[Spoilers] Alexstrasza and the Dream

Would some young farmer who’s never left Westfall before be a tourist if he went and traveled to duskwood, or would he just be a citizen moving throughout his nation?

Wowpedia is a fansite, not a lore source.

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So just as a note, the dragon isles are the size of northrend. So little they are not. Unimportant they are not. The dragons would not suffer an attack on the kaldorei given the aspect is personal friends with Tyrande and Malfurion and the green flight has a long history as an ally. Id trust them to have my back more than I would the alliance post bfa.


Westfall and Duskwood are right next to each other, in the same continent, in the same side of the world with humans fully controlling those zones. That doesn’t apply for Night Elves moving to Dragon Isles, which are not in the same continent, not in the same half of the world and not controlled by Night Elves.

Is that a stated reason why they couldn’t use the dreamways? Moving troops from moonglade to Darkshore, would be much easier than moving from stormwind to darkshore. Flanking is also a great strategy in any battle, I don’t know why it would be seen as a bad thing to have an army behind or on the side of the enemy while they are trying to push forward.

Why would the neutral dragons protect them? What is so great about the race being so weak they need to be babysat by dragons in the middle of the ocean or they will die?

Their population would be stuck in the middle of nowhere, not even close to Kalimdor.

When the race is wiped out and loses their home so Saurfang, Sylvanas and Anduin can get a story it’s not “recieving a much higher level of appreciation than any other race” they were irrelevant in BfA and were just used as a punching bag, much as they have been since Cata.

In LotR when they go to the undying lands they literally become irrelevant, when the elves went there that is essentially them leaving Middle earth in the hands of men as they will have no purpose there anymore. The night elves moving their population the dragon isle to be babysat there would be kind of the same thing as that.

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Brightwing is a terrifying creature that I never allowed on my Champion roster.


On kalimdor we have just got our teeth kicked in repeatedly and had our supposed Allies basically give us the cold shoulder when we called on those pacts we’d been acting in good faith on for a long time.

The devs are trying to do right by us, within the scope and budget limits they have, and all folks seem to be able to do is complain it’s not enough. Sheesh.


Or, they could write a story where the night elves don’t get their teeth kicked in and aren’t constantly damsels in distress, that would be crazy.


Pretty sure that’s what they are doing now.

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If they were trying to do right by us they would just regrow a Tree anywhere on Northern Kalimdor and not write stories making NE punching bags. They would allow their stories to use their life long allies to help them in battle and not making excuses as to why nobody seems to be able to show up. They would remember to include Keepers of the Grove, Dryads, Fearie Dragons, Mountain Giants, Cenarius and Wild Gods to help the race that has dedicated an eternity defending those sacred lands.
That is a way for Devs to make up for the crap of a story they’ve given us so far.


Lore wise the Night Elves always regrow their teeth and bite back at the attackers on Kalimdor, always pushing them back, be it the Legion in Warcraft III, Ragnaros and the Twilight’s Hammer at Mount Hyjal, or the Horde during the Cataclysm and the Darkshore Warfront and Ashenvale according to Exploring Kalimdor.

But that’s only ever put into words, not gameplay display, as Blizzard invests time in showing things get destroyed rather than things being recovered.


Not really, the night elves are still homeless in stormwind even after the timeskip, and IF they move them off Kalimdor into the middle of the ocean, much closer to undercity than Ashenvale because the night elves are too weak and would be killed anywhere else and need to be protected by the dragons, that is treating them as damsels in distress that constantly need protection because they can’t do it themselves.


You clearly don’t know anything about what the undying lands are, but that doesn’t surprise me.

About kaldorei, the appreciation I’m talking about has to do with the current direction of lore, stop trying to take the discussion down a path that was never relevant. I’m talking about what this gift of going to live next to the 4 flights represents, not about the events of BFA and SL, are you just going to use that deflection always?

You clearly treat dragons like they’re nothing, but the last time just one of them went berserk the world ripped in half, imagine what four of them are capable of.

If you truly believe that aspects with their powers regained would abandon the kaldorei, then I can only believe that you are trolling.

In addition, the aspects of today are different from the aspects of the past, they also went through great losses, and are rebuilding, and when a friend offers you help so that you can rebuild together, it doesn’t seem absurd to me that you accept it.

But of course, all the pride of a playerbase that simply refuses an apology will always speak louder. Sometimes because of these petty voices that love to occupy the center of attention, I end up wishing that the kaldorei would stay in the streets of Stormwind.

But then I remember that there are only a few who actually want the game to simply die, because then they can fulfill their prophecy of being the prophets of the armaggedon. I hope most kaldorei fans understand that this is a gesture in the right direction. And don’t get carried away by all this nonsense that a race that has lost 90% of its population will just go back to being an empire overnight.

Just look at the blood elves, who never received 1% of the attention that the kaldorei are currently receiving, we are already in the fourth expansion that kaldorei are in the center of the spotlight, while we can’t even fly in the maps of Quel’thalas. And before you start all your crying, because I know you will, I’ll just say one thing, I don’t see blood elf fans here creating threads every week about the disaster that was the lore of Kael’ Thalas.


If so let’s just retcon the whole story, as this is the path you want to take.

Tell me something, could the blood elves protect themselves in the events that followed the genocide of their people? Didn’t they need the Horde?

If it weren’t for Sylvanas wouldn’t the blood elves have fallen to just what was left of the scourge in their territory, plus of course the help sent by Khael beyond the portal to the famine of arcane magic?

They were in a state of semi destruction. What you’re asking is that the lore has no consequences, the kaldorei went through the same genocide process, lost an immense amount of their army and population, and you want them to simply not accept help from demigods?

Someone else speaks of mountain giants, wild gods who didn’t come to help, well, now they have help. And you’re saying they shouldn’t accept it? Even in this position of explicit weakness? Even as beggars on the streets of Stormwind?

People want everything at the same time. You just don’t want to accept a very simple fact, the kaldorei were defeated, that’s the truth. The race needs to rebuild itself, no matter what some idiot warfront says. They were defeated simply because kaldorei society suffered the devastating consequences of a war of extermination.

This horrible lore is the consequences of BFA and SL, and unfortunately something must be done to at least try to go down a path that tries to dilute the impacts of these events over time. And to me it’s very obvious that they’re going the route they took with the blood elves, a process of rebuilding throughout the expansions.

Only in the case of the blood elves they never received a new city.


Not focusing on a race is way better that being the center of attention only to screw us over every chance they can. Also Blood Elves were never kicked out of Quel’thalas.


Can we please talk about facts and events from the lore?

How long will the object of your arguments be “if that hadn’t happened then things would be different”.

It happened, until when will people’s posts complaining about this new development of lore kaldorei be an incessant repetition of the 5 stages of grief?

I’m not defending this lore, I’m just acknowledging that it exists, and that any argument that isn’t based on the clear direction that it had consequences strikes me as delusional.

And that’s what most of the posts here seem to me, a delusion of people who refuse to accept the fact that BFA happened. Unfortunately for all of us players involved it happened, and unfortunately the kaldorei situations are not comparable to the forsaken.

When are you going to accept the facts?


The elves left middle earth to live in the undying lands in LotR and it’s the age of man and they have no more sway on Middle earth because they now live in the undying lands. Pretending the dragon isles are close to basically elven heaven is also a complete lack of understand what it is. Why do you think when the elves left middle earth to go to the undying lands that they still for some reason remain on middle earth?

The current direction is they are still homeless in Stormwind after the timeskip and Malfurion is in the shadowlands because the writers didn’t bother to develop Meranda and thought they needed to bring Ysera back.

The aspects didn’t help the kaldori out in Cataclysm when they had their powers, while the night elves were getting killed by the horde in Ashenvale, they didn’t even bother to send a token force. There is nothing to suggest they would help the night elves out against the horde, as they have never done so in the past with or without their powers.

What apology? Your wish is the same as the devs, they did a time skip and the night elves are still on the streets of stormwind. The night elves are also over represented on the bad guy faction with no explained reason as to why that is

If you’re going with a comparison, the draenei don’t receive nearly as much as the blood elves. The blood elves also weren’t used as punching bag in the MMO and genocided while being forgoten in the same expansion.

Blood elves never lost Quel’thalas, the night elves have been homeless in stormwind for 7 years with no actual advancement on what they are doing. The fall of Quel’thalas and BC was like 3 or 4 years and keep in mind zero progress has been made for the night elves, we only have a clip of a tree maybe existing for reasons we don’t even know about. The night elves are still homeless in stormwind 7+ years later.

They don’t have help, even if they are on the dragon isle, the neutral dragons wouldn’t help them out.

Yes, the kaldori were defeated, they were wiped out as a people and lost their home, just so Saurfang and Anduin could have a story, they were punching bags then just as they have been since cata. There was no other reason for it than that. Them actually rebuilding has been swept to the side because when they decided to do that story they thought it was so irrelevant a minor warfront was all that was needed. A tree might grow but that doesn’t solve anything, and the blood elves recovered faster than the night elves.


Wowpedia literally cites lore sources you muppet.

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That’s something is always seems extremely off in Stormwind. Why couldn’t they atleast build and expand the Mage Quarter to be like the Old Stormwind Park instead of seeing all the Gilneas and Night Elf Homeless Refugees. It’s something that should 100% be changed in the city right now in retail.


Yes, i know all that places, i am not denying the presence of the Night Elves in any of this regions, im just saying that these lands do not belong entirely to them, in exploring kalimdor, none of these lands are said to be in Night Elves control, the book stated that they’re holding these lands fiercely (as it should be), but thats it. I find highly exaggerated to say that night elves ‘have’ these regions because of one outpost or two, just like i find exaggerated to say that forsakens have western plaguelands because of Andorhal, or the orcs have Badlands because of New Kargath.

All these regions are contested (at the moment), the Horde in Feralas may be pushed by the Ogres, but they still have a large presence in the region and even want to build a new camp.

We dont know anything about Gorgonna’s actions in Ashenvale, as far as we know the warsong still have a presence in the eastern part of the map and i dont think they’re cut from the Horde,i mean i checked and they would have to pass through Talrendis Point, but Zekhan says that the Warsong Lumber Camp maintains their walls and people with a stream of resources so idk about that honestly, but i do know that these bases still exists and they hold a large portion of the eastern region, altough the NE still have more holdings obviously.

Felwood is said to be more like a place of demons and satyrs, that place is not in the NE hands just like Dustwallow Marsh isnt in Ogre hands.

I understand the discontent, i too hate places like Tiragarde or NorthWatch, but until we have some good quality revamp in those areas, i’m afraid that many regions will remain contested and forgotten.

EDIT: i added some stuff and corrected others.
EDIT2: lol sorry for so many edits, i’m still learning how to use this new forum, i wanted to see if i could have my post back if i deleted it, and yes i can! Also i just now read the part about Sillithus, i dont know if you’re claiming that Sillithus is night elf land but the horde also have a base there

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