Ah I see how you give yourself an out for all your nonsense.
If you’re regarding it as an out, then you didn’t understand my argument.
“We don’t know yet if X is true” =/= “X is false”
Just like Horde players admitted how wrong they were about the Night Elves getting a resolution?
I’m certain that Tyrande won’t get an actual pre rendered cinematic. Why? Because she always gets these. Even in her Night Warrior transformation.
Mind if I remind you of this:
Why should it be different this time? Why should half of the cinematic be an ingame cutscene, and the other half pre rendered?
Whataboutism. Nobody is talking about the Horde.
No, but she is talking about the pollyannaistic predictions that many of their boosters gave us which turned out to not be accurate. They’re one of a rather large set of overly optimistic predictions about how this thing or the other would make a given piece of content better than it originally appeared.
I’m pretty used to seeing these predictions, and I’m pretty used to seeing them be wrong. That’s why I’m being this skeptical about this. Could this one be right? Sure, but experience has taught me that the stone-cold certainty with which these predictions are made, and I’m seeing it here, is usually a level of confidence that gets let down in the end.
Not that the people who actually are making affirmative statements (as opposed again to someone like me who is saying that we simply don’t have enough information yet) will admit that they were wrong.
Let’s cut the crap, this is not all that you’re doing.
You’re implying this to then complain.
It’s far, far different than going, “Well maybe we should wait and see.”
Voice and music added wouldn’t exactly make this better.
Why should there be a pre rendered cinematic for the second half of the ritual, and the first half is a bad ingame cutscene?
How would that make sense?
I think the current cinematic is pretty bad, yes, and I am not a fan of the practice of saying that we should regard it as better because you and others predict that there will be something following it.
But my argumentation has been consistent and clear that at this point in time, I am myself making no predictions. I am instead casting doubt on the attempts by yourself as others to cast those predictions as facts.
Because afterwards there are referenced events that don’t happen in the cutscene. Also cutscenes like this go through a large amount of changes before release - this has been evident since Legion, with my favourite example being Maiev’s confrontation of Cordana which changed at least 5 or 6 times.
Okay but we are often told things but not shown.
Uh yea… but they’re not only running out of time, they won’t convert an ingame cutscene to a prerendered one.
The changes they will make to this one is adding voices and music. And as I said, they won’t have one half of the ritual be an ingame cutscene, and the other half a pre rendered. I find that thought to be absurd.
Why would they use 2 different types of cutscenes for 1 event, they might extend the ingame one, but that doesn’t make it less bad.
They can have CGI cinematics for Anduin and Horde characters, they can have pre rendered cinematics for Sylvanas and Anduin talking…
Why does an important plot point like the night warrior only get the low quality ingame ones to save resources?
Is that fair? In hindsight of what happened to the Night Elves?
I’m certainly outaged.
That this is still clearly a very barebones work in progress. It’s been 7 MONTHS, Blizz.
I was fine on you just letting BFA sink because there wasn’t much to salvage on the SS Bad Idea. But SL started out actually very solid from a gameplay perspective, imho at least.
This utter nonsense now where they’ve competing releases of the same product is asinine and a bold faced declaration that you are out of ideas.
This looks fine though. It’s a work in progress clearly missing massive amounts of context. This is the WoW version of highlighting one paragraph of a leaked email and declaring it proves your conspiracy theory correct.
Well, at least yall are just here and haven’t graduated to actually harmful delusions yet.
Because one is main narrative and the other isn’t. There has never been a full pre-rendered cutscene for the side narrative.
It’s a side narrative because Blizzard swept it under the rug. It was a main narrative in BfA for the Night Elves to be wiped out and the quality was the same there for her Night Warrior transformation.
That isn’t a valid excuse.
Teldrassil was still a side plot to the grand faction war main narrative, it was central in two patches and received Warbringers: Sylvanas and Terror of Darkshore alongside the in-game cinematic.
Get over it.
I will not.
Not before it has been addressed.
Ah yes, the main narrative of “Sad Saurfang”. What an important addition to the plot.
Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean it isn’t central to the plot.
I’m sure even if they addressed it, you’ll find something about it to make 50 threads on this forum about it and then if you don’t get enough people to stroke your victim complex you’ll just make a reddit thread about it.
It’s all you’re good for.
Yall really need to quit…Jesus.