(SPOILERS) 9.1 Tyrande Cinematic

2050 is closer to now thant 1990 is.

Did you just fail to read the second paragraph? I openly stated under no circumstances is Ardenweald an “NE Zone”, but at this point it is absurdly disingenuous to say that area isnt’ riddled with NE relevance and themes. And YES WoD had ORC Themes, but frankly, just like Vanilla’s Dark Horde we end up in another weird spot where “killing members of Horde races” does not equal Horde content. The PC Faction Horde actually has less relevance in WoD than the the PC Race the NEs do in Ardenweald so far.

Elune, Tyrande, Ysera, Feathermoon, the WQ, the Night Warrior. All of these are related to the the NE Lore (new and old) and what is going on with their race (or at least their leaders) to some effect. We just don’t know the resolution of that yet. That truth cannot also be applied to the PC Horde in WoD, because we were just as irrelevant to those events as the Alliance were. With Thrall serving as just another Khadgar, after 5+ years of refusing to return to the Faction. He was operating in the same type of neutral role as Magni was in BFA.

EDIT: Hell, OUR representative to the AU Universe (Durotan) vanishes entirely from the story after Nagrand, while the Alliance’s rep Yrel stays through to the end. If you want to really sell how “Killing Horde races isn’t automatically Horde content”. Its really just Blizz defaulting to GoodRace/EvilRace tropes again.


What?? No he did not. He was part of the legendary quest(just like Yrel) and was part of the Tanaan jungle questing/was there during the finale of the raid.

That is still nothing compare to Yrel. Durotan was basically just replace by grommash at some point in the story. I mean, even for the other faction, Yrel is way more relevant for the horde player than Durotan is for the alliance player.

I mean Durotan presumably died and considering the Alliance is not privy to the Mag’har recruitment doesnt really mean much. Also, aside from rescuing Yrel from Tanaan I don’t recall the Horde spending significant amounts of time with Yrel.

I was kind of surprise when i finally levelled a alliance alt in draenor, after all those years hearing a alliance player talking about how Wod was horde and how they were tired of orc, to realise how little they actually react with orc npc that isn’t a enemy.

I mean for all the levelling part, blizzard made absolutely sure to find a way to make them questing with draenei,human or even dwarf ( gorgrond). They don’t react with any orc outside of the final quest of talador.

Shadow moon valley: Mostly draenei with a human garrison.
Gorgrond: Dwarf and some draenei
Spire: the only neutral one with neutral npc
Nagrand: Draenei again

There no orc allied clan at all in the alliance experience.


I was talking about the end of Wod. Durotan kind of disappear of the story nearly at the same time that Grommash got beat by gul’dan and start helping us.

Yrel did not appear in the raid anywhere either until the end of the raid. Durotan was in Tanaan Jungle giving out quests, same as Yrel. Yrel and Durotan were both at the end fot eh legendary ring quests.

Yrel actually fight Archimond with grommash,kadgar and us while Durotan only appear after.

He had a bit part of the conclusion of the Legendary Ring questline, but his entire presence in Tanaan jungle was him never making it past the gate at the Iron Front. In neither of these instances did he have any real presence in the Overarching Meta Narrative of WoD. For all respects in purposes his presence in the Story is irrelevant.

Kind of looks unfinished. This is what people are raving about? I got mislead again on here within the Story Forums from Tyrande Cutscene Threads.

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Adding more voice lines and music won’t fix this.

He’s there when Archimonde is defeated, why are you lying?

Then they should have included a cutscene with him falling asleep after saving the Frostwolves to appease everyone. :roll_eyes:

That’s what I thought too, it definitely looks like it’s not done. I don’t even think the full dialogue is there given how quiet it gets after the first few lines.

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Of course it’s not done, but do you seriously think that adding a few voice lines and music to this hilariously bad cutscene will make it better?

The complaint is that zero effort ever goes into those things that are not all terrible for Night Elves and with the right writing, could have been positive in a way

Pretending they haven’t produced utter garbage for every other in game cutscene they’ve ever done? This isn’t unique to Night Elf content.

Saurfang and sylvanas get cgi cinematics, anduin talking to sylvanas is pre rendered, night elves get this garbage always.

points at Tyrande vs Nathanos You can’t expect every Night Elf cutscene to have a big budget cinematic.

Nathanos mocking Tyrande and her giving him what he wants is pre rendered… great.

Guess the Night Warrior plot as a whole is so irrelevant to the writers that they don’t feel the need to spend more than 20 minutes working on cinematics related to it.
We’ve seen that with the transformation already, or the supposed darkshore reclamation.

Ok I’m done, you’re just looking for reasons to complain no matter what people say to you. Have fun in your unhappy victim complex. Maybe you’ll break out of it one day.