(spoilers) 9.1 Tyrande cutscene (lol)

So then why are you arguing. If it looks like a horse, runs like a horse, it’s probably a horse. In this case, it’s a cinematic.

You’re just wasting people’s time to needlessly nitpick everything for no reason. You gain literally nothing out of any of this other than just typing needlessly long posts that derail discussions as you did in that other thread.

Question, what would be a good argument then if you were ‘with me’ until I said that? It would be the exact same thing wouldn’t it?

Obviously not all Night Elf players are like this, personally I find you to be a very cool person to talk with about the lore. I’m just simply stating that Night Elves had significant presences in two major BFA patches, that being Nazjatar which focused on Queen Azshara and Zin’Azshari, as well as the Darkshore campaign.

The Night Fae campaign got entire chapters dedicated to Tyrande rather than focusing on the Drust conflict or whatever (in my opinion the Tyrande stuff should be baseline for all covenants) and Legion was the ruins of Night Elf civilization in Azsuna, Val’sharah, Suramar, and the Broken Shore. Night Elves are not hated by the developers and the blanket statement accusing them of that is entirely false when they’ve been given so much attention and development in recent years. It completely disproves the “last 11 years” argument. That is why I said it.

If this was something like a “Blizzard hates worgen” then I could maybe get behind it since they’ve been denied Gilneas for so dang long and have had virtually no presence in the story beyond genn being mad.


Night Fae had…2 chapters dedicated to the Night Warrior, that never went anywhere for the time being. Lets not pretend it took up a majority of the campaign now. :wolf:


Of course not. But 2 chapters is still 2 chapters. In 9.1 the entire Night Fae chapter of the story beyond the Battle for Ardenweald is just Tyrande. They are not being forgotten.

Quantity is the wrong argument in the first place.

Before BFA even began, the Night Elves got two questlines, two novellas, a ton of commissioned art and screentime in beautiful cinematics! If we use the standard of mere quantity, that should be a very good thing, right?



I mean…under normal circumstances? Yeah but once you get to the actual game content, that makes NE fans feel horrible…AGAIN, I might add, it kind of nullifies the rest of it, you know what I mean?

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Well there’s nothing here I particularly disagree with. But you have to look at night elves in the context of the playable faction- the faction that doesn’t seem to move forward or gain anything positive from all of its attention given. Blizzard may not hate night elves but their love is abusive- just as their love is abusive to orcs and Forsaken- while they do not really seem to love say, worgen or gnomes as much.

When the night elves cannot move forward in the narrative and are constantly caught in an endless loop of “get beaten and attempt to fight back” the story is stale and the attention demands either proper resolution (through growth and moving forward) or by not giving said attention in the first place.


I can get behind that. I don’t agree with the notion that Blizzard necessarily hates Night Elves, if they did they would just forget about them like pandas (joking). What I’ve gained from recent developments though is that it seems like Blizz is trying to break that cycle. Tyrande is focusing on rebuilding, but the Night Elves don’t give me the impression of being these long-eared hippies, but rather how they were back in WC3.

They just need to make a move on that, and it looks like they just might. But in no way can I ever agree that Blizzard isn’t ever going to give the Night Elves a cinematic like how they’ve all but confirmed just because some forum user made some vague “11 years” statement.

And technically, this isn’t true either. Most of the time is spent doing quests for the people you are to recruit, that are completely unrelated to Tyrande’s story. Tyrande only shows up in the final quest.


Yeah but the reason you’re recruiting them is so you can save Tyrande and learn more about Night Warriors. The chapter is called “The Night Warrior’s Curse” after all.

I don’t really see this, especially with the rebuilding essentially being Tyrande giving up on striking back on either the Horde or Sylvanas. It means that the whole vengeance arc, which would have been the best route back to that Warcraft 3 presentation, went effectively nowhere. “Bite the pillow and move on” isn’t exactly my idea of a return to Warcraft 3’s presentation.

This is a misrepresentation of my argument. It has been obvious in both threads that I am disputing the treatment of a prediction as a fact, but am making no explicit prediction myself.


Yeah but it doesn’t add to Tyrande’s story until the final part.
Every story has a sequence or connection between topics, that doesn’t mean much when it doesn’t contribute to the topic at hand.

For example, we are in the Shadowlands to stop the Jailer. But Maldraxxus questing doesn’t tell us about the Jailer.

Seeing the Night Elves fight back at Darkshore sure as heck gave me that impression. It’s also just Tyrande saying that we may very well see a new Night Elf capital and potentially even more story for the elves.

So then stop wasting everybody’s time and derailing the thread by pointing out the obvious when nobody asked you to. Yes we haven’t seen the cinematic, everybody knows that, but we know something takes place inbetween and therefore can assume there is one. We don’t need you to police threads.

But it does contribute because we’re seeing how Elune impacted Night Warriors from other sections of the cosmology, learning about them and Elune’s connection to the Shadowlands, all the while trying to save Tyrande. She’s a major part of the story. That’s just inexcusable.

Not the greatest example when what we learn about the Primus in questing helped us deduce that he was in fact the Runecarver who had forged the Helm of Domination for the Jailer, and he also told us about the Sepulcher which is what the Jailer’s ultimate goal is beyond Azeroth.

I am the Primus. Your presence within my sanctum means a darkness has fallen upon Maldraxxus… and all the realms of Death.
Ages ago, the Eternal Ones punished our brother Zovaal for his treachery. He was bound within the inescapable Maw, to be forevermore its Jailer.
Now I fear that Zovaal did not act alone. I suspect he had ancient allies… and will seek to win others to his cause.
We are Chosen. We rely on strength of arms. We must gather our mightiest soldiers… even our missing baron.
That you are hearing this message means my suspicions proved true. Zovaal has forged his chains into a weapon… and brought about my defeat.
There is but one hope to save the Shadowlands. The Eternal Ones must stand together once more, before the Jailer escapes the Maw.
Bring my warning to the Archon, the Winter Queen, and the Sire. They must see to our defenses. Do not let Zovaal reach the sepulcher.
The Arbiter is the final key. Protect her, or all is lost.

We didn’t learn about this in Maldraxxus questing.
As I said, links and connections.

Im not really sure how it’s Elune’s connection to Shadowlands… when she is connected only to Ardenweald. If Darkspear trolls make their way to different realms, does that mean Bwon’samdi has some important connection to said realms?

Darkshore was a net positive, I will grant. However, it does not undo BFA’s damage, and its release was itself marred with issues. It fell short of what it needed to do, and I’m afraid by a significant margin.

I disagree that we can assume (at least as though it is a fact) that there is one. Again, we’re dealing with a prediction, not a fact. Such is my point.

Except we did. The Primus’ messages were sprinkled in all throughout the questing of Maldraxxus.

You kind of just answered your own question.

Another bad example here. Bwonsamdi doesn’t have any influence over Darkspear who haven’t chosen him as their Loa, so yeah he wouldn’t have a connection. Elune has followers in 3 different covenants and is the sister of the Winter Queen, one of the Pantheon of Death.

So again. Stop wasting peoples’ time. Nobody cares about the semantics of it. You just derail threads. You’re in the story forum. Do you feel the need to go into every speculation thread and clarify that it’s speculation? No.


About the “Red x”… If you know about how ptr testing works etc you would probably know that basically ALL cutscenes on the ptr have red x’s.

And yes that cutscene in the op is basically what we are getting.

This is a thread about the cutscene in question. If anyone’s off topic here, it’s you.

That’s just blatantly wrong and you know it. Our entire discussion has been on the cinematic and the OP’s opinion on how this cinematic lacks a second half and therefore screws over Night Elf players. That is the subject of the thread.

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The second half which is the prediction that I was referring to, yes.

You can’t have missed this.

Victory on the Darkshores cutscene was also looked as unfinished.
But no, it did not get any CGI in the end. Blizzard just added more claps to the sound, and that is it.

P.S. Anyway current cutscene looks cheap for a patch that we waits for almost 1 year…