(spoilers) 9.1 Tyrande cutscene (lol)

Tewdee is once again nothing if not reliable in accidentally validating accusations that he’s trying to dispute.

If I mentioned there’s a cut scene, you’ll argue semantics and about how you don’t give “benefit of the doubt.”

But we all know you’d do that.

If you’re referring to the prediction that there will be a cutscene, then yes. Although I wouldn’t call it semantics. Semantics is something more specific than simply details, which I think you were trying to refer to.

If you showed me metadata evidencing the existence of the cutscene, or the cutscene itself, then no.

I mean we’ve given you evidence. You’ve just chosen to ignore it, knowing you’re just wrong, simply so you can waste others’ time and make yourself look smart or something.

This isn’t rocket science. Humans have developed pattern recognition for a reason.

I’m aware of what you’ve given me, and as I’ve indicated I don’t find it to be sufficient for the reasons that have been mentioned previously.

Just because you provide a reason doesn’t mean that I have to find it compelling.

As for your comments on pattern recognition - I would direct your attention to the eleven-year pattern that my skepticism comes from in the first place.

So an entire missing cinematic isn’t sufficient evidence for… a cinematic? Seriously what do you think is going to happen? Another one of those exact same cinematics? Because that’s where you should apply your pattern recognition capabilities. When have we ever gotten two back-to-back in-game cinematics?

Like what? Getting constant care and attention in the story? Blizz somehow managed to shove Night Elves into two major content patches of BFA, dedicated an entire island to their history in Legion, got entire chapters of the Night Fae campaign dedicated to Tyrande, and then get two more follow up cinematics accompanying that. You guys are simply just attention hogs at this point.

Or trolls, which, frankly wouldn’t surprise me.


You are presuming that there is a second cinematic. My point is that the reasons you and others have provided are not sufficient at this point in time to prove that there is one. Might there be one? Sure, but right now we don’t know.

As for your second comment, the only thing you’ve done is reveal that you have no understanding of what people are actually upset about, despite that we’ve told you, over, and over, and over.


What would be sufficient for you. Tell me. I’m so sick of this goose chase.

Then tell me what you’re upset about if I don’t understand. Is it Sylvanas leaving the oven on and burning down the tree?

I am suddenly interested if only because I want to see the moaning of the Horde fans afterwards.

I could pull from the other thread too.

Once I’m convinced that this question is sincere, perhaps. For now I’m not confident that a full explanation would be met by anything but you intentionally missing the point. If I have you wrong, I’m open to a demonstration of that of course, but based on your argumentation so far I’m not convinced that it would be worth my effort.

Do you think we could get fan art of it~

This is the internet. Just spread the idea and an…artist, is bound to make one.

I feel like I’m as quick to criticize Blizzard’s storytelling as anybody, but judging a cinematic - or anything else, for that matter - before it’s even finished doesn’t really seem fair. I’m sure the end product will have all sorts of plot holes, and be about as clear regarding power levels as your average episode of Dragonball Z, but c’mon…you’ve got to at least give them a chance to finish it.

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A lot of it, and I know as a worgen player, that NE fans after 10+ yrs of being mistreated by blizz, neither community has much, if any faith in blizzards writing capabilities. It’s going to take YEARS of top notch writing to even begin to rebuild that trust.

Also people need to stop blindingly trusting blizz, it’s nauseating :face_vomiting: :wolf:


That is one of the problems. That was a center of marketing yet a minimalistic “side plot” supposedly should be considered “ok”. Which does not even do what was advertised.

Cool story.

gl hf

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So you want the cinematic in order for you to believe there’s a cinematic despite the fact that this is PTR and they don’t implement actual rendered cinematics at this stage in order to avoid spoilers because these are major story moments.

You’re literally just wasting everybody’s time because you want to look smart. Congratulations here’s your trophy. In order for you to believe there’s a cinematic you have to see the cinematic. Wow. What a waste of time.

You’d only prove my point further if you didn’t explain what you wanted.

I disagree. Your argumentation before this demonstrates that you’ll ignore argumentation that doesn’t suit your narrative (I also said that I would accept metadata, which you didn’t include commentary on, as you failed with what you DID include to establish why what we have so far constitutes proof of the cinematic). So why should I spend time laying out the issues if you’re just going to pick out the parts that you think you can attack or misrepresent and leave the actual point on the table?

Look in the mirror before you say that. The only evidence you’ve provided towards there being no cinematic is “the past 11 years,” the specifics you have yet to describe.

I’ll just repeat what everyone else has said. Following the in-game cinematic, the end of the questline has Tyrande, the Winter Queen, and Shandris all talk about what just occurred, describing Elune taking up Tyrande as a host speaking to the Winter Queen, and providing the Tear of Elune. None of that happens in the cinematic that was linked at the start of the thread. The entire major event that had just occurred is completely absent. The only thing there to fill the space is another cinematic. That’s the only logical answer.

Why are we wasting our time here. You’re just being needlessly obtuse.

Because you have yet to actually elaborate on your own argument, and instead type a wall of words that mean nothing.


You should have saved the time, as I indicated before, that information was already considered in my previous replies.

Which you either knew or should have known.

Man, I was with you until this. When you make blanket statements and take out context, you know you have a bad argument. And the above is just a compilation of those.