know it seems simple, but there are a lot of logistics to tackle. Our closest point of comparison would be the Forsaken chain at the end of SLandsā€”Youā€™ll notice that while the story did move some for them, the zone did not. They just removed the blight and have them squatting in the surface ruins for now. I imagine they will stay there until the Eastern Kingdoms gets an HD update.

All except for other night elven buildings that hasnā€™t been HD Fully like the Guard Towers, Lodges, Twostory house lodges, Barrow Dens, Druid Tree Buildings, and etc.

If Hyjal and Moonglade are going to get a HD Remake someday I would love it to see some Night Elven Villages after the Twilightā€™s Hammer and Fire Elementals cleaned off of the mountain.

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When Yvenathilm said the Night Elves ā€œhaveā€ these regions it was not meant as the gameplay marker of Alliance, Horde, or Contested. Rather meant ā€œhaveā€ as in the Night Elves are still living in these areas and there is no indication that the Night Elves will be vacating them when the new world tree is grown, just as they didnā€™t leave these areas uninhabited when Teldrassil was grown.

Zekhan and Rexxar did not travel much into Felwood, as the area went largely unexplored in Exploring Kalimdor.

The Horde squatting on Southwind Village isnā€™t exactly a good look for the Horde given its historical significance from the War of the Shifting Sands to the Night Elves.